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eta-dependent Acts track selector

Tim Adye requested to merge adye/athena:adye-ckf27 into main
  • use Acts::TrackSelector::EtaBinnedConfig to select tracks output from CKF. Previously could only use the same cut for all η.
  • uses existing etaBins property, which is also used for MeasurementSelectorCuts (chi2CutOff and numMeasurementsCutOff).
    • etaBins should now include dummy first/last bin for compatibility with flags.Tracking.ActiveConfig.etaBins. These are removed for MeasurementSelectorCuts, and absEtaMin and absEtaMax are added for Acts::TrackSelector::EtaBinnedConfig.
    • Properties phiMin, phiMax, etaMin, etaMax, ptMin, ptMax, and minMeasurements are now specified as vectors.
    • For these properties, as well as chi2CutOff and numMeasurementsCutOff, the last element will be used for any remaining unspecified η bins. If an empty vector is specified, then the defaults for Acts::TrackSelector (no cuts) or MeasurementSelectorCuts will be used.
  • ActsTrackFindingCfg changed selections to use cuts from flags.Tracking.ActiveConfig specified in createITkTrackingPassFlags:
    • ptMin = 0.9 (|η|<2) and 0.4 (|η|≥2)
    • minMeasurements = 9 (|η|<2), 8 (2≤|η|<2.6), 7 (|η|≥2.6)
Edited by Tim Adye

Merge request reports
