Adding L1TopoMonitoring Chain for online monitoring
Merge request for the inclusion of a L1TopoSimulation monitor chain. Currently it successfully includes the chain when al needed flags to run the L1TopoSimulation are switched on: if not flags.Trigger.doLVL1 and flags.Input.Format is Format.BS and flags.Trigger.L1.doMuonTopoInputs and flags.Trigger.L1.doMuon and flags.enableL1MuonPhase1 and flags.enableL1TopoBWSimulation and flags.enableL1CaloPhase1
The chain inclusion is propagated all the way to the output and the L1TopoMonitoring plots are included in the expert-monitoring output file, but currently the plots are empty. In order to facilitate the implementation of the Online monitoring for L1TopoSimulation, this partial Merge Request is proposed.
An explicit if False condition has been added to avoid the chain being included at the moment. As such current version does not interfere with the default Athena, and the False condition needs to be manually removed to test the code.
Note: the chain can be tested by running a modified Trigger/TrigValidation/TrigP1Test/test/