adding option to have nnjvt tool configurable from the job config
In attempt to update HWW PxAODMaker code for new release, we encountered the following error in the jvtefficiency tool
HWWCalibratedJetDecorationAlg ERROR SG::ExcStoreLocked: Attempted to modify auxiliary data in a locked store: ::NNJvtRpt (119 5)
Our proposed solution is to turn NNJvt tool in JvtEfficiency tool as a property so it can be configured outside, e.g. as such:
ToolSvc += CfgMgr.JetPileupTag__JetVertexNNTagger("HWWJetVertexNNTagger",
JetContainer = hWWCommon.Jets.calibCont+"_NNJvtCopy",
NNParamFile = "NNJVT.Network.graph.Offline.Nonprompt_All_MaxWeight.json",
NNCutFile = "NNJVT.Cuts.FixedEffPt.Offline.Nonprompt_All_MaxW.json",
SuppressInputDependence = True,
JVTName = "CalibNNJvt",
RpTName = "CalibNNRpT"
Edited by Matous Vozak