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JetMonitoring EventHistoVarTool: Add eventinfo attribute dependency to avoid scheduling issues (ATR-27392)

Claire Antel requested to merge cantel/athena:23.0_mumon_bug into 23.0


  • Adding ReadDecorHandle for EventHistoVarTool for EventInfo decoration used by tool. This makes decoration an explicit dependence of tool, which sorts out proper algorithm scheduling.
    • Made it so that one can explicitly set event info container name, like EventHistoVarTool.Attribute = myEventInfo.myAttribute. But by default and the way the python code is configured now, "EventInfo" is assumed and prefixed for the decoration retrieval so that no python code changes necessary.
  • Addition of ReadDecorHandle made it unnecessary to pass in EventInfo container as argument in EventHistoVarTool getter function. Ignoring EventInfo argument for JetEventSelector incarnation of IJetEventSelector, as this uses configured EventHistoVarTool.


  • Changes offline/Tier0 HLT jet monitoring distributions that select on "averageInteractionsPerCrossings" - "lowmu" and "highmu" distributions. These are now properly filled.
  • No other changes expected, as this package only used by jet trigger group for offline monitoring.


Technically, in previous code one could have passed in an xAOD::EventInfo container with different key by explicitly configuring this for the parent jet monitoring alg (which uses a tool that uses this tool) - at moment, default "EventInfo" is used. It seemed like some work to modify python config or c++ code to pass this down. Hence, instead here made it possible to configure the full container+decoration via the "Attribute" property of EventHistoVarTool tool.

Edited by Claire Antel

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