diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/AthenaDBTestRec/ATLAS_CHECK_THREAD_SAFETY b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/AthenaDBTestRec/ATLAS_CHECK_THREAD_SAFETY
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e618fc39324257062edb3082823bd3e1aa666cd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/AthenaDBTestRec/ATLAS_CHECK_THREAD_SAFETY
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/AthenaDBTestRec/AthenaDBTestRecDataDict.h b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/AthenaDBTestRec/AthenaDBTestRecDataDict.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 282da3516dc5200d639551908e43d1727ffc2264..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/AthenaDBTestRec/AthenaDBTestRecDataDict.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// include all header files for dictionary
-#include "AthenaDBTestRec/TestCoolRecPoolData.h"
-#include "AthenaDBTestRec/TestCoolRecPoolDataColl.h"
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/AthenaDBTestRec/DetStoreDump.h b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/AthenaDBTestRec/DetStoreDump.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3146e6bb937627a6b204e251e88a1fdc12320dc2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/AthenaDBTestRec/DetStoreDump.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgorithm.h"
-#include "StoreGate/DataHandle.h"
-class DetStoreDump : public AthAlgorithm
- public:
-  DetStoreDump(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
-  ~DetStoreDump();
-  StatusCode initialize();
-  StatusCode execute();
-  StatusCode finalize();
- private:
-  // parameters
-  int m_mode;
-  bool m_first;
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/AthenaDBTestRec/TestCoolRecFolder.h b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/AthenaDBTestRec/TestCoolRecFolder.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1898aac02cea5d4e6332da9e14e0f0b91cb88602..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/AthenaDBTestRec/TestCoolRecFolder.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2023 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// TestCoolRecFolder.h - to keep details of a COOL folder being tested
-// in readback mode
-// Folders can be of different types:
-// type=0 : CondAttrListCollection
-// type=1 : TestCoolRecPoolDataColl (multichannel POOL objects)
-// type=2 : CondAttrListVec (for CoraCool)
-// type=3 : Generic objects (no callback, accessed via data proxy)
-// >3 acts as type 0 with modulo run number
-#include <string>
-#include <fstream>
-#include "GaudiKernel/StatusCode.h"
-#include "AthenaKernel/IIOVSvc.h"
-#include "CxxUtils/checker_macros.h"
-class StoreGateSvc;
-namespace SG {
-  class DataProxy;
-class IOVTime;
-class ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE TestCoolRecFolder {
- public:
-  TestCoolRecFolder(const std::string& key,const int type,
-		    const SG::DataProxy* proxy,
-		    const int dumpchan,std::ofstream* dumpf);
-  StatusCode regCallBack(StoreGateSvc* detstore);
-  StatusCode access(StoreGateSvc* detstore, const int run, const int event,
-		    const IOVTime iovkey);
-  StatusCode callBack( IOVSVC_CALLBACK_ARGS );
-  std::string iovprint(const IOVTime& time, const bool isTS);
-  const std::string name() const;
-  int type() const;
-  int nAccess() const;
-  int nError() const;
-  int nMisMatch() const;
-  int nItems() const;
-  int nCallBack() const;
- private:
-  std::string m_key;
-  int m_type;
-  const SG::DataProxy* m_proxy;
-  int m_dumpchan;
-  std::ofstream* m_dumpf;
-  int m_naccess;
-  int m_nerror;
-  int m_nmismatch;
-  int m_nitems;
-  int m_ncallback;
-inline const std::string TestCoolRecFolder::name() const { return m_key;}
-inline int TestCoolRecFolder::type() const { return m_type;}
-inline int TestCoolRecFolder::nAccess() const { return m_naccess;}
-inline int TestCoolRecFolder::nError() const { return m_nerror;}
-inline int TestCoolRecFolder::nMisMatch() const { return m_nmismatch;}
-inline int TestCoolRecFolder::nItems() const { return m_nitems;}
-inline int TestCoolRecFolder::nCallBack() const { return m_ncallback;}
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/AthenaDBTestRec/TestCoolRecPoolData.h b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/AthenaDBTestRec/TestCoolRecPoolData.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e501c11e38e2120544908e0b5d13821a42e68961..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/AthenaDBTestRec/TestCoolRecPoolData.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2023 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// TestCoolRecPoolData.h - test class for conditions data stored as POOL obj
-// Richard Hawkings, started 15/8/06
-#include "AthenaKernel/CLASS_DEF.h"
-class TestCoolRecPoolData {
- public:
-  TestCoolRecPoolData();
-  TestCoolRecPoolData(const int run, const int chan, const std::string& folder,
-		      const int size);
-  ~TestCoolRecPoolData();
-  // get methods
-  int run() const;
-  int chan() const;
-  const std::string folder() const;
-  // data access
-  int size() const;
-  std::vector<float>::iterator dbegin();
-  std::vector<float>::iterator dend();
-  std::vector<float>::const_iterator cdbegin() const;
-  std::vector<float>::const_iterator cdend() const;
- private:
-  int m_run;
-  int m_chan;
-  std::string m_folder;
-  std::vector<float> m_data;
-inline int TestCoolRecPoolData::run() const { return m_run;}
-inline int TestCoolRecPoolData::chan() const { return m_chan;}
-inline const std::string TestCoolRecPoolData::folder() const { return m_folder;}
-inline int TestCoolRecPoolData::size() const { return m_data.size();}
-inline std::vector<float>::iterator TestCoolRecPoolData::dbegin()
-{ return m_data.begin(); }
-inline std::vector<float>::iterator TestCoolRecPoolData::dend()
-{ return m_data.end(); }
-inline std::vector<float>::const_iterator TestCoolRecPoolData::cdbegin() const
-{ return m_data.begin(); }
-inline std::vector<float>::const_iterator TestCoolRecPoolData::cdend() const
-{ return m_data.end(); }
-CLASS_DEF( TestCoolRecPoolData , 113918902 , 1 )
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/AthenaDBTestRec/TestCoolRecPoolDataColl.h b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/AthenaDBTestRec/TestCoolRecPoolDataColl.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 96ebf519afe0d86a25127c20782a5ffe20155320..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/AthenaDBTestRec/TestCoolRecPoolDataColl.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// collection of TestCoolRecPoolData objects for storing in a 
-// COOL multichannel folder
-// Richard Hawkings, started 16/8/06
-#include "AthenaPoolUtilities/CondMultChanCollection.h"
-#include "AthenaDBTestRec/TestCoolRecPoolData.h"
-#include "AthenaKernel/CLASS_DEF.h"
-typedef CondMultChanCollection<TestCoolRecPoolData> TestCoolRecPoolDataColl;
-CLASS_DEF( TestCoolRecPoolDataColl , 117237436 , 1 )
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/AthenaDBTestRec/TestCoolRecRead.h b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/AthenaDBTestRec/TestCoolRecRead.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 023909f8074922adcd51871d1fb08d5e7f1cfe59..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/AthenaDBTestRec/TestCoolRecRead.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2022 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-#include <fstream>
-#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgorithm.h"
-#include "StoreGate/DataHandle.h"
-#include "AthenaDBTestRec/TestCoolRecFolder.h"
-#include "CxxUtils/checker_macros.h"
-class IOVTime;
-class ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE TestCoolRecRead : public AthAlgorithm
- public:
-  TestCoolRecRead(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator);
-  ~TestCoolRecRead();
-  StatusCode initialize();
-  StatusCode execute();
-  StatusCode finalize();
- private:
-  int readAuxFiles();
-  // parameters
-  std::vector<std::string> m_folders;
-  std::vector<int> m_ftypes;
-  std::vector<std::string> m_auxfiles;
-  bool m_par_checkmatch;
-  int m_par_delay;
-  int m_par_dumpchan;
-  std::string m_par_dumpfile;
-  StoreGateSvc* p_detstore;
-  std::vector<TestCoolRecFolder> m_folderlist;
-  int m_nbadaux;
-  std::ofstream* m_dumpf;
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/AthenaDBTestRec/selection.xml b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/AthenaDBTestRec/selection.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index d428330a946c15ff9a47b3c42de39f1d622cf889..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/AthenaDBTestRec/selection.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-<class name="TestCoolRecPoolData" id="033E3428-AC22-4DF7-98BC-24FFF65214A9" />
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/CMakeLists.txt b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d899badd38a0698bd8e86c733da43e597b7855a5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2022 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-# Declare the package name:
-atlas_subdir( AthenaDBTestRec )
-# External dependencies:
-find_package( COOL COMPONENTS CoolKernel CoolApplication )
-find_package( CORAL COMPONENTS CoralBase CoralKernel RelationalAccess )
-# Component(s) in the package:
-atlas_add_library( AthenaDBTestRecLib
-                   src/lib/*.cxx
-                   NO_PUBLIC_HEADERS
-                   LINK_LIBRARIES AthenaBaseComps AthenaKernel AthenaPoolUtilities GaudiKernel StoreGateLib
-atlas_add_component( AthenaDBTestRec
-                     src/components/*.cxx
-                     LINK_LIBRARIES AthenaDBTestRecLib )
-atlas_add_poolcnv_library( AthenaDBTestRecPoolCnv
-                           src/*.cxx
-                           FILES AthenaDBTestRec/TestCoolRecPoolData.h AthenaDBTestRec/TestCoolRecPoolDataColl.h
-                           MULT_CHAN_TYPES TestCoolRecPoolDataColl
-                           LINK_LIBRARIES ${COOL_LIBRARIES} ${CORAL_LIBRARIES} AthenaDBTestRecLib AthenaPoolCnvSvcLib CoraCool PersistentDataModel )
-atlas_add_dictionary( AthenaDBTestRecDataDict
-                      AthenaDBTestRec/AthenaDBTestRecDataDict.h
-                      AthenaDBTestRec/selection.xml
-                      LINK_LIBRARIES AthenaDBTestRecLib )
-atlas_add_executable( TestCoolRecWriter
-                      src/app/*.cxx
-                      LINK_LIBRARIES ${COOL_LIBRARIES} ${CORAL_LIBRARIES} AthenaDBTestRecLib CoraCool CxxUtils FileCatalog PersistencySvc PersistentDataModel StorageSvc )
-# Install files from the package:
-atlas_install_joboptions( share/*.py )
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/ATLR_CalibStream_1.txt b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/ATLR_CalibStream_1.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ca4f517542899cd2cf212034cdc78a013c6e4d69..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/ATLR_CalibStream_1.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# Configuration file for COOL reference workload
-# ATL_CalibStream_1 - data written by Tier-0 calibraton processes
-# Richard Hawkings, 7/12/06
-# stream 0 - ID
-poolfile 3 calibstream0_
-# multi 2 /ID/POOL/POOLDIR 32 RUNC poolref 1 18000 1
-multi 2 /ID/POOL/POOLDIR 32 RUNC string 1 160 1
-# stream 2 - calorimeter
-poolfile 3 calibstream1_
-# multi 17 /CALO/POOL/POOLDIR 32 RUNC poolref 1 18000 1
-multi 17 /CALO/POOL/POOLDIR 32 RUNC string 1 160 1
-# stream 2 - muons
-poolfile 3 calibstream2_
-folder /MUON/MDT/RT 1174 RUNC string 1 4500 1
-folder /MUON/MDT/T0 1174 RUNC string 1 3000 1
-# folder /MUON/POOL/POOLDIR 32 RUNC poolref 1 18000 1
-folder /MUON/POOL/POOLDIR 32 RUNC string 1 160 1
-# detector status information
-folder /GLOBAL/DETSTATUS/TISUMM 50 DCSP float 3 1 600
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/MayReproc.py b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/MayReproc.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e00a35e5e3eb970e095cb45fd591da939611099..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/MayReproc.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-# configuration used for May 2010 reprocessing
-FolderList=['<db>COOLOFL_INDET/COMP200</db> /Indet/Align', '<db>COOLOFL_INDET/COMP200</db> /Indet/Beampos', '<db>COOLOFL_INDET/COMP200</db> /Indet/PixelDist', '<db>COOLOFL_INDET/COMP200</db> /Indet/TrkErrorScaling', '<db>COOLONL_INDET/COMP200</db> /Indet/Align', '<db>COOLONL_INDET/COMP200</db> /Indet/Beampos', '<db>COOLONL_INDET/COMP200</db> /Indet/PixelDist', '<db>COOLONL_INDET/COMP200</db> /Indet/TrkErrorScaling', '<db>COOLOFL_PIXEL/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/NoiseMapLong', '<db>COOLOFL_PIXEL/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/NoiseMapShort', '<db>COOLOFL_PIXEL/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/PixCalib', '<db>COOLOFL_PIXEL/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/PixMapLong', '<db>COOLOFL_PIXEL/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/PixMapOverlay', '<db>COOLOFL_PIXEL/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/PixMapShort', '<db>COOLOFL_PIXEL/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/PixReco', '<db>COOLONL_PIXEL/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/PixCalib', '<db>COOLONL_PIXEL/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/PixMapOverlay', '<db>COOLONL_PIXEL/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/PixReco', '<db>COOLOFL_SCT/COMP200</db> /SCT/Derived/Monitoring', '<db>COOLONL_SCT/COMP200</db> /SCT/DAQ/Calibration/NPtGainDefects', '<db>COOLONL_SCT/COMP200</db> /SCT/DAQ/Calibration/NoiseOccupancyDefects', '<db>COOLONL_SCT/COMP200</db> /SCT/DAQ/Configuration/Chip', '<db>COOLONL_SCT/COMP200</db> /SCT/DAQ/Configuration/Geog', '<db>COOLONL_SCT/COMP200</db> /SCT/DAQ/Configuration/MUR', '<db>COOLONL_SCT/COMP200</db> /SCT/DAQ/Configuration/Module', '<db>COOLONL_SCT/COMP200</db> /SCT/DAQ/Configuration/ROD', '<db>COOLONL_SCT/COMP200</db> /SCT/DAQ/Configuration/RODMUR', '<db>COOLONL_SCT/COMP200</db> /SCT/Derived/Monitoring', '<db>COOLOFL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Align', '<db>COOLOFL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Calib/PID', '<db>COOLOFL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Calib/PID_RToT', '<db>COOLOFL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Calib/RT', '<db>COOLOFL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Calib/T0', '<db>COOLOFL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Cond/Status', '<db>COOLOFL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Cond/StatusPermanent', '<db>COOLONL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Align', '<db>COOLONL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Calib/PID', '<db>COOLONL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Calib/PID_RToT', '<db>COOLONL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Calib/RT', '<db>COOLONL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Calib/T0', '<db>COOLONL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Cond/Status', '<db>COOLONL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Cond/StatusPermanent', '<db>COOLOFL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/BadChannelsOfl/BadChannels', '<db>COOLOFL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/BadChannelsOfl/MissingFEBs', '<db>COOLOFL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/ElecCalibOfl/OFC/PhysWave/RTM/5samples3bins17phases', '<db>COOLOFL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/ElecCalibOfl/Shape/RTM/5samples3bins17phases', '<db>COOLOFL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/IdentifierOfl/HVLineToElectrodeMap', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/Align', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/Configuration/DSPThreshold/Thresholds', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/ElecCalibOnl/DAC2uA', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/ElecCalibOnl/HVScaleCorr', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/ElecCalibOnl/MphysOverMcal', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/ElecCalibOnl/Pedestal', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/ElecCalibOnl/Ramp', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/ElecCalibOnl/uA2MeV', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/Identifier/FebRodAtlas', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/Identifier/LArTTCellMapAtlas', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/Identifier/OnOffIdAtlas', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/LArCellPositionShift', '<db>COOLOFL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL01/TIME/CELLFIBERLENGTH', '<db>COOLOFL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL01/TIME/DRAWEROFFSET/LAS', '<db>COOLOFL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL01/TIME/TIMEOFFLIGHT', '<db>COOLOFL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL02/CALIB/CES', '<db>COOLOFL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL02/CALIB/CIS/FIT/LIN', '<db>COOLOFL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL02/CALIB/CIS/FIT/NLN', '<db>COOLOFL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL02/CALIB/EMS', '<db>COOLOFL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL02/CALIB/LAS/FIBER', '<db>COOLOFL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL02/CALIB/LAS/LIN', '<db>COOLOFL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL02/CALIB/LAS/NLN', '<db>COOLOFL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL02/NOISE/AUTOCR', '<db>COOLOFL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL02/NOISE/SAMPLE', '<db>COOLOFL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL02/PULSESHAPE/PHY', '<db>COOLOFL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL02/STATUS/ADC', '<db>COOLOFL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL02/TIME/CHANNELOFFSET/PHY', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL01/TIME/CELLFIBERLENGTH', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL01/TIME/DRAWEROFFSET/LAS', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL01/TIME/TIMEOFFLIGHT', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/ONL01/CALIB/CES', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/ONL01/CALIB/CIS/LIN', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/ONL01/CALIB/EMS', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/ONL01/CALIB/LAS/LIN', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/ONL01/FILTER/OF2/PHY', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/ONL01/STATUS/ADC', '<db>COOLOFL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/Ofl/Noise/CellNoise', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/CaloSwClusterCorrections/calhits', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/CaloSwClusterCorrections/clcon', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/CaloSwClusterCorrections/etamod', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/CaloSwClusterCorrections/etaoff', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/CaloSwClusterCorrections/gap', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/CaloSwClusterCorrections/larupdate', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/CaloSwClusterCorrections/lwc', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/CaloSwClusterCorrections/phimod', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/CaloSwClusterCorrections/phioff', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/CaloSwClusterCorrections/rfac', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/CaloSwClusterCorrections/trcorr', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/H1Weights/H1WeightsCone4Topo', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/HadCalibration2/CaloDMCorr2', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/HadCalibration2/CaloEMFrac', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/HadCalibration2/CaloOutOfCluster', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/HadCalibration2/CaloOutOfClusterPi0', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/HadCalibration2/H1ClusterCellWeights', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/Identifier/CaloTTOnAttrIdMapAtlas', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/Identifier/CaloTTOnOffIdMapAtlas', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/Identifier/CaloTTPpmRxIdMapAtlas', '<db>COOLOFL_MDT/COMP200</db> /MDT/RT', '<db>COOLOFL_MDT/COMP200</db> /MDT/T0', '<db>COOLONL_MDT/COMP200</db> /MDT/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA', '<db>COOLONL_MDT/COMP200</db> /MDT/CABLING/MEZZANINE_SCHEMA', '<db>COOLONL_MDT/COMP200</db> /MDT/RT', '<db>COOLONL_MDT/COMP200</db> /MDT/T0', '<db>COOLOFL_MUONALIGN/COMP200</db> /MUONALIGN/MDT/BARREL', '<db>COOLOFL_MUONALIGN/COMP200</db> /MUONALIGN/MDT/ENDCAP/SIDEA', '<db>COOLOFL_MUONALIGN/COMP200</db> /MUONALIGN/MDT/ENDCAP/SIDEC', '<db>COOLOFL_MUONALIGN/COMP200</db> /MUONALIGN/TGC/SIDEA', '<db>COOLOFL_MUONALIGN/COMP200</db> /MUONALIGN/TGC/SIDEC', '<db>COOLONL_MUONALIGN/COMP200</db> /MUONALIGN/MDT/BARREL', '<db>COOLONL_MUONALIGN/COMP200</db> /MUONALIGN/MDT/ENDCAP/SIDEA', '<db>COOLONL_MUONALIGN/COMP200</db> /MUONALIGN/MDT/ENDCAP/SIDEC', '<db>COOLONL_MUONALIGN/COMP200</db> /MUONALIGN/TGC/SIDEA', '<db>COOLONL_MUONALIGN/COMP200</db> /MUONALIGN/TGC/SIDEC', '<db>COOLONL_TDAQ/COMP200</db> /TDAQ/EnabledResources/ATLAS/SCT/Robins', '<db>COOLONL_TDAQ/COMP200</db> /TDAQ/EnabledResources/ATLAS/TRT/Robins', '<db>COOLONL_TRIGGER/COMP200</db> /TRIGGER/HLT/Groups', '<db>COOLONL_TRIGGER/COMP200</db> /TRIGGER/HLT/HltConfigKeys', '<db>COOLONL_TRIGGER/COMP200</db> /TRIGGER/HLT/Menu', '<db>COOLONL_TRIGGER/COMP200</db> /TRIGGER/HLT/PrescaleKey', '<db>COOLONL_TRIGGER/COMP200</db> /TRIGGER/HLT/Prescales', '<db>COOLONL_TRIGGER/COMP200</db> /TRIGGER/LUMI/LBLB', '<db>COOLONL_TRIGGER/COMP200</db> /TRIGGER/LVL1/BunchGroupContent', '<db>COOLONL_TRIGGER/COMP200</db> /TRIGGER/LVL1/BunchGroupDescription', '<db>COOLONL_TRIGGER/COMP200</db> /TRIGGER/LVL1/BunchGroupKey', '<db>COOLONL_TRIGGER/COMP200</db> /TRIGGER/LVL1/CTPCoreInputMapping', '<db>COOLONL_TRIGGER/COMP200</db> /TRIGGER/LVL1/ItemDef', '<db>COOLONL_TRIGGER/COMP200</db> /TRIGGER/LVL1/Lvl1ConfigKey', '<db>COOLONL_TRIGGER/COMP200</db> /TRIGGER/LVL1/Menu', '<db>COOLONL_TRIGGER/COMP200</db> /TRIGGER/LVL1/Prescales', '<db>COOLONL_TRIGGER/COMP200</db> /TRIGGER/LVL1/Thresholds', '<db>COOLOFL_CSC/COMP200</db> /CSC/FTHOLD', '<db>COOLOFL_CSC/COMP200</db> /CSC/NOISE', '<db>COOLOFL_CSC/COMP200</db> /CSC/PED', '<db>COOLOFL_CSC/COMP200</db> /CSC/PSLOPE', '<db>COOLOFL_CSC/COMP200</db> /CSC/RMS', '<db>COOLOFL_CSC/COMP200</db> /CSC/STAT', '<db>COOLONL_CSC/COMP200</db> /CSC/FTHOLD', '<db>COOLONL_CSC/COMP200</db> /CSC/NOISE', '<db>COOLONL_CSC/COMP200</db> /CSC/PED', '<db>COOLONL_CSC/COMP200</db> /CSC/PSLOPE', '<db>COOLONL_CSC/COMP200</db> /CSC/RMS', '<db>COOLONL_CSC/COMP200</db> /CSC/STAT', '<db>COOLONL_RPC/COMP200</db> /RPC/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA', '<db>COOLONL_RPC/COMP200</db> /RPC/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA_CORR', '<db>COOLONL_TGC/COMP200</db> /TGC/CABLING/MAP_SCHEMA', '<db>COOLOFL_GLOBAL/COMP200</db> /GLOBAL/BTagCalib/ALL', '<db>COOLOFL_GLOBAL/COMP200</db> /GLOBAL/DETSTATUS/LBSUMM', '<db>COOLOFL_GLOBAL/COMP200</db> /GLOBAL/InsituPerf/EGamma/Resolutions', '<db>COOLONL_GLOBAL/COMP200</db> /GLOBAL/BField/Map', '<db>COOLONL_GLOBAL/COMP200</db> /GLOBAL/TrackingGeo/LayerMaterial', '<db>COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200</db> /EXT/DCS/MAGNETS/SENSORDATA', '<db>COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200</db> /LAR/DCS/HV/BARREL/I8', '<db>COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200</db> /LAR/DCS/HV/BARREl/I16', '<db>COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/DCS/FSMSTATE', '<db>COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/DCS/FSMSTATUS', '<db>COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/DCS/HV', '<db>COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/DCS/TEMPERATURE', '<db>COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200</db> /SCT/DCS/CHANSTAT', '<db>COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200</db> /SCT/DCS/HV', '<db>COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200</db> /SCT/DCS/MODTEMP', '<db>COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200</db> /TRT/DCS/HV/BARREL', '<db>COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200</db> /TRT/DCS/HV/ENDCAPA', '<db>COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200</db> /TRT/DCS/HV/ENDCAPC']
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/MiniCDC_1.txt b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/MiniCDC_1.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3af872e8d7514ef1dd1cf5de90a113903ddb5c6d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/MiniCDC_1.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# Configuration file for COOL reference workload
-# MiniCDC_1.txt : 4-schema COOL readback load for Tier-1 testing
-# Richard Hawkings, 3/5/07
-# stream 0 - ID
-poolfile 3 calibstream0_
-# multi 2 /ID/POOL/POOLDIR 32 RUNC poolref 1 18000 1
-multi 2 /ID/POOL/POOLDIR 32 RUNC string 1 160 1
-# stream 2 - calorimeter
-poolfile 3 calibstream1_
-# multi 17 /CALO/POOL/POOLDIR 32 RUNC poolref 1 18000 1
-multi 17 /CALO/POOL/POOLDIR 32 RUNC string 1 160 1
-# stream 2 - muons
-poolfile 3 calibstream2_
-folder /MUON/MDT/RT 1174 RUNC string 1 4500 -10
-folder /MUON/MDT/T0 1174 RUNC string 1 3000 -10
-# folder /MUON/POOL/POOLDIR 32 RUNC poolref 1 18000 1
-folder /MUON/POOL/POOLDIR 32 RUNC string 1 160 1
-# detector status information
-folder /GLOBAL/DETSTATUS/TISUMM 50 DCSP float 3 1 600
-# DCS information
-multi 10 /TDAQ/DCS/TESTDCS 200 DCSP float 25 1 300
-multi 5 /TDAQ/DCS/TESTDCS2 1000 DCSP float 25 1 300
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/MiniCDC_1_nodcs.txt b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/MiniCDC_1_nodcs.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 31a04d2bf133f0d29e2ffe3b88614a55b50e162a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/MiniCDC_1_nodcs.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# Configuration file for COOL reference workload
-# MiniCDC_1.txt : 4-schema COOL readback load for Tier-1 testing
-# Richard Hawkings, 3/5/07
-# stream 0 - ID
-poolfile 3 calibstream0_
-# multi 2 /ID/POOL/POOLDIR 32 RUNC poolref 1 18000 1
-multi 2 /ID/POOL/POOLDIR 32 RUNC string 1 160 1
-# stream 2 - calorimeter
-poolfile 3 calibstream1_
-# multi 17 /CALO/POOL/POOLDIR 32 RUNC poolref 1 18000 1
-multi 17 /CALO/POOL/POOLDIR 32 RUNC string 1 160 1
-# stream 2 - muons
-poolfile 3 calibstream2_
-folder /MUON/MDT/RT 1174 RUNC string 1 4500 -10
-folder /MUON/MDT/T0 1174 RUNC string 1 3000 -10
-# folder /MUON/POOL/POOLDIR 32 RUNC poolref 1 18000 1
-folder /MUON/POOL/POOLDIR 32 RUNC string 1 160 1
-# detector status information
-folder /GLOBAL/DETSTATUS/TISUMM 50 DCSP float 3 1 600
-# DCS information
-# multi 10 /TDAQ/DCS/TESTDCS 200 DCSP float 25 1 300
-# multi 5 /TDAQ/DCS/TESTDCS2 1000 DCSP float 25 1 300
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/MiniCDC_2.txt b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/MiniCDC_2.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d84d1cd7357409440c918c5b850102ec0467415e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/MiniCDC_2.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-# Configuration file for COOL reference workload
-# MiniCDC_2.txt : 4-schema COOL readback load for Tier-1 testing
-# with added CoraCool test
-# Richard Hawkings, 26/1/09
-# stream 0 - ID
-poolfile 3 calibstream0_
-# multi 2 /ID/POOL/POOLDIR 32 RUNC poolref 1 18000 1
-multi 2 /ID/POOL/POOLDIR 32 RUNC string 1 160 1
-multi 2 /ID/CORACOOL 10 RUNC coracool 5 25 1
-# stream 2 - calorimeter
-poolfile 3 calibstream1_
-# multi 17 /CALO/POOL/POOLDIR 32 RUNC poolref 1 18000 1
-multi 17 /CALO/POOL/POOLDIR 32 RUNC string 1 160 1
-# stream 2 - muons
-poolfile 3 calibstream2_
-folder /MUON/MDT/RT 1174 RUNC string 1 4500 -10
-folder /MUON/MDT/T0 1174 RUNC string 1 3000 -10
-payloadtable 1
-folder /MUON/MDT/RT_PT 1174 RUNC string 1 4500 -10
-folder /MUON/MDT/T0_PT 1174 RUNC string 1 3000 -10
-folder /MUON/MDT/RT_PT_BLOB 1174 RUNC blob 1 4500 -10
-payloadtable 0
-# folder /MUON/POOL/POOLDIR 32 RUNC poolref 1 18000 1
-folder /MUON/POOL/POOLDIR 32 RUNC string 1 160 1
-# detector status information
-folder /GLOBAL/DETSTATUS/TISUMM 50 DCSP float 3 1 600
-# DCS information
-multi 10 /TDAQ/DCS/TESTDCS 200 DCSP float 25 1 300
-multi 5 /TDAQ/DCS/TESTDCS2 1000 DCSP float 25 1 300
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/MiniCDC_3.txt b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/MiniCDC_3.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 305e3d41eb597b4d9d6606a26be15a5cb3bffd69..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/MiniCDC_3.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# Configuration file for COOL reference workload
-# MiniCDC_3.txt : like MiniCDC_2 but with all data on single schema
-# used for Frontier testing on INTR8
-# Richard Hawkings, 14/7/09
-# stream 0 - ID
-poolfile 3 calibstream0_
-multi 2 /ID/POOL/POOLDIR 32 RUNC string 1 160 1
-multi 2 /ID/CORACOOL 10 RUNC coracool 5 25 1
-# stream 2 - calorimeter
-poolfile 3 calibstream1_
-multi 17 /CALO/POOL/POOLDIR 32 RUNC string 1 160 1
-# stream 2 - muons
-poolfile 3 calibstream2_
-folder /MUON/MDT/RT 1174 RUNC string 1 4500 -10
-folder /MUON/MDT/T0 1174 RUNC string 1 3000 -10
-payloadtable 1
-folder /MUON/MDT/RT_PT 1174 RUNC string 1 4500 -10
-folder /MUON/MDT/T0_PT 1174 RUNC string 1 3000 -10
-folder /MUON/MDT/RT_PT_BLOB 1174 RUNC blob 1 4500 -10
-payloadtable 0
-folder /MUON/POOL/POOLDIR 32 RUNC string 1 160 1
-# detector status information
-folder /GLOBAL/DETSTATUS/TISUMM 50 DCSP float 3 1 600
-# DCS information
-multi 10 /TDAQ/DCS/TESTDCS 200 DCSP float 25 1 300
-multi 5 /TDAQ/DCS/TESTDCS2 1000 DCSP float 25 1 300
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/MiniCDC_blob.txt b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/MiniCDC_blob.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 944f67d0966475ebb8e62e2d187d9b46345a0fec..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/MiniCDC_blob.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# Configuraton file for COOL reference workload
-# MiniCDC_blob.txt: 10 x 1M and 10 x 10M Blobs for readback testing
-folder /CALO/BLOB/BLOB1 10 RUNC blob 1 1000000 -100
-folder /CALO/BLOB/BLOB2 10 RUNC blob 1 10000000 -100
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/PFTest_1a.txt b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/PFTest_1a.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b3ddd17c782cbf4bba2fd759b48788b3c3c7c815..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/PFTest_1a.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# Configuration file for POOL-file based test workload
-# Set A - one POOL file per run
-poolfile 3 test1a
-multi 2 /CALO/POOLFILE/TEST1A 10 RUNC poolref 1 1250000 1
-multi 10 /CALO/POOLFILE/TEST2A 10 RUNC poolref 1 250000 1
-multi 20 /CALO/POOLFILE/TEST3A 10 RUNC poolref 1 25000 1
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/PFTest_1b.txt b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/PFTest_1b.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c65871dceca80ebbd4dd5ddafe1286e5ad1df554..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/PFTest_1b.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# Configuration file for POOL-file based test workload
-# Set B - one POOL file per run
-poolfile 1 test1b
-multi 2 /CALO/POOLFILE/TEST1B 10 RUNC poolref 1 1250000 1
-multi 10 /CALO/POOLFILE/TEST2B 10 RUNC poolref 1 250000 1
-multi 20 /CALO/POOLFILE/TEST3B 10 RUNC poolref 1 25000 1
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/Tier0Cosmic1.py b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/Tier0Cosmic1.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 92bef131486b7f80fef44665b6113ca42dcf2446..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/Tier0Cosmic1.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-# configuration used for Tier-0 cosmic processing
-# extracted from 14.2.23 RecExCommission_ATN.py setup 10/10/08
