barcode -> ID migration for HGTD/InDet/MuonDigitization.
Migrate HGTD_Digitization, InDetDigitization and MuonDigitization code to use GenParticle::id
rather than barcodes internally.
(Should not change Digitization output.)
Merge request reports
added 287 commits
7bb46e41...23fb305f - 281 commits from branch
- 6086b666 - HepMcParticleLink adaption to GenParticle::id
- 748bb7a5 - Rename trackNumber to truthBarcode for InDetSimEvent and MuonSimEvent transient EDM classes
- b083148f - Add truthID method to return GenParticle::id() to InDetSimEvent, MuonSimEvent...
- c6c1de5f - Migrate InDetDigitization code to use GenParticle::id rather than barcodes
- 75b35a85 - Migrate HGTD_Digitization code to use GenParticle::id rather than barcodes
- abd54643 - Migrate MuonDigitization code to use GenParticle::id rather than barcodes
Toggle commit list-
7bb46e41...23fb305f - 281 commits from branch
added 129 commits
abd54643...e0aeb036 - 119 commits from branch
- 66048a60 - test
- a9297cf6 - Add id() method to add TruthParticle_v1 - for now just calls barcode()
- d4bfd01d - Add placeholder HepMcParticleLink:id() method which for now, just returns barcode()
- 38f92953 - HepMcParticleLink adaption to GenParticle::id
- e9b05338 - Rename trackNumber to truthBarcode for InDetSimEvent and MuonSimEvent transient EDM classes
- 5a1b7f51 - Rename TRTUncompressedHit::GetTrackID() to TRTUncompressedHit::truthBarcode()
- 88ed0bba - Add truthID method to return GenParticle::id() to InDetSimEvent, MuonSimEvent...
- c8c06b7b - Migrate InDetDigitization code to use GenParticle::id rather than barcodes
- 6b290897 - Migrate HGTD_Digitization code to use GenParticle::id rather than barcodes
- 491e0379 - Migrate MuonDigitization code to use GenParticle::id rather than barcodes
Toggle commit list-
abd54643...e0aeb036 - 119 commits from branch
added 59 commits
491e0379...65f34d05 - 52 commits from branch
- 726bb789 - HepMcParticleLink adaption to GenParticle::id
- 4f9b3a40 - Rename trackNumber to truthBarcode for InDetSimEvent and MuonSimEvent transient EDM classes
- efb5cfa4 - Rename TRTUncompressedHit::GetTrackID() to TRTUncompressedHit::truthBarcode()
- 7efe7ada - Add truthID method to return GenParticle::id() to InDetSimEvent, MuonSimEvent...
- c0f7f478 - Migrate InDetDigitization code to use GenParticle::id rather than barcodes
- 2d8ab45f - Migrate HGTD_Digitization code to use GenParticle::id rather than barcodes
- b506c37a - Migrate MuonDigitization code to use GenParticle::id rather than barcodes
Toggle commit list-
491e0379...65f34d05 - 52 commits from branch
added 139 commits
b506c37a...d546cf73 - 133 commits from branch
- fdf24dae - Rename trackNumber to truthBarcode for InDetSimEvent and MuonSimEvent transient EDM classes
- 0f1521f4 - Rename TRTUncompressedHit::GetTrackID() to TRTUncompressedHit::truthBarcode()
- 4a375972 - Add truthID method to return GenParticle::id() to InDetSimEvent, MuonSimEvent...
- 31cb1495 - Migrate InDetDigitization code to use GenParticle::id rather than barcodes
- b27b5eef - Migrate HGTD_Digitization code to use GenParticle::id rather than barcodes
- 4b04392d - Migrate MuonDigitization code to use GenParticle::id rather than barcodes
Toggle commit list-
b506c37a...d546cf73 - 133 commits from branch
This merge request affects 22 packages:
- Event/PyDumper
- HighGranularityTimingDetector/HGTD_Digitization/HGTD_Digitization
- HighGranularityTimingDetector/HGTD_Digitization/HGTD_FastDigitization
- InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/BCM_Digitization
- InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/FastSiDigitization
- InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/PixelDigitization
- InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/SCT_Digitization
- InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/StripDigitization
- InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/TRT_Digitization
- InnerDetector/InDetSimEvent
- MuonSpectrometer/MuonDigitization/CSC_Digitization
- MuonSpectrometer/MuonDigitization/MDT_Digitization
- MuonSpectrometer/MuonDigitization/MM_Digitization
- MuonSpectrometer/MuonDigitization/RPC_Digitization
- MuonSpectrometer/MuonDigitization/TGC_Digitization
- MuonSpectrometer/MuonSimEvent
- MuonSpectrometer/MuonValidation/MuonSimHitToPrdTest
- PhysicsAnalysis/D3PDMaker/MuonD3PDMaker
- Simulation/Digitization/MCTruthSimAlgs
- Simulation/G4Utilities/G4Ancillary/G4AncillarySimEvent
- Simulation/ISF/ISF_Core/ISF_Algorithms
- TestBeam/TBRec
Affected files list will not be printed in this case
Adding @cgrefe ,@pscholer ,@goetz ,@stsuno ,@jojungge ,@lshan ,@jchapman ,@battagl ,@calfayan ,@stavrop ,@lmijovic ,@cohm ,@rosati ,@dshope ,@apsallid ,@kluit ,@sroe as watchers
added Analysis Digitization EDM HGTD InnerDetector MuonSpectrometer Simulation TestBeam main labels
CI Result FAILURE (hash 4b04392d)Athena AthSimulation AthGeneration AthAnalysis externals cmake make tests Full details available on this CI monitor view. Check the JIRA CI status board for known problems
Athena: number of compilation errors 2, warnings 1
AthSimulation: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AthGeneration: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AthAnalysis: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
For experts only: Jenkins output [CI-MERGE-REQUEST-EL9 6526] (remote access info)added 129 commits
4b04392d...3fe8c9bf - 123 commits from branch
- 7b758182 - Rename trackNumber to truthBarcode for InDetSimEvent and MuonSimEvent transient EDM classes
- b627b548 - Rename TRTUncompressedHit::GetTrackID() to TRTUncompressedHit::truthBarcode()
- a7c54e43 - Add truthID method to return GenParticle::id() to InDetSimEvent, MuonSimEvent...
