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TrackFindingAlg uses list of input collections

Tim Adye requested to merge adye/athena:adye-ckf31 into main
  • Change TrackFindingAlg input keys from separate pixel+strip keys to lists of keys:
    • PixelClusterContainerKey+StripClusterContainerKeyUncalibratedMeasurementContainerKeys
    • PixelDetectorElements+StripDetectorElementsDetectorElementCollectionKeys
    • PixelEstimatedTrackParameters+StripEstimatedTrackParametersEstimatedTrackParametersKeys
    • PixelSeeds+StripSeedsSeedContainerKeys
    • SeedLabels is now a list of the same length. Previously needed to be of length 2.
  • Currently all the lists must contain the same number of keys. Python uses length 1 (pixel or strip only) or 2 (both pixel and strip), but this could later be extended to support PPS etc seeds.
  • Statistics only collected and printed for containers that are enabled.
Edited by Tim Adye

Merge request reports
