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A Reco only try : Start the journey towards deprecating Legacy Config

A Reco only try to start dissalowing the worse offenders .... This is a bit topical to Reco.

What I try is just to add a flag with an explicit name. And if this is not set to true abort the job.

More or less if now this is not there

from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec;rec.runUnsupportedLegacyReco=True"

RecExCommon_topOptions will not be usable

if not rec.runUnsupportedLegacyReco:
    print("!!! RecExCommon_topOptions is unsupported !!!")
    print("Consider moving you workflow to Component Accumulator (CA) : ")
    print("If you absolutely have to use this, you need to add : ")
    print("from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec")
    import sys

Ping @jcatmore , @jdandoy , @jchapman , @wlampl , @tadej , @tstreble

  • I assume runUnsupportedLegacyReco is clear on the "support" part ...
  • The CI tests will continue working
  • Then we can try to catch cases. As something somewhere will break.
  • I know is too easy to overwrite.
  • But should help a bit to catch clients although is not an overall solution for all domains
Edited by Christos Anastopoulos

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