Once !66702 (merged) is merged, we can enable both the Monitor and Cosmics signatures. They no longer cause python crashes.
Note that there are still many unmigrated chains that fail menu generation but only give a warning:
Py:TriggerMenuMT:ChainConfigurationBase WARNING CA migration: [getStep] Menu sequence precisionTrackingSequenceCfg does not exist for CA components
Py:TriggerMenuMT:ChainConfigurationBase WARNING CA migration: [getStep] Menu sequence precisionTrack_GSFRefittedSequenceCfg does not exist for CA components
Py:TriggerMenuMT:GenerateMenuMT WARNING CA migration: [__generateChainConfigs] chain HLT_e140_dnnloose_L1eEM28M generation missed configuration
Merge request reports
added Trigger full-unit-tests main review-pending-level-1 labels
thanks @smh - yes the other chains can be present and give a warning if the last step is the only step not migrated.
CI Result SUCCESS (hash b08eed05)Athena AthAnalysis externals cmake make tests Full details available on this CI monitor view. Check the JIRA CI status board for known problems
Athena: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AthAnalysis: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
For experts only: Jenkins output [CI-MERGE-REQUEST-EL9 297]added review-approved label and removed review-pending-level-1 label
mentioned in commit 80473561
added sweep:ignore label