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Second part of the Tau Trigger offline monitoring upgrade

This MR addresses the second part of the Tau Trigger offline monitoring upgrade (ATR-28611) that we've been working on with @mashamim, sending a single MR for simplicity:

  • Split the monitoring implementation from a single-file monolithic algorithm, to dedicated classes:
    • TrigTauMonitorSingleAlgorithm: single-tau HLT chain efficiency and distributions
    • TrigTauMonitorL1Algorithm: L1 efficiency and distributions
    • TrigTauMonitorDiTauAlgorithm: di-tau HLT chains efficiency and distributions
    • TrigTauMonitorTandPAlgorithm: tag-and-probe HLT chains efficiency and distributions
    • TrigTauMonitorTruthAlgorithm: truth efficiency and distributions
  • Fixed the Phase1 L1 elements isolation threshold identification:
    • Now both the isolation and E_T threshold values are retrieved from the L1Menu stored in the MetaData/DB.
    • This also replaces the manual E_T remapping from the remap TriggerMenuMT file implemented in the first part of the monitoring update.
  • TrigTauInfo class:
    • Now available in Python: removed duplicated implementation in
    • Fixed the phantom L1 item retrieval from the L1Topo part of Legacy di-tau chains (now it's setting the correct isolation threshold)
  • Simplified monitored variable names: removed the mon-group name from the variable name in many of the mon-groups (unnecessary)
  • Updated distributions axis labels with LaTeX formatting
  • Added highPt eta and phi efficiency distributions, with offline/truth p_T cuts shifted by 20 GeV. These plots will better describe the efficiency in the the energy plateau regions.
  • Added OnlineOnlyVars folder, with distributions without the requirement of at least 1 offline good-quality tau in all events.

Tagging also @gipezzul, @smwang.

Edited by Jean Yves Beaucamp

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