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use configured PixelToTPIDTool to express conditions dependencies

Jiri Masik requested to merge jmasik/athena:gsf-fix-cond-dependency into main

In the course of investigation of ATR-28617 I've noticed a problem with the configuration of the GSF which did not express the dependency on the PixeldEdx conditions properly and depending on ordering in the menu

time --CA --threads=1 --evtMax=1 --skipEvents=186 --filesInput=/cvmfs/,/cvmfs/,/cvmfs/ TriggerJobOpts/ Trigger.triggerMenuSetup="Dev_pp_run3_v1" Trigger.doLVL1=True > athena-ca-skip186.log

fails with

PrecisionTrackViewDataVerifier_forGSFRefit_GSFVDV      0     0   ERROR Did not find ConditionStore+PixeldEdxData in IM_precisionTracking_GSFRefitted_GSF_view_3
PrecisionTrackViewDataVerifier_forGSFRefit_GSFVDV      0     0   DEBUG Available content is: Dump IM_precisionTracking_GSFRefitted_GSF_view_3

Using a configured version of the PixelToTPIDTool schedules also the required conditions alg to satisfy the dependancy

Related to ATR-26732.

CC @dbakshig and @tstreble

Merge request reports
