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DerivationFrameworkJetEtMiss: update JETM1 python config with TrigEventInfoRecorderAlg to build `HLT_TCEventInfo_jet` when running on data22


Changes: update JETM1 python config with TrigEventInfoRecorderAlg instance when running on 2022 data to re-build HLT_TCEventInfo_jet with NumPV decoration. Checks ConfigFlag values to ensure running on 2022 data and not on MC.

This change is needed to ensure that the number of primary vertices reconstructed in the HLT is available in JETM1. Previously it was not possible to access this observable because the trackParticleLinks for HLT_IDVertex_FS aren't stored for the jet trigger content configured in DerivationFrameworkCore.

The changes will be required for ongoing Trigger-Level Analysis searches where custom Insitu jet energy scale corrections must be derived on data22 and data23.

Tagging @mmontell @tofitsch

Size estimates (from running 1000 event tests with

All size estimates from

Data type Old JETM1 (kB/evt) Modified JETM1 (kB/evt) Difference (kB/evt)
MC23 (dijet) 185.481 185.481 ~0
data22 (run 437548) 32.603 32.624 +0.021
data23 (run 453713) 38.765 38.765 ~0

Negligible increase in size with tests run so far (maybe more events are needed to check?).

Note: since the change should only affect data22, we expect no size differences on data23 & MC


Checking content in DAODs with

[mamerl@lxplus977 test_JETM12022withTCEventInfoandRenounceAll]$ cat run_*/checkFile*.txt | grep "TCEventInfo" --with-filename
(standard input):## opening file [DAOD_JETM1.test_data22_run437548_lb2004_JETM1TCEventInfoRebuild.root]...
(standard input):File:root://
(standard input):      10.747 kb        1.597 kb        0.003 kb        0.000      497  (B) HLT_TCEventInfo_jet
(standard input):       9.882 kb        1.892 kb        0.004 kb        0.000      497  (B) HLT_TCEventInfo_jetAuxDyn.AvgMu
(standard input):      11.929 kb        2.004 kb        0.004 kb        0.000      497  (B) HLT_TCEventInfo_jetAuxDyn.JetDensityEMPFlow
(standard input):      27.284 kb        2.119 kb        0.004 kb        0.000      497  (B) HLT_TCEventInfo_jetAux.
(standard input):       9.882 kb        2.514 kb        0.005 kb        0.000      497  (B) HLT_TCEventInfo_jetAuxDyn.NumPV
(standard input):## opening file [DAOD_JETM1.test_data23_run453713_lb1476_JETM1TCEventInfoRebuild.root]...
(standard input):File:root://
(standard input):       6.954 kb        1.207 kb        0.004 kb        0.000      308  (B) HLT_TCEventInfo_jet
(standard input):       6.368 kb        1.401 kb        0.005 kb        0.000      308  (B) HLT_TCEventInfo_jetAuxDyn.AvgMu
(standard input):      17.212 kb        1.469 kb        0.005 kb        0.000      308  (B) HLT_TCEventInfo_jetAux.
(standard input):       6.368 kb        1.779 kb        0.006 kb        0.000      308  (B) HLT_TCEventInfo_jetAuxDyn.NumPV
(standard input):       7.837 kb        3.131 kb        0.010 kb        0.000      308  (B) HLT_TCEventInfo_jetAuxDyn.JetDensityEMPFlow
(standard input):## opening file [DAOD_JETM1.test_mc23valid_JZ2_e8514e8516s4041s4055r14332_JETM1TCEventInfoRebuild.root]...
(standard input):File:root://
(standard input):      21.099 kb        3.203 kb        0.003 kb        0.000     1000  (B) HLT_TCEventInfo_jet
(standard input):      54.356 kb        4.258 kb        0.004 kb        0.000     1000  (B) HLT_TCEventInfo_jetAux.
(standard input):      20.505 kb        5.952 kb        0.006 kb        0.000     1000  (B) HLT_TCEventInfo_jetAuxDyn.AvgMu
(standard input):      20.505 kb        6.529 kb        0.007 kb        0.000     1000  (B) HLT_TCEventInfo_jetAuxDyn.NumPV
(standard input):      24.681 kb       10.018 kb        0.010 kb        0.000     1000  (B) HLT_TCEventInfo_jetAuxDyn.JetDensityEMPFlow
[mamerl@lxplus977 test_JETM12022withTCEventInfoandRenounceAll]$

