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JpsiUpsilonTools: Fix to skip GSF J/psi tracks (originally worked only for ID tracks).

Tomas Jakoubek requested to merge jakoubek/athena:21.2-tomas_gsf_fix into 21.2

In the BLS package JpsiUpsilonTools, there are two places where we want to skips ID TrackParticles if these are used to build a J/psi candidate. However, we use GSF TrackParticles for electrons and the "simple" (original) comparison didn't work for them, leading to e.g. Bd-meson candidate (should be 4 different TracksParticles) built from 2 GSF TrackParticles + their 2 original ID TrackParticles.

The fix uses already defined property UseGSFTrackIndices, thus no change in a setup is needed.

This fix is crucial for BPHY18 (R(K*) analaysis), where it removes these spoiled Bd/BdBar candidates (which makes the DAOD smaller). It does NOT affect any other derivation/analysis or any default behaviour.

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