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InDetTrackPerfMon package: Adding event algorithms

Marco Aparo requested to merge maparo/athena:maparo-main-IDTPM-v1.2 into main

Adding all the necessary event algorithms of the IDTPM package (see As in the InDetPhysValMonitoring package, event algorithms are used to decorate xAOD tracks and truth particle with properties which are accessed used by the main IDTPM tool. All decorator algorithms in this package, make use of the SafeDecorator class, which was inherited from InDetPhysValMonitoring. Specifically, the components added in this MR are:

  • IDTPM.TruthHitDecoratorAlg: Algorithm that decorates xAOD truth particles with the corresponding track-hit information (e.g. impact parameter) by using the AtlasExtrapolator to extract the track parameters. This algorithm was also inherited from InDetPhysValMonitoring
  • IDTPM.Offline{Electron,Muon,Tau}DecoratorAlg: Algorithm used to decorate offline xAOD tracks with ElementLinks of the corresponding offline-reconstructed objects (electrons, muons, and 1/3-prong hadronic taus). Decorations are also created to assess whether the linked object satisfies quality ID criteria (e.g. Tight). This is necessary for the trigger analysis, in which it might be required to match trigger tracks to reference offline tracks corresponding to e.g. Tight ID electrons.

Other than the algorithms other components introduced are:

  • IDTPM.TrackObjectSelectionTool: Track selection tool which shares the same interface as all the other selection tools in this package, and which is used to select offline tracks corresponding to a requested linked object satisfying certain criteria

Finally, helper classes in with inline methods are introduced to facilitate and make consistent the access of these decoration/information across this package:

  • TrkParmetersHelper: including all inline methods to access track parameters in this package (e.g. pT, pTsig, d0, z0, etc.)
  • OfflineObjectDecorHelper: including all inline methods to access the linked object decorations described above.
Edited by Marco Aparo

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