-FolderList=['<db>COOLONL_INDET/COMP200</db> /Indet/Align', '<db>COOLONL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Align', '<db>COOLONL_INDET/COMP200</db> /Indet/PixelDist', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/Align', '<db>COOLONL_GLOBAL/COMP200</db> /GLOBAL/BField/Map <tag>BFieldMap-000</tag>', '<db>COOLONL_INDET/COMP200</db> /Indet/Beampos', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/Identifier/OnOffIdAtlas', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/Identifier/FebRodAtlas', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/BadChannels/BadChannels', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/BadChannels/MissingFEBs', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/ElecCalibOnl/DAC2uA', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/ElecCalibOnl/MphysOverMcal<channelSelection>3:238,306,313,319,325,331,338,344,350,1001:1012,1021,1022</channelSelection>', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/ElecCalibOnl/Pedestal<channelSelection>3:238,306,313,319,325,331,338,344,350,1001:1012,1021,1022</channelSelection>', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/ElecCalibOnl/Ramp<channelSelection>3:238,306,313,319,325,331,338,344,350,1001:1012,1021,1022</channelSelection>', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/ElecCalibOnl/uA2MeV', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/ElecCalibOnl/HVScaleCorr', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/ElecCalib/OFC/PhysWave/RTM/5samples3bins17phases<channelSelection>3:238,306,313,319,325,331,338,344,350,1001:1012,1021,1022</channelSelection>', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/Identifier/LArTTCellMapAtlas<tag> LARIdentifierLArTTCellMapAtlas-DC3-05 </tag>', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/Identifier/CaloTTOnOffIdMapAtlas', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/Identifier/CaloTTOnAttrIdMapAtlas', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL01/STATUS/ADC', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/ONL01/STATUS/ADC', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL01/CALIB/CIS/FIT/LIN', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL01/CALIB/CIS/FIT/NLN', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL01/CALIB/LAS/LIN', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL01/CALIB/LAS/NLN', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL01/CALIB/CES', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL01/CALIB/EMS', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/ONL01/CALIB/CIS/LIN', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/ONL01/CALIB/LAS/LIN', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/ONL01/CALIB/CES', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/ONL01/CALIB/EMS', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL01/NOISE/SAMPLE', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL01/NOISE/AUTOCR', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL01/TIME/CELLFIBERLENGTH', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL01/TIME/DRAWEROFFSET/LAS', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL01/TIME/CHANNELOFFSET/LAS', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL01/PULSESHAPE/PHY', '<db>COOLONL_MDT/COMP200</db> /MDT/T0', '<db>COOLONL_MDT/COMP200</db> /MDT/RT', '<db>COOLOFL_GLOBAL/COMP200</db> /GLOBAL/DETSTATUS/LBSUMM', '<db>COOLONL_INDET/COMP200</db> /Indet/TrackingGeo/LayerMaterial<tag>TagInfo/InDetLayerMat_v6_/GeoAtlas</tag>', '<db>COOLONL_TRIGGER/COMP200</db> /TRIGGER/HLT/Menu <tag>HEAD</tag>', '<db>COOLONL_TRIGGER/COMP200</db> /TRIGGER/HLT/HltConfigKeys <tag>HEAD</tag>', '<db>COOLONL_TRIGGER/COMP200</db> /TRIGGER/LVL1/Lvl1ConfigKey <tag>HEAD</tag>', '<db>COOLONL_TRIGGER/COMP200</db> /TRIGGER/LVL1/Menu <tag>HEAD</tag>', '<db>COOLONL_TRIGGER/COMP200</db> /TRIGGER/LVL1/Prescales <tag>HEAD</tag>', '<db>COOLONL_CSC/COMP200</db> /CSC/PED', '<db>COOLONL_CSC/COMP200</db> /CSC/NOISE', '<db>COOLONL_CSC/COMP200</db> /CSC/PSLOPE', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/Noise/CellNoise', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/HadCalibration/CaloEMFrac <tag>CaloEMFRac-003-01</tag>', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/HadCalibration/H1ClusterCellWeights <tag>CaloH1CellWeights-003-01</tag>', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/HadCalibration/CaloOutOfCluster <tag>CaloHadOOCCorr-003-01</tag>', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/HadCalibration/CaloOutOfClusterPi0 <tag>CaloHadOOCCorrPi0-003-01</tag>', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/HadCalibration/CaloDMCorr2 <tag>CaloHadDMCorr-002-00</tag>', '<db>COOLONL_PIXEL/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/PixCalib', '<db>COOLONL_PIXEL/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/PixMap', '<db>COOLONL_PIXEL/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/NoiseMap', '<db>COOLONL_PIXEL/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/PixMapOverlay', '<db>COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/DCS/TEMPERATURE', '<db>COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/DCS/HV', '<db>COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/DCS/FSMSTATUS', '<db>COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/DCS/FSMSTATE', '<db>COOLONL_PIXEL/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/PixReco', '<db>COOLONL_SCT/COMP200</db> /SCT/DAQ/Configuration/Chip', '<db>COOLONL_SCT/COMP200</db> /SCT/DAQ/Configuration/Module', '<db>COOLONL_SCT/COMP200</db> /SCT/Derived/Monitoring', '<db>COOLONL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Calib/RT', '<db>COOLONL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Calib/T0', '<db>COOLONL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Cond/Status', '<db>COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200</db> /TRT/DCS/HV/BARREL <cache>600</cache>', '<db>COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200</db> /TRT/DCS/HV/ENDCAPA <cache>600</cache>', '<db>COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200</db> /TRT/DCS/HV/ENDCAPC <cache>600</cache>', '<db>COOLONL_INDET/COMP200</db> /Indet/TrkErrorScaling', '<db>COOLONL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Calib/PID', '<db>COOLONL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Calib/PID_RToT', '<db>COOLONL_INDET/COMP200</db> /Indet/Beampos']
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/Tier0Cosmic2.py b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/Tier0Cosmic2.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5229108cef083d8f230bf98eaa2f48417c44fd3b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/Tier0Cosmic2.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-# configuration used for Tier-0 cosmic processing
-# extracted from 14.2.23 RecExCommission_ATN.py setup 10/10/08
-FolderList=['<db>COOLONL_INDET/COMP200</db> /Indet/Align', '<db>COOLONL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Align', '<db>COOLONL_INDET/COMP200</db> /Indet/PixelDist', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/Align', '<db>COOLONL_GLOBAL/COMP200</db> /GLOBAL/BField/Map <tag>BFieldMap-000</tag>', '<db>COOLONL_INDET/COMP200</db> /Indet/Beampos', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/Identifier/OnOffIdAtlas', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/Identifier/FebRodAtlas', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/BadChannels/BadChannels', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/BadChannels/MissingFEBs', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/ElecCalibOnl/DAC2uA', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/ElecCalibOnl/MphysOverMcal<channelSelection>3:238,306,313,319,325,331,338,344,350,1001:1012,1021,1022</channelSelection>', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/ElecCalibOnl/Pedestal<channelSelection>3:238,306,313,319,325,331,338,344,350,1001:1012,1021,1022</channelSelection>', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/ElecCalibOnl/Ramp<channelSelection>3:238,306,313,319,325,331,338,344,350,1001:1012,1021,1022</channelSelection>', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/ElecCalibOnl/uA2MeV', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/ElecCalibOnl/HVScaleCorr', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/ElecCalib/OFC/PhysWave/RTM/5samples3bins17phases<channelSelection>3:238,306,313,319,325,331,338,344,350,1001:1012,1021,1022</channelSelection>', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/Identifier/LArTTCellMapAtlas<tag> LARIdentifierLArTTCellMapAtlas-DC3-05 </tag>', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/Identifier/CaloTTOnOffIdMapAtlas', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/Identifier/CaloTTOnAttrIdMapAtlas', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL01/STATUS/ADC', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/ONL01/STATUS/ADC', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL01/CALIB/CIS/FIT/LIN', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL01/CALIB/CIS/FIT/NLN', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL01/CALIB/LAS/LIN', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL01/CALIB/LAS/NLN', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL01/CALIB/CES', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL01/CALIB/EMS', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/ONL01/CALIB/CIS/LIN', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/ONL01/CALIB/LAS/LIN', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/ONL01/CALIB/CES', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/ONL01/CALIB/EMS', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL01/NOISE/SAMPLE', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL01/NOISE/AUTOCR', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL01/TIME/CELLFIBERLENGTH', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL01/TIME/DRAWEROFFSET/LAS', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL01/TIME/CHANNELOFFSET/LAS', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL01/PULSESHAPE/PHY', '<db>COOLONL_MDT/COMP200</db> /MDT/T0', '<db>COOLONL_MDT/COMP200</db> /MDT/RT', '<db>COOLOFL_GLOBAL/COMP200</db> /GLOBAL/DETSTATUS/LBSUMM', '<db>COOLONL_INDET/COMP200</db> /Indet/TrackingGeo/LayerMaterial<tag>TagInfo/InDetLayerMat_v6_/GeoAtlas</tag>', '<db>COOLONL_TRIGGER/COMP200</db> /TRIGGER/HLT/Menu <tag>HEAD</tag>', '<db>COOLONL_TRIGGER/COMP200</db> /TRIGGER/HLT/HltConfigKeys <tag>HEAD</tag>', '<db>COOLONL_TRIGGER/COMP200</db> /TRIGGER/LVL1/Lvl1ConfigKey <tag>HEAD</tag>', '<db>COOLONL_TRIGGER/COMP200</db> /TRIGGER/LVL1/Menu <tag>HEAD</tag>', '<db>COOLONL_TRIGGER/COMP200</db> /TRIGGER/LVL1/Prescales <tag>HEAD</tag>', '<db>COOLONL_CSC/COMP200</db> /CSC/PED', '<db>COOLONL_CSC/COMP200</db> /CSC/NOISE', '<db>COOLONL_CSC/COMP200</db> /CSC/PSLOPE', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/Noise/CellNoise', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/HadCalibration/CaloEMFrac <tag>CaloEMFRac-003-01</tag>', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/HadCalibration/H1ClusterCellWeights <tag>CaloH1CellWeights-003-01</tag>', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/HadCalibration/CaloOutOfCluster <tag>CaloHadOOCCorr-003-01</tag>', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/HadCalibration/CaloOutOfClusterPi0 <tag>CaloHadOOCCorrPi0-003-01</tag>', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/HadCalibration/CaloDMCorr2 <tag>CaloHadDMCorr-002-00</tag>', '<db>COOLONL_PIXEL/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/PixCalib', '<db>COOLONL_PIXEL/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/PixMap', '<db>COOLONL_PIXEL/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/NoiseMap', '<db>COOLONL_PIXEL/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/PixMapOverlay', '<db>COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/DCS/TEMPERATURE', '<db>COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/DCS/HV', '<db>COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/DCS/FSMSTATUS', '<db>COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/DCS/FSMSTATE', '<db>COOLONL_PIXEL/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/PixReco', '<db>COOLONL_SCT/COMP200</db> /SCT/DAQ/Configuration/Chip', '<db>COOLONL_SCT/COMP200</db> /SCT/DAQ/Configuration/Module', '<db>COOLONL_SCT/COMP200</db> /SCT/Derived/Monitoring', '<db>COOLONL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Calib/RT', '<db>COOLONL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Calib/T0', '<db>COOLONL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Cond/Status', '<db>COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200</db> /TRT/DCS/HV/BARREL <cache>600</cache>', '<db>COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200</db> /TRT/DCS/HV/ENDCAPA <cache>600</cache>', '<db>COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200</db> /TRT/DCS/HV/ENDCAPC <cache>600</cache>', '<db>COOLONL_INDET/COMP200</db> /Indet/TrkErrorScaling', '<db>COOLONL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Calib/PID', '<db>COOLONL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Calib/PID_RToT', '<db>COOLONL_INDET/COMP200</db> /Indet/Beampos']
-# extra DCS data not yet being read in production
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/Tier0Egamma.py b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/Tier0Egamma.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c6bda203941977e636e7f4ec8aae0ef67d10b5c9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/Tier0Egamma.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-# configuration used Egamma stream processing extracted from 16.0.2
-FolderList=['/TagInfo<metaOnly/>', '<db>COOLOFL_INDET/COMP200</db> /Indet/Align', '<db>COOLOFL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Align', '<db>COOLOFL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Calib/DX', '<db>COOLOFL_INDET/COMP200</db> /Indet/PixelDist', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/Align', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/LArCellPositionShift', '<db>COOLOFL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL02/STATUS/ADC', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/ONL01/STATUS/ADC', '<db>COOLOFL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL02/CALIB/CIS/FIT/LIN', '<db>COOLOFL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL02/CALIB/CIS/FIT/NLN', '<db>COOLOFL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL02/CALIB/LAS/LIN', '<db>COOLOFL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL02/CALIB/LAS/NLN', '<db>COOLOFL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL02/CALIB/LAS/FIBER', '<db>COOLOFL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL02/CALIB/CES', '<db>COOLOFL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL02/CALIB/EMS', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/ONL01/CALIB/CIS/LIN', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/ONL01/CALIB/LAS/LIN', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/ONL01/CALIB/CES', '<db>COOLONL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/ONL01/CALIB/EMS', '<db>COOLOFL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL02/NOISE/SAMPLE', '<db>COOLOFL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL02/NOISE/AUTOCR', '<db>COOLOFL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL01/TIME/CELLFIBERLENGTH', '<db>COOLOFL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL01/TIME/TIMEOFFLIGHT', '<db>COOLOFL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL01/TIME/DRAWEROFFSET/LAS', '<db>COOLOFL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL02/TIME/CHANNELOFFSET/PHY', '<db>COOLOFL_TILE/COMP200</db> /TILE/OFL02/PULSESHAPE/PHY', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/Identifier/LArTTCellMapAtlas', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/Identifier/CaloTTOnOffIdMapAtlas', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/Identifier/CaloTTOnAttrIdMapAtlas', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/Identifier/CaloTTPpmRxIdMapAtlas', '<db>COOLOFL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/BadChannelsOfl/BadChannels<key>/LAR/BadChannels/BadChannels</key>', '<db>COOLOFL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/BadChannelsOfl/MissingFEBs<key>/LAR/BadChannels/MissingFEBs</key>', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/Identifier/OnOffIdAtlas', '<db>COOLONL_LAR/COMP200</db> /LAR/Identifier/FebRodAtlas', '<db>COOLOFL_INDET/COMP200</db> /Indet/Beampos', '<db>COOLONL_GLOBAL/COMP200</db> /GLOBAL/BField/Map <noover/>', '<db>COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200</db> /EXT/DCS/MAGNETS/SENSORDATA', '<db>COOLOFL_GLOBAL/COMP200</db> /GLOBAL/DETSTATUS/LBSUMM', '<db>COOLONL_TRIGGER/COMP200</db> /TRIGGER/HLT/Menu <tag>HEAD</tag>', '<db>COOLONL_TRIGGER/COMP200</db> /TRIGGER/HLT/HltConfigKeys <tag>HEAD</tag>', '<db>COOLONL_TRIGGER/COMP200</db> /TRIGGER/LVL1/Lvl1ConfigKey <tag>HEAD</tag>', '<db>COOLONL_TRIGGER/COMP200</db> /TRIGGER/LVL1/Menu <tag>HEAD</tag>', '<db>COOLONL_TRIGGER/COMP200</db> /TRIGGER/LVL1/Prescales <tag>HEAD</tag>', '<db>COOLONL_TRIGGER/COMP200</db> /TRIGGER/HLT/Prescales <tag>HEAD</tag>', '<db>COOLONL_TRIGGER/COMP200</db> /TRIGGER/HLT/PrescaleKey <tag>HEAD</tag>', '<db>COOLONL_TRIGGER/COMP200</db> /TRIGGER/LVL1/ItemDef <tag>HEAD</tag>', '<db>COOLOFL_PIXEL/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/PixCalib', '<db>COOLOFL_PIXEL/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/PixMapShort', '<db>COOLOFL_PIXEL/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/PixMapLong', '<db>COOLOFL_PIXEL/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/NoiseMapShort', '<db>COOLOFL_PIXEL/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/NoiseMapLong', '<db>COOLOFL_PIXEL/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/PixMapOverlay', '<db>COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/DCS/TEMPERATURE', '<db>COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/DCS/HV', '<db>COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/DCS/FSMSTATUS', '<db>COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/DCS/FSMSTATE', '<db>COOLOFL_PIXEL/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/PixReco', '<db>COOLONL_SCT/COMP200</db> /SCT/DAQ/Configuration/Chip', '<db>COOLONL_SCT/COMP200</db> /SCT/DAQ/Configuration/Module', '<db>COOLONL_SCT/COMP200</db> /SCT/DAQ/Configuration/MUR', '<db>COOLONL_SCT/COMP200</db> /SCT/DAQ/Calibration/NPtGainDefects', '<db>COOLONL_SCT/COMP200</db> /SCT/DAQ/Calibration/NoiseOccupancyDefects', '<db>COOLOFL_SCT/COMP200</db> /SCT/Derived/Monitoring', '<db>COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200</db> /SCT/DCS/CHANSTAT', '<db>COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200</db> /SCT/DCS/MODTEMP', '<db>COOLOFL_DCS/COMP200</db> /SCT/DCS/HV', '<db>COOLONL_TDAQ/COMP200</db> /TDAQ/EnabledResources/ATLAS/SCT/Robins', '<db>COOLOFL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Calib/RT', '<db>COOLOFL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Calib/T0', '<db>COOLOFL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Calib/errors', '<db>COOLOFL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Calib/ToTCalib', '<db>COOLOFL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Cond/Status', '<db>COOLOFL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Cond/StatusPermanent', '<db>COOLOFL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Calib/PID', '<db>COOLOFL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Calib/PID_RToT', '<db>COOLOFL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Calib/PIDver_New', '<db>COOLOFL_TRT/COMP200</db> /TRT/Calib/PID_RToTver_New', '<db>COOLONL_PIXEL/COMP200</db> /PIXEL/ReadoutSpeed', '<db>COOLONL_SCT/COMP200</db> /SCT/DAQ/Configuration/ROD', '<db>COOLONL_SCT/COMP200</db> /SCT/DAQ/Configuration/RODMUR', '<db>COOLONL_SCT/COMP200</db> /SCT/DAQ/Configuration/Geog', '<db>COOLOFL_INDET/COMP200</db> /Indet/TrkErrorScaling', '<db>COOLONL_GLOBAL/COMP200</db> /GLOBAL/TrackingGeo/LayerMaterial<tag>TagInfoMajor/AtlasLayerMat_v15_/GeoAtlas</tag>', '<db>COOLOFL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/Ofl/Noise/CellNoise', '<db>COOLONL_TRIGGER/COMP200</db> /TRIGGER/LUMI/LBLESTONL', '<db>COOLOFL_CSC/COMP200</db> /CSC/PED <key>CSC_PED</key> ', '<db>COOLOFL_CSC/COMP200</db> /CSC/NOISE <key>CSC_NOISE</key> ', '<db>COOLOFL_CSC/COMP200</db> /CSC/PSLOPE <key>CSC_PSLOPE</key> ', '<db>COOLOFL_CSC/COMP200</db> /CSC/STAT <key>CSC_STAT</key> ', '<db>COOLOFL_CSC/COMP200</db> /CSC/RMS <key>CSC_RMS</key> ', '<db>COOLOFL_CSC/COMP200</db> /CSC/FTHOLD <key>CSC_FTHOLD</key> ', '<db>COOLOFL_MUONALIGN/COMP200</db> /MUONALIGN/MDT/BARREL', '<db>COOLOFL_MUONALIGN/COMP200</db> /MUONALIGN/MDT/ENDCAP/SIDEA', '<db>COOLOFL_MUONALIGN/COMP200</db> /MUONALIGN/MDT/ENDCAP/SIDEC', '<db>COOLOFL_MUONALIGN/COMP200</db> /MUONALIGN/TGC/SIDEA', '<db>COOLOFL_MUONALIGN/COMP200</db> /MUONALIGN/TGC/SIDEC', '<db>COOLONL_CALO/COMP200</db> /CALO/H1Weights/H1WeightsCone4Topo']
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/coolvector_test.txt b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/coolvector_test.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 21fced98dfa8d7a5585a266ba45a2e0acd630e55..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/coolvector_test.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-# Configuration file to test CoolVector payload
-multi 2 /COOLVEC/TEST 10 RUNC coolvector 5 25 1
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/coracool_test.txt b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/coracool_test.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bcfe62a789c778b6082e4765dc9c30b0056f30f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/coracool_test.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-# Configuration file to test CoraCool
-multi 2 /CORACOOL/TEST 10 RUNC coracool 5 25 1
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/dcs_1_100_10c.txt b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/dcs_1_100_10c.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index b483e3e4e6b35cf7f9fd324f4f7a6a61b4ab404c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/dcs_1_100_10c.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# single folder, 100 channels, 10 reading/channel, coherent update
-# folder  <path> <nchan> <ptime> <ptype> <ncolumns> <size> <period>
-folder /TEST/DCS/FOLDER1 100 DCSC float 10 1 300
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/dcs_1_100_1c.txt b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/dcs_1_100_1c.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bd47faf80eb2061cb9d81b9c5e73889c5411f85..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/dcs_1_100_1c.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-# single folder, 100 channels, one reading/channel, coherent update
-# folder  <path> <nchan> <ptime> <ptype> <ncolumns> <size> <period>
-folder /TEST/DCS/FOLDER1 100 DCSC float 1 1 300
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/lar_calib.txt b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/lar_calib.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index af420f61dc71ea65692333b044b20c0e521cc6f1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/lar_calib.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# multiple LAr calibraton folders - 50 of 32 channels each per run
-# based on information from RD Schaffer, Feb 2006
-# in practice reco job would only read say 25% of this data
-# multi <nfolders>  <path> <nchan> <ptime> <ptype> <ncolumns> <size> <period>
-multi 50 /TEST/LAR/FOLDER 32 RUNC string 1 100 1
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/mdt_calib.txt b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/mdt_calib.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index cc09f34552c929b3affd50b39ce4129bf8e86f28..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/mdt_calib.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# MDT calibration data, information from Monica Verducci/Domizia Orestano
-# March 2006
-# first organisation - one channel per MDT chamber
-# note also need to add corrections and mapping info
-# multi <nfolders>  <path> <nchan> <ptime> <ptype> <ncolumns> <size> <period>
-folder /TEST/MDT/RT 1174 RUNC string 1 4500 1
-folder /TEST/MDT/T0 1174 RUNC string 1 3000 1
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/mdt_calib2.txt b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/mdt_calib2.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d22ca846868b23debfd0af7f55fb6a1c2a566708..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/mdt_calib2.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# MDT calibration data, information from Monica Verducci/Domizia Orestano
-# March 2006
-# organisation into 4 big calibration regions with huge CLOBs
-# note also need to add corrections and mapping info
-folder /TEST/MDT2/RT 4 RUNC string 1 1320750 1
-folder /TEST/MDT2/T0 4 RUNC string 1 880500 1
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/poolfile_test.txt b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/poolfile_test.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9588a02de3b25c0031ed70d4f112ad774309683b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/poolfile_test.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# Test config for 2 folders each containing 2 channels of referenced POOL data
-# each run/folder is sent to a separate POOL file
-# multi <nfolders>  <path> <nchan> <ptime> <ptype> <ncolumns> <size> <period>
-poolfile 3 test1
-multi 2 /TEST/POOL 2 RUNC poolref 1 100 4
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/refc1301.txt b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/refc1301.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 3da876a7c081f12d6ade6456ea4a1227f0e61edc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/refc1301.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# reference workload for conditions database
-# modelled on LAR and MDT calibration structures only
-# LAR - 50 folders x 32 channels, 150 char strings for POOL ref
-tag ref1
-multi 50 /REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER 32 RUNC string 1 150 1
-# MDT - 2 folders with 1174 channels each and string/CLOB payloads
-folder /REFCOND1/MDT/RT 1174 RUNC string 1 4500 1
-folder /REFCOND1/MDT/T0 1174 RUNC string 1 3000 1
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/refc2001.txt b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/refc2001.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 03211ed8da828ca909d6a2623ce8feb136273e59..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/refc2001.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# reference workload for conditions database COOL 200 version
-# modelled on LAR and MDT calibration structures only
-# LAR - 50 folders x 32 channels, 150 char strings for POOL ref
-tag ref1
-multi 50 /REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER 32 RUNC string 1 150 1
-# MDT - 2 folders with 1174 channels each and string/CLOB payloads
-folder /REFCOND1/MDT/RT 1174 RUNC string 1 4500 1
-folder /REFCOND1/MDT/T0 1174 RUNC string 1 3000 1
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/test128.txt b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/test128.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f18af7b812b14130ef7a71d24224f2c1820257d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/test128.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# test for SQLlite128 bug
-# use  TestCoolRecWriter.exe "sqlite:X:test.db:TESTDB" 1 ../config/test128.txt
-#  100 to demonstrate - throws exceptions at 144000-147600 insertion
-# folder  <path> <nchan> <ptime> <ptype> <ncolumns> <size> <period>
-folder /TEST/DCS/FOLDER1 5 DCSC float 1 1 300
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/ti0c1301.txt b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/ti0c1301.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c721ea4bb9fa53c5aa34fbc3d5cfec4f4d686b85..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/config/ti0c1301.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# reference workload for conditions database - June 06 Tier-0 test version 1
-# modelled on LAR and MDT calibration structures only
-# LAR - 50 folders x 32 channels, 150 char strings for POOL ref
-multi 50 /REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER 32 RUNC string 1 150 1
-# MDT - 2 folders with 1174 channels each and string/CLOB payloads
-folder /REFCOND1/MDT/RT 1174 RUNC string 1 4500 1
-folder /REFCOND1/MDT/T0 1174 RUNC string 1 3000 1
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/doc/packagedoc.h b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/doc/packagedoc.h
deleted file mode 100644
index deacd87fc986d386878dae0a24c586213b643dd6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/doc/packagedoc.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-@page AthenaDBTestRec_page AthenaDBTestRec package
-@section AthenaDBTestRec_introductionAthenaDBTestRec Introduction
-The AthenaDBTestRec package provides a number of tools to help study and 
-evaluate the performance of the conditions database in the context of
-- TestCoolRecWriter.exe: A standalone applicaton to write entries to the COOL
- conditions database, according to a configuration file specifying a number
- of folders, data structure per folder and time granularity.
-- TestCoolRecRead: An Athena algorithm which reads back conditions data within
-Athena, configured using a joboption file specifed by TestCoolRecWriter.
-- DetStoreDump: A simple algorithm to dump the contents of the StoreGate 
-  detector store at the end of initialisation, and after the first event. This
-  can be used to study the use of detector store objects under conditions 
-  database control.
-@section AthenaDBTestRec_TestCoolRecWriter 
-This standalone application fills a COOL conditions database according to 
-a folder structure specification given in a configuration file. It is designed
-to mimic the structure of conditions data from one or several runs, with 
-data being stored accordingly. The data is stored by run and then by folder
-within a run, with no attempt to mimic the insertion time order or load pattern
-generated by real ATLAS conditions data - the main purpose is to fill large
-conditions databases which can then be used in readback tests.
-The command syntax is:
-TestCoolRecWriter <coolDBconnection> <mode> <config_file> [<nrun> <run0> <nevent> <time0> <timerun>]
-where the parameters are as follows:
- -  coolDBconnection: specifies a database connection in the form 
-technology:server:schema:dbinstance:username:password, where technology can
-be any of those accepted by COOL (oracle, mysql or sqlite), server is a 
-database server name (ignored for sqlite), schema is the schema name (or
-database filename for SQLite), dbinstance the COOL database instance name
-(8 characters maximum) and username and passowrd are obvious (ignored for
- - mode: 1 for filling the database, 2 for creating an Athena joboption file
-to read back.
- - config_file: the name of a configuration file specifying the folder structure (see below)
- - nrun: number of runs to be simulated (default 1, 0 gives a single run entry valid for all IOVs)
- - run0: run number of first run (default 10000)
- - nevent: number of events per run (default 720000, for a 1hour run at 200 Hz rate).
- - time0: initial timestamp, in seconds (default 0)
- - timerun: time per run, in seconds (default 3600)
-@section AthenaDBTestRec_ConfigurationFile Configuration File
-The TestCoolRecWriter configuration file defines one or several database 
-folders. Each line starts with a keyword (case senstive) followed by 
-several parameters:
-folder <path> <nchan> <ptime> <ptype> <ncolumns> <size> <period>
-multi <n> <path> <nchan> <ptime> <ptype> <ncolumns> <size> <period>
-schema <schema_name>
-poolfile <mode> <filestem>
-The (case-sensitive) commands have the following meanings:
-- folder: defines a single COOL folder with the given name (<path>) and number 
-of channels (<nchan>). The ptime parameter sets the time structure of the 
-folder and
-is discussed below. The ptype parameter sets the data type, and can be 'int',
-'float', 'string, 'poolref' for data consisting of <ncolumns> of 
-integers, floats,
-strings, references to POOL objects or external tables read via the CoraCool 
-interface. For strings, the <size> parameter
-sets the string length (in bytes), and for POOL objects it sets the size
-of the vector of floats in the payload data (so the size will be approximately
-4 times this number, ignoring ROOT file compression). For 
-CoraCool, the data consists of a set of <ncolumn> integers, with 
-the <size> parameter defining how many sets are associated to each 
-COOL channel. The <period> parameter 
-defines how often the data will change within one run. For RUNC folders,
-the period can be negative, in which case the data will be updated every 
--period runs, with IOVs set to span a number of runs. In all cases, the
-actual payload data is filled in randomly.