- 698e6165 - Migrate InDetDigitization code to use GenParticle::id rather than barcodes
- 3bacc16f - Migrate HGTD_Digitization code to use GenParticle::id rather than barcodes
- c452bf37 - Migrate MuonDigitization code to use GenParticle::id rather than barcodes
Toggle commit list-
4b04392d...3fe8c9bf - 123 commits from branch
added 6 commits
- d2180a28 - Rename trackNumber to truthBarcode for InDetSimEvent and MuonSimEvent transient EDM classes
- b110e9f7 - Rename TRTUncompressedHit::GetTrackID() to TRTUncompressedHit::truthBarcode()
- 52552f45 - Add truthID method to return GenParticle::id() to InDetSimEvent, MuonSimEvent...
- 83c83bba - Migrate InDetDigitization code to use GenParticle::id rather than barcodes
- a2b24bfb - Migrate HGTD_Digitization code to use GenParticle::id rather than barcodes
- ce53f502 - Migrate MuonDigitization code to use GenParticle::id rather than barcodes
Toggle commit listThis merge request affects 21 packages:
- Event/PyDumper
- HighGranularityTimingDetector/HGTD_Digitization/HGTD_Digitization
- HighGranularityTimingDetector/HGTD_Digitization/HGTD_FastDigitization
- InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/BCM_Digitization
- InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/FastSiDigitization
- InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/PixelDigitization
- InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/SCT_Digitization
- InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/StripDigitization
- InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/TRT_Digitization
- InnerDetector/InDetSimEvent
- MuonSpectrometer/MuonDigitization/CSC_Digitization
- MuonSpectrometer/MuonDigitization/MDT_Digitization
- MuonSpectrometer/MuonDigitization/MM_Digitization
- MuonSpectrometer/MuonDigitization/RPC_Digitization
- MuonSpectrometer/MuonDigitization/TGC_Digitization
- MuonSpectrometer/MuonSimEvent
- MuonSpectrometer/MuonValidation/MuonSimHitToPrdTest
- PhysicsAnalysis/D3PDMaker/MuonD3PDMaker
- Simulation/Digitization/MCTruthSimAlgs
- Simulation/G4Utilities/G4Ancillary/G4AncillarySimEvent
- Simulation/ISF/ISF_Core/ISF_Algorithms
Affected files list will not be printed in this case
Adding @lshan ,@rosati ,@sroe ,@kluit ,@jchapman ,@cohm ,@cgrefe ,@stsuno ,@lmijovic ,@goetz ,@calfayan ,@apsallid ,@dshope ,@stavrop ,@pscholer ,@jojungge ,@battagl as watchers
This merge request affects 21 packages:
- Event/PyDumper
- HighGranularityTimingDetector/HGTD_Digitization/HGTD_Digitization
- HighGranularityTimingDetector/HGTD_Digitization/HGTD_FastDigitization
- InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/BCM_Digitization
- InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/FastSiDigitization
- InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/PixelDigitization
- InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/SCT_Digitization
- InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/StripDigitization
- InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/TRT_Digitization
- InnerDetector/InDetSimEvent
- MuonSpectrometer/MuonDigitization/CSC_Digitization
- MuonSpectrometer/MuonDigitization/MDT_Digitization
- MuonSpectrometer/MuonDigitization/MM_Digitization
- MuonSpectrometer/MuonDigitization/RPC_Digitization
- MuonSpectrometer/MuonDigitization/TGC_Digitization
- MuonSpectrometer/MuonSimEvent
- MuonSpectrometer/MuonValidation/MuonSimHitToPrdTest
- PhysicsAnalysis/D3PDMaker/MuonD3PDMaker
- Simulation/Digitization/MCTruthSimAlgs
- Simulation/G4Utilities/G4Ancillary/G4AncillarySimEvent
- Simulation/ISF/ISF_Core/ISF_Algorithms
Affected files list will not be printed in this case
Adding @lmijovic ,@pscholer ,@battagl ,@calfayan ,@cgrefe ,@sroe ,@goetz ,@apsallid ,@jojungge ,@cohm ,@stavrop ,@rosati ,@dshope ,@kluit ,@lshan ,@stsuno ,@jchapman as watchers
CI Result FAILURE (hash ce53f502)Athena AthSimulation AthGeneration AthAnalysis externals cmake make tests Full details available on this CI monitor view. Check the JIRA CI status board for known problems
Athena: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 1
AthSimulation: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AthGeneration: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AthAnalysis: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
For experts only: Jenkins output [CI-MERGE-REQUEST-EL9 6553] (remote access info)added 76 commits
ce53f502...6352c4f1 - 73 commits from branch
