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TrigValidation: update ART inputs (data23 cosmics, MC23a RDOs)


This MR is updating some of the input files used by trigger ART tests:

  • data23 cosmics RAW data files are replacing data22 files, to avoid the "Missing ROBFragment" eFEX errors reported in ATR-27418 (the list of L1 ROBs is also extended accordingly in test_trigP1_v1Dev_noL1Sim_missingROBs_build)
  • for test_trigID_cosmic_data, we now take files from cvmfs instead of the grid dataset, as ATR-26472 is still not resolved
  • MC21a RDOs are replaced with MC23a RDOs (ATR-27484), for ttbar, Zee, Zmumu, Ztautau
  • ancient ttbar mu=80 MC15 RDO replaced with MC23a single beamspot (which requires a conditions override)

Jumps in trigger counts are expected in the relevant ART tests.

The remaining MC15/16/21 RDOs will be phased out when MC23a equivalents are available.

Tagging @cpollard .

Cheers, Bertrand

Edited by Bertrand Martin Dit Latour

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