-- multi: defines a set of <n> folders with the same parameters. Folders are
-named <path>_0, <path>_1 etc.
-- schema allows separate schema to be used for different folders.
-- poolfile specifies the mode for writing POOL files, and the stem of the POOL
-file names.
-The <ptime> variable can take the values DCSC, DCSP, RUNC or RUNP. DCSC models
-DCS data indexed by timestamp,  which changes at a constant rate - new values 
-being entered into
-COOL regularly with time intervals given by the period parameter.  DCSP causes
-the time intervals to be distibuted (randomly and independently for each 
-channel) between
-0 and 2*<period> (so the average amount of data is the same, but the IOVs for
-each channel become decorrelated). RUNC models data indexed by run-event
-number (typical of calibrations), which change <period> times per run, either
-regularly (RUNC) or according to a random distribution (RUNP).
-For inline COOL data, the first 2 ints or floats are set 
-by TestCoolRecWriter to the run and channel number of the data, and the 
-other attributes are set randomly. For strings, this information is stored at 
-the beginning of the string in the form run,chan, and the rest of the string
-is padded with random characters.
-For conditions data stored in POOL files, the example class TestCoolRecPoolData
-is used. This class consists of a vector of random floats (of length given 
-by the folder <size> parameter discussed above), and subsiduary information
-giving the conditons data folder name, run number and channel ID. This 
-additional information allows TestCoolRecReader to check the integrity of the
-data, i.e. that the right POOL file object was associated to the 
-right interval of validity. The POOL objects are stored using a COOL
-multichannel folder, using the CondMultChanCollection templated object. Various
-options are available for the division of data into different POOL files, 
-depending on the setting of the poolfile <mode> parameter (default 0):
-- bit 0 controls whether each folder uses a separate POOL file.
-- bit 1 controls whether new POOL files are opened for each run produced
-POOL files are named according to the setting of the <filestem> parameter, as
-<poolstem><x>_run.root where <x> is an internal index of the folder 
-(starting at zero) and <run> is the run number. If the mode parameter is zero, 
-the filename is simple <poolstem>.root. POOL files are created and registered 
-in the local PoolFileCatalog.xml in the usual way. If a file with the same
-name is already present and registered in the catalogue, data is appended to it.
-@section AthenaDBTestRec_TestCoolRecRead 
-TestCoolRecRead is an Athena algorithm for reading back data stored with
-TestCoolRecWriter. The algorithm is configured using joboptions to set which
-folders should be read, their type (inline data or POOL object references),
-whether the data integrity in POOL files should be checked, and an optional
-list of auxiliary files which will simply be read. The parameters are as 
-- Folders:    List of COOL folders to be read
-- FTypes:     List of types for each folder (0=inline data, 1=POOL reference)
-- CheckMatch: Flag to check data integrity (in inline payloads and POOL files)
-- AuxFiles:   List of filenames of auxiliary files to be read
-The folders to be read and the corresponding database connection parameters
-should also be specified to IOVDbSvc in the usual way. The algorithm registers
-a callback on each conditions folder in order to count how many times the
-folder data changes, and also accesses the data every event, noting any 
-access errors. If the CheckMatch property is set, the run and channel number
-of inline COOL data is checked to make sure it corresponds to what was 
-written by TestCoolRecWriter. For POOL objects, this information is stored
-inside the POOL object, allowing it to ensure that the right POOL file has 
-been attached, and any errors are
-noted. At the end of the job, a line is printed for each folder of the form:
-TestCoolRecRead      INFO Folder /REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_44 nAccess=10 nItems=320 nCallBack=1
-showing how many times the folder was accessed (once per event), how many items
-were read (should be <nchan>*<nevent>) and how many callbacks were counted
-(should be one for every time new data is read in). If there are errors,
-these are noted in a separate ERROR printout per folder, e.g:
-TestCoolRecRead     ERROR Folder /TEST/POOL_0 had 120 data mismatches
-TestCoolRecRead     ERROR Folder /TEST/POOL_0 read no data
-Finally, a single summary line is printed, either:
-TestCoolRecRead      INFO TestCoolRecReadSummary: All folders OK
-or if there are problems, a summary of the number of folders with errors
-or mismatches (note the keyword 'BAD'):
-TestCoolRecRead      INFO TestCoolRecReadSummary: BAD (0,2,2,0) error, empty folders, msimatched folders, bad files 
-These lines can be checked for in automatic scripts to see if there were any 
-The 'auxiliary files' feature was added to test the access to arbitrary 
-files - each of the filenames given is opened in initialisation and read
-(as a binary file). If there are any access errors, they are counted and also
-printed n the summaries given above.
-The TestCoolRecWriter can be used with <mode>=2 to generate a joboption 
-fragment 'CoolReadConfig.py' containing the configuration-specific information
-for both TestCoolRecRead and IOVDbSvc. This is included by the example 
-joboption TestCoolRecExample.py, which can be used to read back the data 
-just produced in TestCoolRecWriter without any further joboption file editing.
-The TestCoolRecExample job options.py file:
-@include TestCoolRecExample.py
-@section AthenaDBTestRec_Reference Workloads
-An initial reference workload has been defined in the file refc1301.txt in
-the config directory. This defines 50 folders each containing 32 channels
-of 150 byte string data (modelling the LAr calibration POOL references),
-plus two folders each containing 1174 channels of MDT calibration data strings
-(3-5k each, using string and CLOB data types). Note that this file was 
-originally refcond1.txt, but changed to refc1301.txt to indicate a version
-of the database associated with COOL1.3.0. Similarly, the database instance
-below was REFCOND1, and is now REFC1301.
-The script gen_refdb.sh in the script directory can be used to create a
-COOL conditions database containing a single instance of all this data 
-(using TestCoolRecWriter.exe), which
-can be written in an Oracle or SQLite conditions database. The athena 
-joboption file ReadRefDBExample.py in the share directory runs a complete
-athena job to read back this data, using the file Read_refcond1.py to
-actually define the folders used (Read_refcond1.py was produced using 
-TestCoolRecWriter.exe with mode 2).
-An instance of this database has been setup as REFC1301 on the account
-ATLAS_COOL_GLOBAL on the CERN INTR database server. By default, 
-ReadRefDBExample.py will read from this database instance. Note that the
-read password is included in the standard authentication.xml file in 
-the AtlasAuthentication package.
-Further reference workloads are defined in the configuration files 
-ATLR_CalibStream_1 etc, corresponding to the values discussed in the
-note 'ATLAS conditions database data volumes and workloads'. These can be
-written and read using special scripts WriteRun.py and ReadRun.py. From the
-run directory:
- ../scripts/WriteRun.py "sqlite:X:test1.db:REFC133" 123 ../config/ATLR_CalibStream_1.txt
-writes the data corresponding to reference workload ATLR_CalibStream_1.txt
-for run 123 into the specified database (here a local SQLite file).
-../scripts/ReadRun.py "sqlite:X:test1.db:REFC133" 123 20 180  ../config/ATLR_CalibStream_1.txt
-reads it back, running a test job reading 20 events from run 123, with 180 
-seconds timestamp difference between events. These scripts assume runs 
-are 3600 seconds long, with runs beginning at time=run*3600.
-Another script, ReadReal.py, has been designed to simulate the conditions
-DB load produced by real reconstruction jobs. This script uses a configuration
-file which can be produced by including the line:
-in a reconstruction job. The file 'config.py' will then contain a definition
-for the python variable FolderList (a copy of the setting of IOVDbSvc.Folders)
-which will be used by the ReadReal.py script to configure the same set of
-folders to be accessed. The ReadReal.py script is used from the run directory
-as follows:
-../scripts/ReadReal.py config.py COMCOND-ES1C-000-00 91389 0
-where the configuration file, the global conditions tag and the run number
-to be used are specified. The job reads all the conditions data that a
-real reconstruction job processing that run and conditions tag would read 
-(from the production COMP200 database instance),
-with the exception of five LAR/CALO folders which cannot be read in correctly
-without some calorimeter tools infrastructure being configured. The last 
-parameter gives an optional time offset in seconds since the start of run - 
-this affects timestamp of the DCS data which is being retrieved.
-Two example
-configuration files for this script are provided in the 'config' directory:
-Tier0Cosmic1.py simulates the read load produced by the RecExCommission_ATN.py
-reconstruction job in 14.2.23, and Tier0Cosmic2.py does the same but with
-the addition of the /LAR/DCS/HV/BARREL/I8, /LAR/DCS/HV/BARREl/I16,
-/SCT/DCS/HV and /SCT/DCS/MPS/LV folders, which are not yet read by 
-standard reconstruction.
-For each of these scripts, it should be sufficent to setup the release and then
-do a source setup.sh for the AthenaDBTestRec package - a checkout and 
-compilation of AthenaDBTestRec should not be needed. The relative pathnames
-to the commands and configuration file shown above would of course have to 
-be replaced by absolute pathnames in this case.
-@section AthenaDBTestRec_DetStoreDump 
-DetStoreDump is a very simple algorithm that calls the Storegate dump method 
-on the detector store, at initialisation or at execute for the first event.
-If put as the last algorithm in the sequence, it will show the state of the
-detector store, what proxies are loaded, etc.
-The DetStoreDump_jobOptions.py file:
-@include DetStoreDump_jobOptions.py
-The package requirements file:
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/scripts/ReadReal.py b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/scripts/ReadReal.py
deleted file mode 100755
index bea01b15af68bfdd96f66220d2e23e832870838c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/scripts/ReadReal.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/env python
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-import sys,os,traceback,time,commands,getopt
-from PyCool import cool
-from CoolConvUtilities.AtlCoolLib import indirectOpen
-def testRun(globaltag,run,tofs,nevt,deltat,configfile,debug=0):
-    "Execute the test run with given parameters"
-    print "Simulate tag %s run %i with %i events time increment %i" % (globaltag,run,nevt,deltat)
-    starttime=time.time()
-    # find run start time from SORParams folder
-    tdaqDB=indirectOpen('COOLONL_TDAQ/COMP200')
-    if (tdaqDB is None):
-        print "ERROR: Cannot connect to COOLONL_TDAQ/COMP200"
-        return 1
-    sortime=0
-    try:
-        tdaqfolder=tdaqDB.getFolder('/TDAQ/RunCtrl/SOR_Params')
-        runiov=run << 32
-        obj=tdaqfolder.findObject(runiov,0)
-        payload=obj.payload()
-        sortime=payload['SORTime']/1.E9+tofs
-    except Exception,e:
-        print "ERROR accessing /TDAQ/RunCtrl/SOR_Params"
-        print e
-    tdaqDB.closeDatabase()
-    print "Starttime is %i (%s)" % (sortime,time.asctime(time.gmtime(sortime)))
-    # now run Athena job
-    iovsvcdbg=3
-    if (debug>=2): iovsvcdbg=2
-    jofile=open('condtestjobopts.py','w')
-    jofile.write("""import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
-# Load POOL support
-import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.AthenaPool
-# Access to IOVSvc, IOVDbSvc
-from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags 
-from IOVDbSvc.CondDB import conddb
-# setup DBReplicaSvc
-from DBReplicaSvc.DBReplicaSvcConf import DBReplicaSvc
-# Private Application Configuration options
-from AthenaDBTestRec.AthenaDBTestRecConf import TestCoolRecRead
-# Set the following when reading back to adjust the run/event numbers
-# and timestampsjob
-svcMgr.EventSelector.RunNumber         = %i
-svcMgr.EventSelector.EventsPerRun      = 999999
-svcMgr.EventSelector.FirstEvent        = 1
-# initial time stamp - this is number of seconds since 1st Jan 1970 GMT
-svcMgr.EventSelector.InitialTimeStamp  = %i
-# increment of 3 minutes
-svcMgr.EventSelector.TimeStampInterval = %i
-theApp.EvtMax                   = %i
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.infoLimit        = 100000
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.debugLimit        = 100000
-# include file to set FolderList
-# remove some folders known to cause trouble (as DetDescr not loaded)
-for i in range(0,len(FolderList)):
-  folder=FolderList[i]
-  ignore=False
-  for j in badfolders:
-    if folder.find(j)>=0: ignore=True
-  if (ignore):
-    print "Suppressing folder",folder
-  else:
-    svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[folder]
-print "Processing",len(svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders),"of",len(FolderList),"folders"
-""" % (iovsvcdbg,globaltag,run,sortime,deltat,nevt,configfile) )
-    jofile.close()
-    comm='athena.py condtestjobopts.py '
-    if (debug==0):
-        comm+=' >& log'
-    else:
-        comm+=' |tee log'
-    print 'About to execute',comm
-    # execute Athena job 
-    athenarc=os.system(comm)
-    # athenarc=0
-    print 'Return code from athena=',athenarc
-    # analysis of job based on status codes from Tier-0 test
-    retcode=0
-    # tail logfile if we did not print whole thing
-    if (debug==0):
-        print 'End of logfile follows ...'
