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CPAlgorithms: improve the IFFLeptonDecorationBlock

Merged Baptiste Ravina requested to merge ravinab/athena:iffcpalg into main
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@@ -313,20 +313,25 @@ class IFFLeptonDecorationBlock (ConfigBlock):
def __init__ (self, containerName='') :
super (IFFLeptonDecorationBlock, self).__init__( 'IFFLeptonDecoration' )
self.containerName = containerName
self.addOption ('separateChargeFlipElectrons', True, type=bool)
self.addOption ('decoration', 'IFFClass_%SYS%', type=str)
def makeAlgs (self, config) :
# the classification is only for MC
if config.dataType() is DataType.Data: return
particles = config.readName(self.containerName)
alg = config.createAlgorithm( 'CP::AsgClassificationDecorationAlg', 'IFFClassifierAlg' + self.containerName )
# the IFF classification tool
config.addPrivateTool( 'tool', 'TruthClassificationTool')
# label charge-flipped electrons as such
alg.tool.separateChargeFlipElectrons = True
alg.decoration = 'IFFClass_%SYS%'
alg.tool.separateChargeFlipElectrons = self.separateChargeFlipElectrons
alg.decoration = self.decoration
alg.particles = particles
# write the decoration only once to the output
config.addOutputVar(self.containerName, alg.decoration, 'IFFClass', noSys=True)
config.addOutputVar(self.containerName, alg.decoration, alg.decoration.split("_%SYS%")[0], noSys=True)
def makeCommonServicesConfig( seq ):