Draft: 1D Hough and more FPGATrackSim fun!
I ported over the latest version of the 1D Hough from Gretel and 21.9. I also updated HTTSectorBank to know about q/pt binning. A few things, mostly questions for @brosser :
- The EtaPatternTool we have is quite old, too. Should I take the latest one from 21.9?
- To be honest it's still not clear to me how the q/pt binning should be transmitted to the sectors since it's not hard-coded in the file. We have it as a map tag option, but it's not obvious to me how that should work since it is defined at matrix generation. So I may still be missing something things in the matrix generation and/or downstream.
- I removed the htt namepsace everywhere
Tagging @tbold as well.