ATLASRECTS-6783 : Try to reduce the number of allocations for SiSpacePointForSeed
requested to merge ATLAS-EGamma/athena:SiSpacePointsSeedMakerEventData_use_custom_alloc_main into main
Try to reduce the number of allocations for SiSpacePointForSeed
This comes here
7429143 calls to allocation functions with 0B peak consumption from
72037 __gnu_cxx::new_allocator<>::allocate(unsigned long, void const*)
72038 at /cvmfs/
72039 in /cvmfs/
72040 std::allocator_traits<>::allocate(std::allocator<>&, unsigned long)
72041 at /cvmfs/
72042 std::__cxx11::_List_base<>::_M_get_node()
72043 at /cvmfs/
72044 std::_List_node<>* std::__cxx11::list<>::_M_create_node<>(InDet::SiSpacePointForSeed&&)
72045 at /cvmfs/
72046 void std::__cxx11::list<>::_M_insert<>(std::_List_iterator<>, InDet::SiSpacePointForSeed&&)
72047 at /cvmfs/
72048 InDet::SiSpacePointForSeed& std::__cxx11::list<>::emplace_back<>(InDet::SiSpacePointForSeed&&)
72049 at /cvmfs/
72050 InDet::SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_ATLxk::newSpacePoint(InDet::SiSpacePointsSeedMakerEventData&, Trk::SpacePoint const* const&) const
72051 at /build/atnight/localbuilds/nightlies/Athena/23.0/athena/InnerDetector/InDetRecTools/SiSpacePointsSeedTool_xk/src/SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_ATLxk.cxx:2561
And also appears in the top ones here [] see [ATLASRECTS-6783] ping @amete
This and similar changes affect performance and also HLT performance but lets keep them only to main. If we want to back port to 23.0
we can in a later stage.
In technical notes for the one touched here we do not call clear
or erase
. There are others we do but this is another story when we try those .
Btw most of the other top ones should be gone btw via a string of MRs
Edited by Christos Anastopoulos