-        (s,o)=commands.getstatusoutput('tail -n 200 log')
-        print o
-    if (athenarc!=0):
-        retcode=62600
-    else:
-        # extract summary line from logfile
-        (s,msg)=commands.getstatusoutput('grep TestCoolRecReadSummary log')
-        opmsg=msg[msg.find('TestCoolRecReadSummary:')+24:]
-        print 'Extracted output message:',opmsg
-        if (opmsg!='All folders OK'):
-            retcode=65000
-    print '>== All done, return code',retcode,'time taken is',time.time()-starttime
-    return retcode
-if __name__=='__main__':
-    def usage():
-        print "Script for running COOL test workloads based on real conditions data and reconstruction jobs"
-        print "Usage",sys.argv[0],'{<options>} <configfile.py> <globaltag> <run> {<timeoffset> <nevt> <deltat>}'
-        print "<configfile.py> gets included and should define FolderList"
-        print "<globaltag> specifies the global conditions tag"
-        print "<run> specifies the run number to be used when retrieving"
-        print "<timeoffset> specifies an offset (in seconds) into the run for DCS data"
-        print "<nevt> can be used to process >1 event (defaut 1)"
-        print "<deltat> specifies the time advance between events (in seconds)"
-        print "Options are:"
-        print "--help : Print this help"
-        print "--debug=<level> : Enable full log file (1) + IOVDbSvc debug (2)"
-        print
-        print "Example:",sys.argv[0],'--debug 1 ../config/Tier0Cosmic2.py COMCOND-ES1C-000-00 91389'
-        sys.exit(-1)
-    try:
-        longopts=['debug=','help']
-        opts,args=getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],'',longopts)
-    except getopt.GetoptError,e:
-        print e
-        usage()
-        sys.exit(-1)
-    debug=0
-    # process optional arguments
-    for o,a in opts:
-        if (o=='--help'):
-            usage()
-            sys.exit(0)
-        if (o=='--debug'):
-            debug=int(a)
-    # check there are enough arguments
-    if len(args)<3:
-        usage()
-        sys.exit(-1)
-    configfile=str(args[0])
-    globaltag=str(args[1])
-    run=int(args[2])
-    tofs=0
-    nevt=1
-    deltat=1
-    if len(args)>3:
-        tofs=int(args[3])
-    if len(args)>4:
-        nevt=int(args[4])
-    if len(args)>4:
-        deltat=int(args[5])
-    retcode=testRun(globaltag,run,tofs,nevt,deltat,configfile,debug)
-    sys.exit(retcode)
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/scripts/ReadRun.py b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/scripts/ReadRun.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 177519f85af4cb060a80952508ad922a86fbf312..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/scripts/ReadRun.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/env python
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2020 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-import sys,os,traceback,time,commands,getopt
-def testRun(dbid,run,nevt,deltat,configfiles,debug=0):
-    "Execute the test run with given parameters"
-    if dbid=="":
-        dbid='logical:X:ATLAS_COOLONL_GLOBAL:STRM200'
-    starttime=time.time()
-    time0=run*3600
-    print ">== Data will be read from database connection",dbid
-    # generate configuration for folders
-    cfiles=[]
-    i=0
-    for configfile in configfiles:
-        print '>==  Generate config for file',configfile
-        comm='TestCoolRecWriter.exe \"'+dbid+'\" 2 '+configfile
-        print 'Execute command:',comm
-        rc=os.system(comm)
-        if (rc!=0):print 'Non-zero return code',rc,'from TestCoolRecWriter'
-        # add suffix CoolReadConfig.py file
-        filen='CoolReadConfig_'+str(i)+'.py'
-        os.system('mv CoolReadConfig.py %s' % filen)
-        cfiles+=[ filen ]
-        i+=1
-    # now run Athena job
-    print cfiles
-    iovsvcdbg=3
-    if (debug>=2): iovsvcdbg=2
-    jofile=open('condtestjobopts.py','w')
-    jofile.write("""import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
-# Load POOL support
-import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.AthenaPool
-# Access to IOVSvc, IOVDbSvc
-import IOVDbSvc.IOVDb
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.OutputLevel        = %i
-# setup DBReplicaSvc
-from DBReplicaSvc.DBReplicaSvcConf import DBReplicaSvc
-# Private Application Configuration options
-from AthenaDBTestRec.AthenaDBTestRecConf import TestCoolRecRead
-# Set the following when reading back to adjust the run/event numbers
-# and timestampsjob
-svcMgr.EventSelector.RunNumber         = %i
-svcMgr.EventSelector.EventsPerRun      = 999999
-svcMgr.EventSelector.FirstEvent        = 1
-# initial time stamp - this is number of seconds since 1st Jan 1970 GMT
-svcMgr.EventSelector.InitialTimeStamp  = %i
-# increment of 3 minutes
-svcMgr.EventSelector.TimeStampInterval = %i
-theApp.EvtMax                   = %i
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.infoLimit        = 100000
-svcMgr.MessageSvc.debugLimit        = 100000
-""" % (iovsvcdbg,run,time0,deltat,nevt) )
-    jofile.close()
-    comm='athena.py condtestjobopts.py '
-    for i in cfiles: comm+=i+' '
-    if (debug==0):
-        comm+=' >& log'
-    else:
-        comm+=' |tee log'
-    print 'About to execute',comm
-    # execute Athena job 
-    athenarc=os.system(comm)
-    print 'Return code from athena=',athenarc
-    # analysis of job based on status codes from Tier-0 test
-    retcode=0
-    # tail logfile if we did not print whole thing
-    if (debug==0):
-        print 'End of logfile follows ...'
-        (s,o)=commands.getstatusoutput('tail -n 100 log')
-        print o
-    if (athenarc!=0):
-        retcode=62600
-    else:
-        # extract summary line from logfile
-        (s,msg)=commands.getstatusoutput('grep TestCoolRecReadSummary log')
-        opmsg=msg[msg.find('TestCoolRecReadSummary:')+24:]
-        print 'Extracted output message:',opmsg
-        if (opmsg!='All folders OK'):
-            retcode=65000
-    print '>== All done, return code',retcode,'time taken is',time.time()-starttime
-    return retcode
-if __name__=='__main__':
-    def usage():
-        print "Script for running COOL test workloads"
-        print "Usage",sys.argv[0],'{<options>} \"DbIbString\" <run> <nevt> <deltat> <config1> { <config2> ...}'
-        print "Options are:"
-        print "--help : Print this help"
-        print "--debug=<level> : Enable full log file (1) + IOVDbSvc debug (2)"
-        sys.exit(-1)
-    try:
-        longopts=['debug=','help']
-        opts,args=getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],'',longopts)
-    except getopt.GetoptError,e:
-        print e
-        usage()
-        sys.exit(-1)
-    debug=0
-    # process optional arguments
-    for o,a in opts:
-        if (o=='--help'):
-            usage()
-            sys.exit(0)
-        if (o=='--debug'):
-            debug=int(a)
-    # check there are enough arguments
-    if len(args)<5:
-        usage()
-        sys.exit(-1)
-    dbid=args[0]
-    if (dbid==""):
-        dbid='logical:X:ATLAS_COOLONL_GLOBAL:STRM200'
-    run=int(args[1])
-    nevt=int(args[2])
-    deltat=int(args[3])
-    retcode=testRun(dbid,run,nevt,deltat,args[4:],debug)
-    sys.exit(retcode)
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/scripts/WriteRun.py b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/scripts/WriteRun.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 82c26f28186d1a63eee77f3ea6ac348da9411ff8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/scripts/WriteRun.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/env python
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-import sys,os,traceback,time
-if len(sys.argv)<4:
-    print "Usage",sys.argv[0],'\"DbIbString\" <run> <config1> <config2>'
-    sys.exit(-1)
-print ">== Data will be written to database connection",dbid
-for i in range(0,len(sys.argv)-3):
-    configfile=sys.argv[3+i]
-    print '>== Write data for run',run,'start time',time0,'config file',configfile
-    comm='TestCoolRecWriter.exe \"'+dbid+'\" 1 '+configfile+' 1 '+str(run)+' 720000 '+str(time0)+ ' 3600'
-    print 'Execute command:',comm
-    rc=os.system(comm)
-    if (rc!=0):print 'Non-zero return code',rc,'from TestCoolRecWriter'
-print '>== All done, time taken is',time.time()-starttime
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/scripts/gen_refdb.sh b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/scripts/gen_refdb.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 8beccac7bf51e6bb106c1df8907af3b340e807a6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/scripts/gen_refdb.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# gen_refdb.sh <config> <connectionstring>
-# e.g. for a local SQLite
-#  gen_refdb.sh refc1301 "sqlite:X:refc1301.db:REFC1301"
-# for Oracle
-#  gen_refdb.sh refc1301 "oracle:server:schema:dbname:user:passwd"
-echo Generate reference conditions DB with all IOVs valid from file $CFILE
-TestCoolRecWriter.exe $2 1 $CFILE 0
-echo All done
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/scripts/gen_tier0test.py b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/scripts/gen_tier0test.py
deleted file mode 100755
index a35506e3ee4f4273888618605bdbad6cf004e780..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/scripts/gen_tier0test.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/env python
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-# wrapper to run TestCoolRecWriter with a given confiyration file (assumed
-# to be in ../config/ directory) to produce a joboption file for Athena
-# and a set of single run databases for Tier0 test
-# Typically to be used in a run subdirectory of the package
-# ../scripts/gen_tier0test.py ti0c1301 10
-import sys
-import os
-import traceback
-if len(sys.argv) < 3:
-    print "usage", sys.argv[0],'<configfile> <nrun>'
-    sys.exit(-1)
-for irun in range(0,int(nrun)):
-  isrun=str(irun)
-  jofile=config+"_jobOptions.py"
-  dbfile="sqlite/"+config+"_r"+isrun+".db"
-  if (irun==0):
-    print "Generate Athena joboptions in",jofile
-    os.system("export POOL_OUTMSG_LEVEL=E;TestCoolRecWriter.exe \"sqlite:X:"+dbfile+":"+dbname+"\" 2 ../config/"+config+".txt 1 "+isrun+" 10000 0 3600")
-    os.system("mv CoolReadConfig.py "+jofile)
-  print "Generate database file",dbfile
-  os.system("export POOL_OUTMSG_LEVEL=E;TestCoolRecWriter.exe \"sqlite:X:"+dbfile+":"+dbname+"\" 1 ../config/"+config+".txt 1 "+isrun+" 10000 0 3600")
-print "All done"
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/scripts/gendb.py b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/scripts/gendb.py
deleted file mode 100755
index c832656d79e3699313b91bdf1a9a25be8e54c5f6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/scripts/gendb.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/env python
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-# wrapper to run TestCoolRecWriter with a given confiyration file (assumed
-# to be in ../config/ directory) to produce a joboption file for Athena
-# and a database in sqlite subdirectory
-# Typically to be used in a run subdirectory of the package
-import sys
-import os
-import traceback
-if len(sys.argv) < 2:
-    print "usage", sys.argv[0],'<configfile> <nrun>'
-    sys.exit(-1)
-print "Generate Athena joboptions in",jofile
-os.system("export POOL_OUTMSG_LEVEL=E;TestCoolRecWriter.exe \"sqlite:X:"+dbfile+":TESTDB\" 2 ../config/"+config+".txt "+nrun+" 10000 730000 0 3600")
-os.system("mv CoolReadConfig.py "+jofile)
-print "Generate database file",dbfile
-os.system("export POOL_OUTMSG_LEVEL=E;TestCoolRecWriter.exe \"sqlite:X:"+dbfile+":TESTDB\" 1 ../config/"+config+".txt "+nrun+" 10000 730000 0 3600")
-print "Done - filesize:"
-os.system("ls -lL "+dbfile)
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/scripts/gendb_intr.py b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/scripts/gendb_intr.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 44be51894030cf82a177d47e4a1e0f03ca06fffd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/scripts/gendb_intr.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/env python
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-# wrapper to run TestCoolRecWriter with a given confiyration file (assumed
-# to be in ../config/ directory) to produce a joboption file for Athena
-# and a database in sqlite subdirectory
-# Typically to be used in a run subdirectory of the package
-import sys
-import os
-import traceback
-if len(sys.argv) < 4:
-    print "usage", sys.argv[0],'<configfile> <nrun> <schema> <passwd>'
-    sys.exit(-1)
-print "Generate Athena joboptions in",jofile
-os.system("export POOL_OUTMSG_LEVEL=E;TestCoolRecWriter.exe "+dbstr+" 2 ../config/"+config+".txt "+nrun+" 10000 730000 0 36")
-os.system("mv CoolReadConfig.py "+jofile)
-print "Fill Oracle database"
-os.system("export POOL_OUTMSG_LEVEL=E;TestCoolRecWriter.exe "+dbstr+" 1 ../config/"+config+".txt "+nrun+" 10000 730000 0 36")
-print "Done"
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/share/DetStoreDump_jobOptions.py b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/share/DetStoreDump_jobOptions.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fcba3599addefe6133db672d68d7ce5ed78d2402..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/share/DetStoreDump_jobOptions.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# enable DetStoreDump algorithm to do SG dump of detector store
-# include this at end of joboptions so it is last in list
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-from AthenaDBTestRec.AthenaDBTestRecConf import DetStoreDump
-# set mode to zero to only dump after initialize, not after first event
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/share/ReadRefDBExample.py b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/share/ReadRefDBExample.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d33b83593d17be6dac35e176be7f14452cc3a4ba..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/share/ReadRefDBExample.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# Job options file for ReadRefDBExample.py
-# Reads a reference COOL data sample from INTR database
-import AthenaCommon.AtlasUnixGeneratorJob
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AlgSequence
-from AthenaCommon.AppMgr import ServiceMgr as svcMgr
-# Load POOL support
-import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.AthenaPool
-# Access to IOVSvc, IOVDbSvc
-import IOVDbSvc.IOVDb
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.OutputLevel        = 3
-# Private Application Configuration options
-from AthenaDBTestRec.AthenaDBTestRecConf import TestCoolRecRead
-# Set the following when reading back to adjust the run/event numbers
-# and timestampsjob
-svcMgr.EventSelector.RunNumber         = 0
-svcMgr.EventSelector.EventsPerRun      = 20
-svcMgr.EventSelector.FirstEvent        = 1
-# initial time stamp - this is number of seconds since 1st Jan 1970 GMT
-svcMgr.EventSelector.InitialTimeStamp  = 0
-# increment of 3 minutes
-svcMgr.EventSelector.TimeStampInterval = 5
-theApp.EvtMax                   = 15
-# setup the COOL conditions database and folders to be read in
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/share/Read_refcond1.py b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/share/Read_refcond1.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fdff20e0e13ea1666bea04142ae6fa131839efe2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/share/Read_refcond1.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-# AthenaDBTestRec config generated from input ../config/refc1301.txt
-# local SQLite file
-# CondDBCool_Schema0="<db>sqlite://;schema=refc2001.db;dbname=REFC2001</db>"
-# Oracle INTR server - authentication via XML file
-# Frontier 
