Use DataPool for the LarDigitCnv p2/p3
Use DataPool for the LarDigitCnv
as this should could help with this but we need to figure how to best do the test.
18246800 calls to allocation functions with 8.76M peak consumption from
483 LArDigitContainerCnv_p2::persToTrans(LArDigitContainer_p2 const*, LArDigitContainer*, MsgStream&) const
484 at /build/atnight/localbuilds/nightlies/Athena/23.0/athena/LArCalorimeter/LArCnv/LArTPCnv/src/LArDigitContainerCnv_p2.cxx:55
485 in /cvmfs/
486 18246800 calls with 8.76M peak consumption from:
487 TPConverterConstBase<>::persToTrans(LArDigitContainer_p2 const*, LArDigitContainer*, MsgStream&)
ping @ssnyder. Although the later commit does not add something in AthAllocators
The line at the end seems to do the cleanup after we are done
Edited by Christos Anastopoulos