ElectronCombinedMaterialEffects : Avoid repeated divisions
ElectronCombinedMaterialEffects : Avoid repeated divisions. div are typically more expensive that mult see [https://indico.cern.ch/event/252634/contributions/564148/attachments/440055/610507/2013-06-10-swtut.pdf] slide 3
this should prb change output at the following (0.00000183%
) level
009.GSFTrackParticlesAuxDyn.trackParameterCovarianceMatrices.18.35 1.2134378835071402e-08 -> 1.2134377946892982e-08 => diff= [0.00000183%]
Merge request reports
added Egamma Tracking main review-pending-level-1 labels
ping @jdandoy , @jchapman , @jcatmore . As will change the ouput at epsilon level and therefore will need some reference update. And can not approve my "own" things.
Edited by Christos Anastopoulosadded RC Attention Required label
CI Result FAILURE (hash 601c0057)Athena externals cmake make tests Full details available on this CI monitor view. Check the JIRA CI status board for known problems
Athena: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
For experts only: Jenkins output [CI-MERGE-REQUEST-EL9 285]- Resolved by Vakhtang Tsulaia
As expected The test came back
INFO Py:diff-root INFO Found [2] different leaves INFO Py:diff-root INFO [Trk::TrackCollection_tlp7_GSFTracks.m_hepSymMatrices.m_matrix_val]: 1 leaves differ INFO Py:diff-root INFO [xAOD::TrackParticleAuxContainer_v5_GSFTrackParticlesAuxDyn.trackParameterCovarianceMatrices]: 1 leaves differ
The "amount" of difference is in the description.
Anyhow I guess the shifter can look the changes but will need offline-sw-review-approved for the references to be updated
Also CC @nstyles
added review-user-action-required label
removed review-pending-level-1 label
added offline-sw-review-approved label and removed review-user-action-required label
mentioned in merge request !66695 (merged)
added Tools review-pending-level-1 labels
removed review-pending-level-1 label