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_0 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_0-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_1 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_1-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_2 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_2-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_3 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_3-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_4 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_4-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_5 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_5-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_6 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_6-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_7 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_7-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_8 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_8-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_9 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_9-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_10 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_10-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_11 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_11-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_12 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_12-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_13 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_13-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_14 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_14-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_15 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_15-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_16 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_16-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_17 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_17-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_18 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_18-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_19 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_19-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_20 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_20-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_21 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_21-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_22 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_22-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_23 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_23-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_24 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_24-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_25 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_25-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_26 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_26-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_27 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_27-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_28 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_28-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_29 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_29-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_30 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_30-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_31 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_31-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_32 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_32-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_33 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_33-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_34 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_34-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_35 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_35-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_36 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_36-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_37 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_37-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_38 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_38-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_39 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_39-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_40 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_40-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_41 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_41-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_42 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_42-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_43 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_43-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_44 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_44-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_45 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_45-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_46 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_46-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_47 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_47-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_48 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_48-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/LAR/FOLDER_49 <tag>REFCOND1LARFOLDER_49-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/MDT/RT <tag>REFCOND1MDTRT-ref1</tag>"]
-svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema0 + "/REFCOND1/MDT/T0 <tag>REFCOND1MDTT0-ref1</tag>"]
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/src/DBConnection.h b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/src/DBConnection.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d77fe970eb318060dd8c1309f889edf38602906..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/src/DBConnection.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2022 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// DBConnection.h
-// Class to hold details of a COOL DB connection
-// Richard Hawkings, started 19/1/06
-#include <string>
-#include "CxxUtils/checker_macros.h"
-#include "CoolKernel/IDatabaseSvc.h"
-#include "CoraCool/CoraCoolDatabase.h"
-class ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE DBConnection {
- public:
-  DBConnection(const std::string tech, const std::string server,
-	       const std::string schema, const std::string dbname,
-	       const std::string user, const std::string passwd);
-  DBConnection(const std::string options, const std::string newschema="");
-  ~DBConnection();
-  cool::IDatabasePtr open();
-  void close();
-  bool isActive() const;
-  std::string coolStr() const;
-  std::string iovdbStr() const;
-  CoraCoolDatabasePtr coradbptr();
- private:
-  std::string m_tech;
-  std::string m_server;
-  std::string m_schema;
-  std::string m_dbname;
-  std::string m_user;
-  std::string m_passwd;
-  bool m_active;
-  bool m_coracool;
-  cool::IDatabasePtr m_coolptr;
-  CoraCoolDatabasePtr m_coradb;
-inline bool DBConnection::isActive() const {return m_active;}
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/src/FolderInfo.h b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/src/FolderInfo.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c1b60bcc69197db23e51c0cf048dd73c4745cd5d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/src/FolderInfo.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2022 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-#include "DBConnection.h"
-#include "CoolKernel/IFolder.h"
-#include "CoolKernel/RecordSpecification.h"
-#include "CxxUtils/checker_macros.h"
-#include "PersistentDataModel/Placement.h"
-class ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE FolderInfo {
- public:
-  enum PayloadTime {
-		    PTimeUndefined=0,
-		    DCSC=1,
-		    DCSP=2,
-		    RUNC=3,
-		    RUNP=4
-		    };
-  enum PayloadType {
-		      PTypeUndefined=0,
-		      Int=1,
-		      Float=2,
-		      String=3,
-                      PoolRef=4,
-		      Blob=5,
-		      CoraCool=6,
-		      CoolVector=7
-		      };
-  FolderInfo(const std::string name,DBConnection* dbconn,const int ndbconn,
-	     const int nchan, PayloadTime ptime,PayloadType ptype, 
-	     const int ncol, const int size, const int period,
-	     const std::string tag="",const bool payloadTable=false);
-  ~FolderInfo();
-  bool createFolder();
-  // accessor functions
-  const std::string name() const;
-  DBConnection* dbConnection();
-  int ndbconn() const;
-  int nchan() const;
-  PayloadTime ptime() const;
-  PayloadType ptype() const;
-  int size() const;
-  int period() const;
-  const std::string tag() const;
-  const Placement* poolplace() const;
-  void setpoolplace(Placement* const poolplace);
-  void printSpec(const cool::IRecordSpecification& catrspec) const;
- private:
-  std::string m_name;
-  DBConnection* m_dbconn;
-  int m_ndbconn;
-  int m_nchan;
-  PayloadTime m_ptime;
-  PayloadType m_ptype;
-  int m_ncol;
-  int m_size;
-  int m_period;
-  std::vector<int> m_noisychan;
-  std::string m_tag;
-  bool m_paytable;
-  Placement* m_poolplace;
-inline const std::string FolderInfo::name() const {return m_name;}
-inline DBConnection* FolderInfo::dbConnection() {return m_dbconn;}
-inline int FolderInfo::ndbconn() const { return m_ndbconn; }
-inline int FolderInfo::nchan() const {return m_nchan;}
-inline FolderInfo::PayloadTime FolderInfo::ptime() const {return m_ptime;}
-inline FolderInfo::PayloadType FolderInfo::ptype() const {return m_ptype;}
-inline int FolderInfo::size() const {return m_size;}
-inline int FolderInfo::period() const {return m_period;}
-inline const std::string FolderInfo::tag() const {return m_tag;}
-inline const Placement* FolderInfo::poolplace() const {return m_poolplace;}
-inline void FolderInfo::setpoolplace(Placement* const poolplace) {
-  m_poolplace=poolplace; }
-// helper functions
-FolderInfo::PayloadTime string2ptime(const std::string & str);
-FolderInfo::PayloadType string2ptype(const std::string & str);
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/src/TestCoolRecWriter.h b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/src/TestCoolRecWriter.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 74f3c61b304de2d1f0c610549ec538576203068d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/src/TestCoolRecWriter.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2022 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-#include "FolderInfo.h"
-#include "DBConnection.h"
-#include "CoralBase/Attribute.h"
-#include "CoolKernel/Record.h"
-#include "CxxUtils/checker_macros.h"
-namespace pool {
-class IFileCatalog;
-class IPersistencySvc;
-class ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE TestCoolRecWriter {
- public:
-  TestCoolRecWriter(const std::string& cooldb, const int mode,
-		    const std::string& configfile,
-                    const int nrun, const int run0, const int nevent, 
-                    const int time0, const int timerun);
-  int execute();
-  int fillDB();
-  int checkFolders();
-  bool readConfig();
-  void setPayload(const FolderInfo* folderi,cool::Record& payload,
-		  const int irun, const int ichan, const int iarray=0);
-  void setCoraPayload(const FolderInfo* folderi, 
-		      const cool::IRecordSpecification& rspec,
-		      std::vector<coral::AttributeList>& payloads,
-		      const int irun,const int ichan);
-  void setCoolVecPayload(const FolderInfo* folderi, 
-			 const cool::IRecordSpecification& rspec,
-			 std::vector<cool::IRecordPtr>& payloads,
-			 const int irun,const int ichan);
-  int genJobOpts(const std::string& file);
-  bool setupPool();
-  bool finalizePool();
-  void setPoolPayload(const FolderInfo* folderi, cool::Record& payload,
-		      const int irun, const int ichan);
- private:
-  // parameters
-  std::string m_coolstr;
-  int m_mode;
-  std::string m_configfile;
-  int m_nrun;
-  int m_run0;
-  int m_nevent;
-  int m_time0;
-  int m_timerun;
-  int m_poolmode;
-  std::string m_poolstem;
-  std::string m_tagsuffix;
-  bool m_usepool;
-  bool m_usecoracool;
-  std::vector<FolderInfo*> m_folders;
-  std::vector<DBConnection*> m_dbconn;
-  pool::IFileCatalog* m_poolcat;
-  pool::IPersistencySvc* m_persistencySvc;
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/src/app/DBConnection.cxx b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/src/app/DBConnection.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 8da617030e43944b31b2ef2ad68df8de74fb7ccb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/src/app/DBConnection.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// DBConnection.cxx
-// Class to hold details of a COOL DB connection
-// Richard Hawkings, started 20/1/06
-#include <iostream>
-#include "CoolKernel/IDatabaseSvc.h"
-#include "CoraCool/CoraCoolDatabaseSvcFactory.h"
-#include "RelationalAccess/ConnectionService.h"
-#include "DBConnection.h"
-DBConnection::DBConnection(const std::string tech, const std::string server,
-	       const std::string schema, const std::string dbname,
-			   const std::string user, const std::string passwd) :
-  m_tech(tech), m_server(server), m_schema(schema), m_dbname(dbname),
-  m_user(user), m_passwd(passwd), m_active(false), m_coracool(false)
-DBConnection::DBConnection(const std::string options, 
-			   const std::string newschema) 
-  // split the input string into fields separated by :
-  std::vector<std::string> split;
-  unsigned int iofs1=0;
-  while (iofs1<options.size()) {
-    std::string::size_type iofs2=options.find(":",iofs1);
-    if (iofs2==std::string::npos) iofs2=options.size();
-    split.push_back(options.substr(iofs1,iofs2-iofs1));
-    iofs1=iofs2+1;
-  }
-  // override default schema if needed
-  if (split.size()>3) {
-    m_tech=split[0];
-    m_server=split[1];
-    m_schema=split[2];
-    m_dbname=split[3];
-    if (split.size()>4) m_user=split[4];
-    if (split.size()>5) m_passwd=split[5];
-  }
-  if (newschema!="") m_schema=newschema;
-  m_active=false;
-  m_coracool=false;
-DBConnection::~DBConnection() {}
-std::string DBConnection::coolStr() const {
-  std::string coolcon;
-  if (m_tech=="logical") {
-    coolcon=m_schema+"/"+m_dbname;
-  } else {
-    coolcon=m_tech+"://"+m_server+";schema="+m_schema;
-    if (m_user!="") coolcon+=";user="+m_user;
-    coolcon+=";dbname="+m_dbname;
-    if (m_passwd!="") coolcon+=";password="+m_passwd;
-  }
-  return coolcon;
-std::string DBConnection::iovdbStr() const {
-  return "<db>"+coolStr()+"</db>";
-cool::IDatabasePtr DBConnection::open() {
-  // only open if not already activated
-  if (m_coolptr.get()==0) {
-    // open the COOL DB 
-    m_coracool=false;
-    const std::string coolstr=coolStr();
-    CoraCoolDatabaseSvc& corasvc=CoraCoolDatabaseSvcFactory::databaseService();
-    cool::IDatabaseSvc& dbSvc=corasvc.coolIDatabaseSvc();
-    std::cout << "Attempt to open COOL database with connection string: "
-	      << coolstr << std::endl;
-    try {
-      m_coolptr=dbSvc.openDatabase(coolstr,false);
-      std::cout << "Connected to existing database" << std::endl;
-      m_active=true;
-    }
-    catch (std::exception& e) {
-      std::cout << "COOL exception caught: " << e.what() << std::endl;
-      std::cout << "Try to create new conditions DB" << std::endl;
-      try {
-        m_coolptr=dbSvc.createDatabase(coolstr);
-        std::cout << "Database creation succeeded" << std::endl;
-        m_active=true;
-      }
-      catch (std::exception& e) {
-        std::cout << "Database creation failed" << std::endl;
-        m_active=false;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return m_coolptr;
-CoraCoolDatabasePtr DBConnection::coradbptr() {
-  // only open if not already activated
-  if (m_coradb.get()==0) {
-    const std::string coolstr=coolStr();
-    CoraCoolDatabaseSvc& corasvc=CoraCoolDatabaseSvcFactory::databaseService();
-    std::cout << "Attempt to open CoraCool database for " << coolstr <<
-      std::endl;
-    try {
-      m_coradb=corasvc.openDatabase(coolstr,false);
-      m_coracool=true;
-    }
-    catch (std::exception& e) {
-      std::cout << "CoraCool exception caught: " << e.what() << std::endl;
-    }
-  }
-  return m_coradb;
-void DBConnection::close() {
-  if (m_active) {
-    std::cout << "Closing DB connection " << m_schema << " coracool " << 
-      m_coracool << std::endl;
-    if (m_coracool) {
-      m_coradb->disconnect();
-      m_coradb.reset();
-      m_coracool=false;
-    }
-    m_coolptr->closeDatabase();
-    m_coolptr.reset();
-    m_active=false;
-  }
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/src/app/FolderInfo.cxx b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/src/app/FolderInfo.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 96f155b9108b32d071c4c34e44886df03c34ae3f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/src/app/FolderInfo.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// FolderInfo.cxx
-// class to hold details of COOL folders in reconstruction tets
-#include <iostream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include "CoolKernel/FolderSpecification.h"
-#include "CoraCool/CoraCoolDatabase.h"
-#include "CoraCool/CoraCoolFolder.h"
-#include "FolderInfo.h"
-FolderInfo::FolderInfo(const std::string name,
-		       DBConnection* dbconn, const int ndbconn,
-		       const int nchan, PayloadTime ptime, 
-		       PayloadType ptype, 
-		       const int ncol, const int size, const int period,
-		       const std::string tag, const bool payloadTable) :
-  m_name(name), m_dbconn(dbconn), m_ndbconn(ndbconn),
-  m_nchan(nchan), m_ptime(ptime), m_ptype(ptype),
-  m_ncol(ncol), m_size(size), m_period(period), m_noisychan(), 
-  m_tag(tag), m_paytable(payloadTable), m_poolplace(0) {
-  // construct tag
-  if (m_ptime==RUNC || m_ptime==RUNP) {
-    // construct tag from foldername - removing / and adding explicit -<tag>
-    // at end, following standard folder tagging convention
-    std::string tag2="";
-    for (std::string::const_iterator itr=m_name.begin(); 
-	 itr!=m_name.end();++itr) {
-      if (*itr!='/') tag2.push_back(*itr);
-    }
-    m_tag=tag2+"-"+m_tag;
-    std::cout << "Multi-version folder " << name << 
-      " will be tagged with tag: " << m_tag << std::endl;
-  } else {
-    // single version folders are not tagged
-    m_tag="";
-  }
-FolderInfo::~FolderInfo() {}
-bool FolderInfo::createFolder() {
-  // create the folder
-  // set CoraCool flag from folder data type
-  bool coracool=(m_ptype==CoraCool);
-  bool coolvec=(m_ptype==CoolVector);
-  // construct specification 
-  cool::RecordSpecification spec;
-  // use UChar to flag undefined storage type
-  cool::StorageType::TypeId coltype=cool::StorageType::UChar;
-  std::string colnm="Undef";
-  if (m_ptype==Int || coracool || coolvec) {
-    coltype=cool::StorageType::Int32;
-    colnm="int";
-  }
-  if (m_ptype==Float) {
-    coltype=cool::StorageType::Float;
-    colnm="float";
-  }
-  if (m_ptype==String) {
-    coltype=( m_size<4000 ? 
-	      cool::StorageType::String4k : cool::StorageType::String16M );
-    colnm="string";
-  }
-  if (m_ptype==Blob) {
-     coltype=( m_size<64000 ? 