All required attributes for HLT_TCEventInfo_jet exist

Checking values of Aux elements on HLT_TCEventInfo_jet

data22 test

root [0] 
Attaching file DAOD_JETM1.test_data22_run437548_lb2004_JETM1TCEventInfoRebuild.root as _file0...
(TFile *) 0x414c1c0
root [1] CollectionTree->Scan("HLT_TCEventInfo_jetAuxDyn.NumPV:HLT_TCEventInfo_jetAuxDyn.AvgMu:HLT_TCEventInfo_jetAuxDyn.JetDensityEMPFlow:EventInfoAuxDyn.averageInteractionsPerCrossing")
*    Row   * Instance * HLT_TCEve * HLT_TCEve * HLT_TCEve * EventInfo *
*        0 *        0 *         8 * 33.216655 *         0 * 33.216655 *
*        1 *        0 *         8 * 33.216655 *         0 * 33.216655 *
*        2 *        0 *         7 * 33.216655 *         0 * 33.216655 *
*        3 *        0 *        15 * 33.216655 *         0 * 33.216655 *
*        4 *        0 *         7 * 33.216655 *         0 * 33.216655 *
*        5 *        0 *        12 * 33.216655 *         0 * 33.216655 *
*        6 *        0 *        13 * 33.216655 *         0 * 33.216655 *
*        7 *        0 *        14 * 33.216655 *         0 * 33.216655 *
*        8 *        0 *        15 * 33.216655 *         0 * 33.216655 *
*        9 *        0 *        17 * 33.216655 *         0 * 33.216655 *
*       10 *        0 *        11 * 33.216655 *         0 * 33.216655 *
*       11 *        0 *        11 * 33.216655 *         0 * 33.216655 *
*       12 *        0 *        16 * 33.216655 *         0 * 33.216655 *
*       13 *        0 *         9 * 33.216655 *         0 * 33.216655 *
*       14 *        0 *        11 * 33.216655 *         0 * 33.216655 *
*       15 *        0 *        13 * 33.216655 *         0 * 33.216655 *
*       16 *        0 *        11 * 33.216655 *         0 * 33.216655 *
*       17 *        0 *        16 * 33.216655 *         0 * 33.216655 *
*       18 *        0 *         5 * 33.216655 *         0 * 33.216655 *
*       19 *        0 *        14 * 33.216655 *         0 * 33.216655 *
*       20 *        0 *        14 * 33.216655 *         0 * 33.216655 *
*       21 *        0 *        13 * 33.216655 *         0 * 33.216655 *
*       22 *        0 *        10 * 33.216655 *         0 * 33.216655 *
*       23 *        0 *        19 * 33.216655 *         0 * 33.216655 *
*       24 *        0 *        10 * 33.216655 *         0 * 33.216655 *


  • HLT_TCEventInfo_jetAuxDyn.NumPV is filled as required
  • HLT_TCEventInfo_jetAuxDyn.AvgMu is identical to EventInfoAuxDyn.averageInteractionsPerCrossing → this is likely related to the tools setup (LB Mu tool) in the DerivationFramework / Athena context when running
  • HLT_TCEventInfo_jetAuxDyn.JetDensityEMPFlow is empty (0 everywhere) i.e. not filled

data23 test

root [0] 
Attaching file DAOD_JETM1.test_data23_run453713_lb1476_JETM1TCEventInfoRebuild.root as _file0...
(TFile *) 0x439b150
root [1] CollectionTree->Scan("HLT_TCEventInfo_jetAuxDyn.NumPV:HLT_TCEventInfo_jetAuxDyn.AvgMu:HLT_TCEventInfo_jetAuxDyn.JetDensityEMPFlow:EventInfoAuxDyn.averageInteractionsPerCrossing")
*    Row   * Instance * HLT_TCEve * HLT_TCEve * HLT_TCEve * EventInfo *
*        0 *        0 *        13 * 35.380664 * 4420.1367 * 35.340515 *
*        1 *        0 *           *           *           * 35.340515 *
*        2 *        0 *        15 * 35.380664 * 6362.5913 * 35.340515 *
*        3 *        0 *        14 * 35.380664 * 4907.5698 * 35.340515 *
*        4 *        0 *        11 * 35.380664 * 3518.6750 * 35.340515 *
*        5 *        0 *        16 * 35.380664 * 8282.9228 * 35.340515 *
*        6 *        0 *        22 * 35.380664 * 6873.4531 * 35.340515 *
*        7 *        0 *        13 * 35.380664 * 2783.1154 * 35.340515 *
*        8 *        0 *        15 * 35.380664 * 4346.9038 * 35.340515 *
*        9 *        0 *           *           *           * 35.340515 *
*       10 *        0 *        14 * 35.380664 * 4867.6264 * 35.340515 *
*       11 *        0 *        18 * 35.380664 * 5058.1831 * 35.340515 *
*       12 *        0 *        11 * 35.380664 * 3905.0180 * 35.340515 *
*       13 *        0 *        12 * 35.380664 * 3506.6855 * 35.340515 *
*       14 *        0 *         8 * 35.380664 * 6581.5629 * 35.340515 *
*       15 *        0 *        16 * 35.380664 * 5168.9941 * 35.340515 *
*       16 *        0 *        13 * 35.380664 * 3372.4897 * 35.340515 *
*       17 *        0 *        13 * 35.380664 * 4090.0913 * 35.340515 *
*       18 *        0 *         8 * 35.380664 * 4835.6259 * 35.340515 *
*       19 *        0 *        17 * 35.380664 * 6507.3862 * 35.340515 *
*       20 *        0 *           *           *           * 35.340515 *
*       21 *        0 *         9 * 35.380664 *  8573.375 * 35.340515 *
*       22 *        0 *        14 * 35.380664 * 6553.0869 * 35.340515 *
*       23 *        0 *        20 * 35.380664 * 8837.2695 * 35.340515 *
*       24 *        0 *        11 * 35.380664 * 5107.9179 * 35.340515 *


