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DerivationFrameworkJetEtMiss package: updating the skimming on the JETM5 derivation code, including the default ZeroBias trigger for Run-3

Daniel Camarero Munoz requested to merge (removed):DCMPackageDevel into main

Summary: updating the JETM5 derivation code, including the default ZeroBias trigger for Run-3 (HLT_noalg_L1ZB). After the change, we have a logical OR for the default ZeroBias triggers for Run-2 and Run-3 data-taking periods, so that the code works for both.

Validation: I have validated this by running over 2022 (run 431914) and 2017 (run 325713) data.

  • Before the fix no events in 2022 data were passing the JETM5 skimming since the Run-2 ZeroBias trigger defined (HLT_noalg_zb_L1ZB) was not part of the RUn-3 trigger menu. Now this works.
  • I tested with 2017 just to check that the logical OR works fine.

Tagging @mdiamant, @cdelitzs, @camacho, @mleblanc, and @markovit for their information.

Merge request reports
