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Align HLT_IDVertex_FSAux variables fro TrackingTrigger and JetTrigger SlimmingHelper

Thomas Strebler requested to merge tstreble/athena:HLTVertPhysVal into main

Fix Run3 PHYSVAL failure in ART test

23:23:29 Traceback (most recent call last):
23:23:29   File "/srv/workDir/", line 39, in <module>
23:23:29     fromRunArgs(runArgs)
23:23:29   File "/cvmfs/", line 120, in fromRunArgs
23:23:29     cfg.merge(derivationConfig(flags))
23:23:29   File "/cvmfs/", line 298, in PHYSVALCfg
23:23:29     acc.merge(SetupMetaDataForStreamCfg(ConfigFlags, "DAOD_PHYSVAL", AcceptAlgs=["PHYSVALKernel"], createMetadata=[MetadataCategory.CutFlowMetaData]))
23:23:29   File "/cvmfs/", line 893, in merge
23:23:29     mergeSequences(ourSeq, otherSeq)
23:23:29   File "/cvmfs/", line 862, in mergeSequences
23:23:29     deduplicateOne(self._algorithms[], c)
23:23:29   File "/cvmfs/", line 56, in deduplicateOne
23:23:29     raiseWithCurrentContext(exception)
23:23:29   File "/cvmfs/", line 48, in raiseWithCurrentContext
23:23:29     raise type(exception)(str(exception) + '\nWith the context:\n{}'.format(Context.complete()) )
23:23:29 ValueError: conflicting settings for property ItemList of OutputStreamDAOD_PHYSVAL: Mixing up negative and positive Aux selections is not supported: xAOD::AuxContainerBase!#HLT_IDVertex_FSAux. : {'vertexType.y.z.-.x'}

Aligning with

FYI @khoo @mmontell

Merge request reports