  • All required HLT_TCEventInfo_jetAuxDyn attributes exist & are filled
  • The HLT_TCEventInfo_jetAuxDyn.AvgMu is NOT identical to EventInfoAuxDyn.averageInteractionsPerCrossing - indicates that the code is retrieving the existing TCEventInfo object in the AOD, not re-building the object

mc23[_valid] test (note: these are old samples with the LAr pile-up issue identified in MC23)

root [0] 
Attaching file DAOD_JETM1.test_mc23valid_JZ2_e8514e8516s4041s4055r14332_JETM1TCEventInfoRebuild.root as _file0...
(TFile *) 0x3cc83a0
root [1] CollectionTree->Scan("HLT_TCEventInfo_jetAuxDyn.NumPV:HLT_TCEventInfo_jetAuxDyn.AvgMu:HLT_TCEventInfo_jetAuxDyn.JetDensityEMPFlow:EventInfoAuxDyn.averageInteractionsPerCrossing")
*    Row   * Instance * HLT_TCEve * HLT_TCEve * HLT_TCEve * EventInfo *
*        0 *        0 *        14 *        45 * 9215.3632 *        45 *
*        1 *        0 *        16 *        45 * 3964.0888 *        45 *
*        2 *        0 *        19 *        44 * 5687.5585 *        44 *
*        3 *        0 *        17 *        45 * 8419.6777 *        45 *
*        4 *        0 *        19 *        44 * 9308.8652 *        44 *
*        5 *        0 *        18 *        45 * 13655.557 *        45 *
*        6 *        0 *        22 *        44 * 4839.5996 *        44 *
*        7 *        0 *        25 *        45 * 9061.6445 *        45 *
*        8 *        0 *        25 *        45 * 9512.0195 *        45 *
*        9 *        0 *        24 *        45 * 12075.797 *        45 *
*       10 *        0 *        16 *        44 * 14746.839 *        44 *
*       11 *        0 *        15 *        44 * 5786.2646 *        44 *
*       12 *        0 *        17 *        44 * 8471.5908 *        44 *
*       13 *        0 *        28 *        44 * 12345.287 *        44 *
*       14 *        0 *        16 *        44 * 5851.1669 *        44 *
*       15 *        0 *        29 *        44 * 8467.7617 *        44 *
*       16 *        0 *        11 * 42.999996 * 3358.1669 * 42.999996 *
*       17 *        0 *        13 * 42.999996 * 4736.9277 * 42.999996 *
*       18 *        0 *        11 *        44 * 5612.0869 *        44 *
*       19 *        0 *        13 *        44 * 6328.5634 *        44 *
*       20 *        0 *        20 *        44 * 13085.851 *        44 *
*       21 *        0 *        19 *        44 * 10142.033 *        44 *
*       22 *        0 *        20 *        45 * 7533.3999 *        45 *
*       23 *        0 *        23 * 42.999996 * 7394.0141 * 42.999996 *
*       24 *        0 *        19 * 42.999996 * 7133.0888 * 42.999996 *


  • All required HLT_TCEventInfo_jetAuxDyn attributes exist & are filled
  • The HLT_TCEventInfo_jetAuxDyn.AvgMu is identical to EventInfoAuxDyn.averageInteractionsPerCrossing - this is expected on MC
Edited by Maximilian Amerl

Merge request reports
