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TrigP1Test: update global conditions tags


We now have a new Run2 HLT global tag that is fixing an error with Pixel ChargeCalibration (ATLGBLCONDTAGS-150, ATR-27476). Trigger ART tests are updated accordingly. Also moving to the latest bulk global tag.

Just to note, after this update, test_trigP1_v1PhysP1_T0MonTrf_run2_build still fails but for another reason that will be addressed later:

2023-07-04 22:50:39,189  PrecedenceSvc                                0   0 WARNING   'Concurrent'/'Prompt' contradiction(s) found. Settings are mutually exclusive within a task group. Discarding 'Prompt' for PassSequence [360026,t:1536143452,
2023-07-04 22:50:39,194  PrecedenceSvc                                0   0   ERROR   Strongly connected components found in DF realm:
 o [lowlink:785] | CTPSimulation | L1TopoSimulation | eFEXDriver | eTowerMakerFromSuperCells | LArSuperCellBCIDEmAlg | LVL1::SCEmulation | CaloCellSeedLessFS | jFEXDriver | jTowerMakerFromJfexTowers | gFEXDriver | L1TriggerResultMaker | HLTSee
ding | RoIBuilder | [360026,t:1536143452,l:0,b:4294967295]

Cheers, Bertrand

Edited by Bertrand Martin Dit Latour

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