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[ATR-27224] Set ConfigFlags output filenames for AOD and ESD also in the legacy config

Tim Martin requested to merge tamartin/athena:extend_recex_support into 23.0

The TrigNavSlimmingMTCfg function is new for Run 3. It is included in the offline CA setup, and was put in RecExCommon via a CA-to-legacy wrapper.

The function used old rec flags, which we now want to deprecate and remove. Hence these were hidden from within the CA-scope in !61922 (merged) by @tadej

But as a consequence of the wrapping, this fragment could no longer see if AOD or ESD writing was enabled in the legacy transform, due to the new output flags not being set by the legacy transform. As a result, it stopped being scheduled.

This MR sets them explicitly such that the Cfg function can access these flags without having to fall back on rec, it can help the RexExCommon reconstruction continue on a little longer - but we should also move away from this ASAP.

The main MRs to move us forward here are hence !62043 (merged) and !62052 (merged) (thanks @mark & @martindl)

I get the following from - is this related to the change...? I am not sure, would like CA to confirm this

18:06:16 Shortened traceback (most recent user call last):
18:06:16   File "/afs/", line 95, in <module>
18:06:16     hltOutput = HLTTriggerResultGetter(ConfigFlags)
18:06:16   File "/cvmfs/", line 52, in HLTTriggerResultGetter
18:06:16     CAtoGlobalWrapper(RoiWriterCfg, flags)
18:06:16   File "/cvmfs/", line 373, in CAtoGlobalWrapper
18:06:16     result = cfgFunc(flags, **kwargs)
18:06:16   File "/cvmfs/", line 21, in RoiWriterCfg
18:06:16     acc.merge( addToAOD(flags, TriggerRoiList) )
18:06:16   File "/cvmfs/", line 152, in addToAOD
18:06:16     return OutputStreamCfg(flags, "AOD", ItemList=items, **kwargs)
18:06:16   File "/cvmfs/", line 32, in OutputStreamCfg
18:06:16     result.merge(PoolWriteCfg(flags))
18:06:16   File "/cvmfs/", line 117, in __call__
18:06:16     res, cacheHit = self._callImpl(*args, **kwargs)
18:06:16   File "/cvmfs/", line 147, in _callImpl
18:06:16     hsh = hash(tuple((tuple(AccumulatorDecorator._getHash(a) for a in args) , frozenset((hash(k) , AccumulatorDecorator._getHash(v)) for k , v in kwargs.items()))))
18:06:16   File "/cvmfs/", line 147, in <genexpr>
18:06:16     hsh = hash(tuple((tuple(AccumulatorDecorator._getHash(a) for a in args) , frozenset((hash(k) , AccumulatorDecorator._getHash(v)) for k , v in kwargs.items()))))
18:06:16   File "/cvmfs/", line 108, in _getHash
18:06:16     return x.athHash()
18:06:16   File "/cvmfs/", line 170, in athHash
18:06:16     raise RuntimeError("Cannot calculate hash of unlocked flag container")
18:06:16 RuntimeError: Cannot calculate hash of unlocked flag container

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