FTF seeding improvements
The main change is increasing the z vertex resolution for seeding based on vertices found by the ZFinder to from 20 mm to 150 mm for endcap layers only, and only in the jetSuper configuration. The attached plot shows that this increases the FTF tracking efficiency for tracks coming from b-hadron decays at around

Seeding using the ZFinder is still not the default in the jetSuper configuration; it's only used when flags.Trigger.InDetTracking.jetSuper.doZFinder=True
, so this does not affect any default configuration.
There are also small improvements which should slightly reduce the CPU cost and memory usage of the seeding in all configurations, both with and without the ZFinder, and improve readability. The most significant one is probably bringing the processing of spacepoints from adjacent phi slices when the ZFinder is used in line with how it's done without the ZFinder: using m_phiThreeSlices
instead of looping over the phi slices in createSeeds()
Tagging b-jet trigger coordinators @lshi and @lbeemste and ID trigger coordinators @sutt and @keli
Merge request reports
added 23.0 Trigger TriggerID TriggerJet labels
requested review from @sutt
- Resolved by Dmitry Emeliyanov
Hi, I think that Dmitry would need to take a look at these as well. Perhaps 150 is rather too wide, as it is almost the full 180 mm that is used by default, so this would be largely equivalent to only using the ZFinder for barrel seeds so there be other ways to do this. If Dmitry is happy with the changes, then as they are diabled by default, then we might include them.
requested review from @demelian
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For experts only: Jenkins output [CI-MERGE-REQUEST-CC7 76232] CI Result FAILURE (hash 65290a5a)Athena externals cmake make tests Full details available on this CI monitor view. Check the JIRA CI status board for known problems
Athena: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
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