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adding option to have nnjvt tool configurable from the job config

Matous Vozak requested to merge mvozak/athena:hww-in-r22-jvtnntool-update into master

In attempt to update HWW PxAODMaker code for new release, we encountered the following error in the jvtefficiency tool

HWWCalibratedJetDecorationAlg ERROR SG::ExcStoreLocked: Attempted to modify auxiliary data in a locked store: ::NNJvtRpt (119 5)

Our proposed solution is to turn NNJvt tool in JvtEfficiency tool as a property so it can be configured outside, e.g. as such:

ToolSvc += CfgMgr.JetPileupTag__JetVertexNNTagger("HWWJetVertexNNTagger", 
                                                  JetContainer            = hWWCommon.Jets.calibCont+"_NNJvtCopy",
                                                  NNParamFile             = "NNJVT.Network.graph.Offline.Nonprompt_All_MaxWeight.json",
                                                  NNCutFile               = "NNJVT.Cuts.FixedEffPt.Offline.Nonprompt_All_MaxW.json",
                                                  SuppressInputDependence = True,
                                                  JVTName                 = "CalibNNJvt",
                                                  RpTName                 = "CalibNNRpT"


Edited by Matous Vozak

Merge request reports