- f3250504 - Migrate InDetDigitization code to use GenParticle::id rather than barcodes
- 2e8e4644 - Migrate HGTD_Digitization code to use GenParticle::id rather than barcodes
- ea1727c2 - Migrate MuonDigitization code to use GenParticle::id rather than barcodes
Toggle commit list-
ce53f502...6352c4f1 - 73 commits from branch
added 4 commits
Toggle commit listThis merge request affects 15 packages:
- Generators/GeneratorObjects
- HighGranularityTimingDetector/HGTD_Digitization/HGTD_Digitization
- HighGranularityTimingDetector/HGTD_Digitization/HGTD_FastDigitization
- InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/BCM_Digitization
- InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/FastSiDigitization
- InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/PixelDigitization
- InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/SCT_Digitization
- InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/StripDigitization
- InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/TRT_Digitization
- MuonSpectrometer/MuonDigitization/CSC_Digitization
- MuonSpectrometer/MuonDigitization/MDT_Digitization
- MuonSpectrometer/MuonDigitization/MM_Digitization
- MuonSpectrometer/MuonDigitization/RPC_Digitization
- MuonSpectrometer/MuonDigitization/TGC_Digitization
- MuonSpectrometer/MuonSimEvent
Affected files list will not be printed in this case
Adding @goetz ,@calfayan ,@battagl ,@kluit ,@stavrop ,@lshan ,@rosati ,@sroe ,@apsallid ,@jojungge ,@dshope ,@jchapman ,@stsuno ,@pscholer ,@cohm ,@cgrefe as watchers
added Generators label
CI Result SUCCESS (hash 6c44e515)Athena AthSimulation AthGeneration AthAnalysis externals cmake make tests Full details available on this CI monitor view. Check the JIRA CI status board for known problems
Athena: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 1
AthSimulation: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AthGeneration: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AthAnalysis: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
For experts only: Jenkins output [CI-MERGE-REQUEST-EL9 6627] (remote access info)removed Run2-DataOverlay-output-changed label
removed Run3-MCOverlay-output-changed label
added 180 commits
6c44e515...2e945ef4 - 177 commits from branch
- eb37ad36 - Migrate InDetDigitization code to use GenParticle::id rather than barcodes
- 2d7c947f - Migrate HGTD_Digitization code to use GenParticle::id rather than barcodes
- 2fc5ef6c - Migrate MuonDigitization code to use GenParticle::id rather than barcodes
Toggle commit list-
6c44e515...2e945ef4 - 177 commits from branch
added 1 commit
- b7ea3c6d - Migrate MuonDigitization code to use GenParticle::id rather than barcodes
This merge request affects 14 packages:
- HighGranularityTimingDetector/HGTD_Digitization/HGTD_Digitization
- HighGranularityTimingDetector/HGTD_Digitization/HGTD_FastDigitization
- InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/BCM_Digitization
- InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/FastSiDigitization
- InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/PixelDigitization
- InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/SCT_Digitization
- InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/StripDigitization
- InnerDetector/InDetDigitization/TRT_Digitization
- MuonSpectrometer/MuonDigitization/CSC_Digitization
- MuonSpectrometer/MuonDigitization/MDT_Digitization
- MuonSpectrometer/MuonDigitization/MM_Digitization
- MuonSpectrometer/MuonDigitization/RPC_Digitization
- MuonSpectrometer/MuonDigitization/TGC_Digitization
- MuonSpectrometer/MuonSimEvent
Affected files list will not be printed in this case
Adding @pscholer ,@lshan ,@kluit ,@goetz ,@rosati ,@sroe ,@jojungge ,@apsallid ,@battagl ,@dshope ,@stavrop ,@jchapman ,@cgrefe ,@calfayan ,@cohm ,@stsuno as watchers
added review-pending-level-1 label
CI Result SUCCESS (hash b7ea3c6d)Athena AthSimulation externals cmake make tests Full details available on this CI monitor view. Check the JIRA CI status board for known problems
Athena: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
AthSimulation: number of compilation errors 0, warnings 0
For experts only: Jenkins output [CI-MERGE-REQUEST-EL9 6846] (remote access info)removed review-pending-level-1 label
added review-approved label
mentioned in commit 4e80731c
mentioned in commit f32f4194
mentioned in merge request !70077 (merged)
mentioned in commit 5d704f59
mentioned in commit 17d65c62