Draft: Adding ART tests for four FastChain workflows
Adding four ART tests for FastChain workflows which are planned to be run in production (using different MC campaigns).
- General setup
- MC21a ttbar sample
- CA-based configuration
- multiprocess mode
- Run 3 configuration
- Workflow
- ATLFAST3F_G4MS with MC-overlay
- running Sim_tf (Simulation), Reco_tf (Overlay+Trigger+Reconstruction) and Derivation_tf (Derivation)
- inputs: EVNT, RDO_BKG
- outputs: HITS, AOD, DAOD
- Workflow
- ATLFAST3F_G4MS with MC-overlay
- running FastChain_tf (Simulation+Overlay+Trigger+Reconstruction+Derivation)
- inputs: EVNT, RDO_BKG
- output: AOD, DAOD
- Workflow
- ATLFAST3F_G4MS with Track-overlay
- running Sim_tf (Simulation), Reco_tf (Overlay+Trigger+Reconstruction) and Derivation_tf (Derivation)
- inputs: EVNT, RDO_BKG
- outputs: HITS, AOD, DAOD
- Workflow
- ATLFAST3F_G4MS with Track-overlay
- running FastChain_tf (Simulation+Overlay+Trigger+Reconstruction+Derivation)
- inputs: EVNT, RDO_BKG
- outputs: DAOD