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Updated jet configs for HIGG1D1

Thomas Strebler requested to merge tstreble/athena:HIGG1D1_fix into main

The HIGG1D1 derivation seems to have been failing since the end of July

This MR provides a fix to

  1. An issue with NNJvt
18:29:26 jetrecalg_AntiK...  FATAL  Standard std::exception is caught
18:29:26 jetrecalg_AntiK...  ERROR SG::ExcBadAuxVar: Attempt to retrieve nonexistent aux data item `::NNJvtPass' (2185).

adding "mod:NNJVTCustomVtx" to the fJVTCustomVtx pre-requisite

  1. A subsequent issue with the jetTVA
ValueError: conflicting settings for property TrackVertexAssociation of jetTVA: cannot merge values DataHandle('JetTrackVtxAssocCustomVtx','W','jet::TrackVertexAssociation') and DataHandle('JetTrackVtxAssoc','W','jet::TrackVertexAssociation')

adding "input:JetTrackVtxAssocCustomVtx" to various tools using it. The default config is also updated for consistency.

FYI @cdelitzs @mswiatlo @delsart @ancuetog @yanght

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