-	       cool::StorageType::Blob64k : cool::StorageType::Blob16M );
-    colnm="blob";
-  }
-  if (m_ptype==PoolRef) {
-    spec.extend("PoolRef",cool::StorageType::String4k);
-  } else {
-    // for coracool folder, also need primary and foreign keys
-    if (coracool) {
-      spec.extend("PrimKey",cool::StorageType::Int32);
-	spec.extend("ForeignKey",cool::StorageType::Int32);
-    }
-    for (int i=0;i<m_ncol;++i) {
-      std::ostringstream colstr;
-      colstr << colnm;
-      if (m_ncol>1) colstr << i;
-      spec.extend(colstr.str(),coltype);
-    }
-  }
-  // construct description
-  std::string desc="<timeStamp>";
-  // set timestamp part of description
-  if (m_ptime==DCSP || m_ptime==DCSC) {     
-    desc+="time";
-  } else {
-    desc+="run-event";
-  }
-  desc+="</timeStamp>";
-  if (m_ptype==PoolRef) {
-    desc+="<addrHeader><address_header service_type=\"71\" clid=\"117237436\" /></addrHeader><typeName>TestCoolRecPoolDataColl</typeName>";
-  } else if (m_ptype==CoraCool) {
-    desc+="<addrHeader><address_header service_type=\"71\" clid=\"55403898\" /></addrHeader><typeName>CondAttrListVec</typeName>";
-  } else if (m_ptype==CoolVector) {
-    desc+="<addrHeader><address_header service_type=\"71\" clid=\"55403898\" /></addrHeader><typeName>CondAttrListVec</typeName>";
-  } else {
-    desc+="<addrHeader><address_header service_type=\"71\" clid=\"1238547719\" /></addrHeader><typeName>CondAttrListCollection</typeName>";
-  }
-  std::cout << "Folder description: " << desc << std::endl;
-  if (m_paytable) std::cout << "Folder will have separate payload table"
-			      << std::endl;
-  cool::FolderVersioning::Mode mode;
-  if (m_tag=="") {
-    mode=cool::FolderVersioning::SINGLE_VERSION;
-  } else {
-    mode=cool::FolderVersioning::MULTI_VERSION;
-  }
-  // access the database
-  cool::IDatabasePtr cooldb=m_dbconn->open();
-  if (coracool) {
-    // set CORAL table name from folder leaf name
-    std::string coraltable;
-    std::string::size_type iofs=m_name.rfind("/");
-    if (iofs!=std::string::npos) {
-      coraltable=m_name.substr(iofs+1);
-    } else {
-      coraltable=m_name;
-    }
-    cool::RecordSpecification fkspec;
-    fkspec.extend("ForeignKey",cool::StorageType::Int32);
-    CoraCoolDatabasePtr coraDb=m_dbconn->coradbptr();
-    CoraCoolFolderPtr corafolderptr=coraDb->createFolder(m_name,coraltable,
-      	  fkspec,spec,"ForeignKey","PrimKey",desc,mode,true);
-    std::cout << "Done CoraCool folder creation" << std::endl;
-    printSpec(corafolderptr->payloadSpecification());
-  } else {
-    cool::IFolderPtr folderptr;
-    cool::PayloadMode::Mode pmode=cool::PayloadMode::INLINEPAYLOAD;
-    if (m_paytable) {
-      pmode=cool::PayloadMode::SEPARATEPAYLOAD;
-    } else if (coolvec) {
-      pmode=cool::PayloadMode::VECTORPAYLOAD;
-    }
-    folderptr=cooldb->createFolder(m_name,
-	cool::FolderSpecification(mode,spec,pmode),desc,true);
-    std::cout << "Done COOL folder creation payload type " << pmode << std::endl;
-    printSpec(folderptr->payloadSpecification());
-  }
-  return true;
-void FolderInfo::printSpec(const cool::IRecordSpecification& catrspec) const {
-  // print out payload specification
-  std::cout << "AttributeList specification for folder " << m_name << " is ";
-  for (unsigned int i=0;i<catrspec.size();++i) {
-    const cool::IFieldSpecification& field=catrspec[i];
-    std::cout << field.name() << " : " << 
-      field.storageType().name() << " , ";
-  }
-  std::cout << std::endl;
-FolderInfo::PayloadTime string2ptime(const std::string & str) {
-  if (str=="DCSC") return FolderInfo::DCSC;
-  if (str=="DCSP") return FolderInfo::DCSP;
-  if (str=="RUNC") return FolderInfo::RUNC;
-  if (str=="RUNP") return FolderInfo::RUNP;
-  return FolderInfo::PTimeUndefined;
-FolderInfo::PayloadType string2ptype(const std::string & str) {
-  if (str=="INT" || str=="int") return FolderInfo::Int;
-  if (str=="FLOAT" || str=="float") return FolderInfo::Float;
-  if (str=="STRING" || str=="string") return FolderInfo::String;
-  if (str=="POOLREF" || str=="poolref") return FolderInfo::PoolRef;
-  if (str=="BLOB" || str=="blob") return FolderInfo::Blob;
-  if (str=="CORACOOL" || str=="coracool") return FolderInfo::CoraCool;
-  if (str=="COOLVECTOR" || str=="coolvector") return FolderInfo::CoolVector;
-  return FolderInfo::PTypeUndefined;
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/src/app/TestCoolRecWriter.cxx b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/src/app/TestCoolRecWriter.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 5fe21da81d34416d73531ca3ad7761a4c9edd740..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/src/app/TestCoolRecWriter.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,638 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2022 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// TestCoolRecWriter.cxx
-// Program to write test data load to COOL database for Athena reconstruction
-// Richard Hawkings, started 19/1/06
-// Compiles in offline cmt framework to binary executable, needs offline env
-#include <fstream>
-#include <sstream>
-//POOL includes for POOL object write
-#include "PersistentDataModel/Placement.h"
-#include "PersistentDataModel/Token.h"
-#include "PersistencySvc/ISession.h"
-#include "PersistencySvc/IPersistencySvc.h"
-#include "PersistencySvc/DatabaseConnectionPolicy.h"
-#include "PersistencySvc/ITransaction.h"
-#include "StorageSvc/DbType.h"
-#include "StorageSvc/DbReflex.h"
-#include "FileCatalog/IFileCatalog.h"
-#include "CoralBase/Blob.h"
-#include "CoolKernel/Record.h"
-#include "AthenaDBTestRec/TestCoolRecPoolData.h"
-#include "CoraCool/CoraCoolDatabase.h"
-#include "CoraCool/CoraCoolFolder.h"
-#include "TestCoolRecWriter.h"
-TestCoolRecWriter::TestCoolRecWriter(const std::string& cooldb, const int mode,
-				     const std::string& configfile,
-                    const int nrun, const int run0, const int nevent, 
-				     const int time0, const int timerun) :
-  m_coolstr(cooldb), m_mode(mode), m_configfile(configfile),
-  m_nrun(nrun), m_run0(run0), m_nevent(nevent), 
-  m_time0(time0), m_timerun(timerun), m_poolmode(0),m_poolstem("pool"),
-  m_tagsuffix("tag1"),
-  m_usepool(false),
-  m_usecoracool(false),
-  m_poolcat(NULL),
-  m_persistencySvc(NULL) {
-  std::cout << "Starting TestCoolRecWriter" << std::endl 
-	    << "Cool database: " << m_coolstr << std::endl
-	    << "Mode: " << m_mode << std::endl
-	    << "Config file: " << m_configfile << std::endl;
-int TestCoolRecWriter::execute() {
-  // read configuration
-  readConfig();
-  // now execute
-  if (m_mode==1) return fillDB();
-  if (m_mode==2) return genJobOpts("CoolReadConfig.py");
-  return 1;
-bool TestCoolRecWriter::readConfig() {
-  // read lines from config file
-  std::cout << "Start to read config from " << m_configfile << std::endl;
-  FILE* p_inp=fopen(m_configfile.c_str(),"r");
-  if (p_inp==0) {
-    std::cout << "ERROR: Cannot open config file" << std::endl;
-    return false;
-  }
-  // set initial database connection
-  m_dbconn.clear();
-  m_dbconn.push_back(new DBConnection(m_coolstr));
-  int idbconn=0;
-  DBConnection* dbconn=m_dbconn[0];
-  m_folders.clear();
-  bool paytable=false;
-  char* p_buf=new char[999];
-  while (!feof(p_inp)) {
-    char* p_line=fgets(p_buf,999,p_inp);
-    if (p_line!=NULL) {
-    // tokenise input line based on spaces
-    std::string buf=std::string(p_line);
-    std::vector<std::string> tokens;
-    unsigned int iofs1=0;
-    while (iofs1<buf.size()) {
-      std::string::size_type iofs2=buf.find(" ",iofs1);
-      // allow for trailing linefeed
-      if (iofs2==std::string::npos) iofs2=buf.size()-1;
-      tokens.push_back(buf.substr(iofs1,iofs2-iofs1));
-      iofs1=iofs2+1;
-    }
-    if (tokens.size()>0) {
-      // definition of single folder
-      if (tokens[0]=="folder") {
-	if (tokens.size()<8) {
-	  std::cout << "Folder definition syntax: " << std::endl << 
-     "folder <path> <nchan> <ptime> <ptype> <ncolumns> <size> <period>"
-		    << std::endl;
-	} else {
-	  // define single folder
-	  std::cout << "Define folder " << tokens[1] << std::endl;
-          m_folders.push_back(new FolderInfo(tokens[1],dbconn,idbconn,
-	     atoi(tokens[2].c_str()),
-             string2ptime(tokens[3]),string2ptype(tokens[4]),
-	     atoi(tokens[5].c_str()),atoi(tokens[6].c_str()),
-					 atoi(tokens[7].c_str()),
-					 m_tagsuffix,paytable));
-	}			      
-      } else if (tokens[0]=="multi") {
-	if (tokens.size()<9) {
-	  std::cout << "Multi-Folder definition syntax: " << std::endl << 
-     "multi <n> <path> <nchan> <ptime> <ptype> <ncolumns> <size> <period>"
-		    << std::endl;
-	} else {
-	  // define multiple folder
-	  int nfold=atoi(tokens[1].c_str());
-	  std::cout << "Define " << nfold << " folders based on  " 
-            << tokens[2] << std::endl;
-          for (int ifold=0;ifold<nfold;++ifold) {
-            std::ostringstream strs;
-            strs << tokens[2] << "_" << ifold;
-            m_folders.push_back(new FolderInfo(strs.str(),dbconn,idbconn,
-	     atoi(tokens[3].c_str()),
-             string2ptime(tokens[4]),string2ptype(tokens[5]),
-	     atoi(tokens[6].c_str()),atoi(tokens[7].c_str()),
-					 atoi(tokens[8].c_str()),m_tagsuffix));
-          }
-	}			      
-      } else if (tokens[0]=="schema") {
-	if (tokens.size()!=2) {
-	  std::cout << "Schema definition syntax:" << std::endl <<
-	    "schema <schema_name>" << std::endl;
-	} else {
-	  std::cout << "Define new schema : " << tokens[1]
-		    << std::endl;
-	  dbconn=new DBConnection(m_coolstr,tokens[1]);
-          m_dbconn.push_back(dbconn);
-	  ++idbconn;
-	}
-      } else if (tokens[0]=="poolfile") {
-	if (tokens.size()!=3) {
-	  std::cout << "Poolfile definition syntax: " << std::endl <<
-	    "poolfile <mode> <file_stem>" << std::endl;
-	} else {
-	  m_poolmode=atoi(tokens[1].c_str());
-	  m_poolstem=tokens[2];
-	}
-      } else if (tokens[0]=="tag") {
-	if (tokens.size()!=2) {
-	  std::cout << "Tag definition syntax: " << std::endl <<
-	    "tag <tagsiffix>" << std::endl;
-	} else {
-	  m_tagsuffix=tokens[1];
-	}
-      } else if (tokens[0]=="payloadtable") {
-	if (tokens.size()!=2) {
-	  std::cout << "Payloadtable syntax: " <<std::endl <<
-	    "payloadtable 0|1" << std::endl;
-	} else {
-	  paytable=(atoi(tokens[1].c_str())!=0);
-	}
-      } else if (tokens[0]!="#" && tokens[0]!="//") {
-	std::cout << "Bad input line: " << buf << std::endl;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  }
-  std::cout << "Defined total of " << m_folders.size() << " folders from input"
-	    << std::endl;
-  // check if any folders are POOL references
-  for (std::vector<FolderInfo*>::const_iterator i=m_folders.begin();
-       i!=m_folders.end();++i) {
-    if ((*i)->ptype()==FolderInfo::PoolRef) m_usepool=true;
-    if ((*i)->ptype()==FolderInfo::CoraCool) m_usecoracool=true;
-  }
-  fclose(p_inp);
-  delete [] p_buf;
-  return true;
-int TestCoolRecWriter::fillDB() {
-  // setup POOL if needed
-  if (m_usepool) setupPool();
-  if (checkFolders()!=0) return 1;
-  std::cout << "Starting write loop with following paramters" << std::endl <<
-    "Number of runs: " << m_nrun << " first run: " << m_run0 << 
-   " events/run: " << m_nevent << std::endl << "Initial time: " << m_time0 <<
-    " time per run: " <<  m_timerun << std::endl;
-  bool allIOV=false;
-  if (m_nrun==0) {
-    allIOV=true;
-    m_run0=0;
-    m_time0=0;
-    m_nrun=1;
-    std::cout << "Writing single IOV for all runs" << std::endl;
-  }
-  Placement* placement=0;
-  for (int irun=m_run0; irun<m_run0+m_nrun; ++irun) {
-    std::cout << "Fill database for run " << irun << 
-    " events [0," << m_nevent-1 << "] time {" << (irun-m_run0)*m_timerun << ","
-	      << (irun-m_run0+1)*m_timerun << "}" << std::endl;
-    // folder sequence number for POOL files
-    unsigned int fseq=0;
-    for (std::vector<FolderInfo*>::const_iterator ifold=m_folders.begin();
-	 ifold!=m_folders.end();++ifold,++fseq) {
-      FolderInfo* folderi=*ifold;
-      std::cout << "Run " << irun << " folder " << folderi->name() <<
-	std::endl;
-      const FolderInfo::PayloadTime ptime=folderi->ptime();
-      const bool coracool=(folderi->ptype()==FolderInfo::CoraCool);
-      const bool coolvec=(folderi->ptype()==FolderInfo::CoolVector);
-      // access the database
-      cool::IDatabasePtr cooldb=folderi->dbConnection()->open();
-      cool::IFolderPtr folder;
-      CoraCoolFolderPtr corafolder;
-      if (coracool) {
-	CoraCoolDatabasePtr coradb=folderi->dbConnection()->coradbptr();
-	corafolder=coradb->getFolder(folderi->name());
-      } else {
-        folder=cooldb->getFolder(folderi->name());
-      }
-      const std::string tag=folderi->tag();
-      bool utonly=(tag!="");
-      int nobj=0;
-      // setup buffer to receive updates
-      if (coracool) {
-	corafolder->setupStorageBuffer();
-      } else {
-        folder->setupStorageBuffer();
-      }
-      // setup POOL if needed
-      if (folderi->ptype()==FolderInfo::PoolRef && folderi->poolplace()==0) {
-	if (placement==0 || (m_poolmode & 1)) {
-  	  std::cout << "Setup POOL for folder " << folderi->name() << 
-	    std::endl;
-    	  placement=new Placement;
-  	  std::ostringstream sfile;
-	  sfile << m_poolstem;
-          if (m_poolmode & 1) sfile << fseq;
-	  if (m_poolmode & 2) sfile << "_run" << irun;
-          sfile << ".root";
-	  std::cout << "Setup new POOL file: " << sfile.str() << std::endl;
- 	  placement->setFileName(sfile.str());
-	  placement->setTechnology(pool::ROOTTREE_StorageType.type());
-	  placement->setContainerName("POOLContainer_TestCoolRecPoolData");
-	}
-	folderi->setpoolplace(placement);
-      } 
-      // loop over all channels
-      for (int ichan=0;ichan<folderi->nchan();++ichan) {
-	// different time structures depending on folder type
-	if (ptime==FolderInfo::DCSC || ptime==FolderInfo::DCSP) {
-	  // loop in time
-	  int itime=(irun-m_run0)*m_timerun+m_time0;
-	  int itime1=itime+m_timerun;
-	  while (itime<itime1) {
-	    // convert time to nanoseconds
-	    cool::ValidityKey since=itime*1000000000LL;
-	    try {
-	      if (coracool) {
-		std::vector<coral::AttributeList> payloads;
-		setCoraPayload(folderi,corafolder->payloadSpecification(),
-			       payloads,irun,ichan);
-		corafolder->storeObject(since,cool::ValidityKeyMax,
-					payloads.begin(),payloads.end(),
-					ichan,tag,utonly);
-	    } else if (coolvec) {
-	      std::vector<cool::IRecordPtr> payloads;
-	      setCoolVecPayload(folderi,folder->payloadSpecification(),
-				payloads,irun,ichan);
-	      folder->storeObject(since,cool::ValidityKeyMax,payloads,
-				  ichan,tag,utonly);
-	      } else {
-	        cool::Record payload(folder->payloadSpecification());
-  	        setPayload(folderi,payload,irun,ichan);
-                folder->storeObject(since,cool::ValidityKeyMax,payload,
-				  ichan,tag,utonly);
-	      }
- 	      ++nobj;
-	    } catch (std::exception& e) {
-	      std::cout << "Exception thrown from storeObject: " << e.what()
-			<< std::endl;
-	    }
-	    int itinc=folderi->period();
-	    if (ptime==FolderInfo::DCSP) {
-	      // uniform (0 to itinc*2) random time increment
-	      itime+=1+static_cast<int>(2.*static_cast<float>(itinc)*rand()/
-                  (RAND_MAX+1.0));
-	    } else {
-	      // constant time increment
-    	      itime+=itinc;
-	    }
-	  }
-	} else if (ptime==FolderInfo::RUNC || ptime==FolderInfo::RUNP) {
-	  // loop over events within run
-	  int ievent=0;
-	  int ieventinc;
-	  // period interpreted as number of events per update (+ve)
-	  // or number of runs per update, only done on some runs (-ve)
-	  if (folderi->period()>0) {
-  	    ieventinc=m_nevent/folderi->period();
-	  } else {
-	    ieventinc=-m_nevent*folderi->period();
-	    // if not run zero of group, skip updating
-	    if ((irun % folderi->period())!=0) ievent+=m_nevent;
-	  }
-	  while (ievent<m_nevent) {
-	    cool::ValidityKey since=(static_cast<unsigned long long>(irun) 
-                  << 32)+ievent;
-	    cool::ValidityKey till;
-	    if (folderi->period()>0) {
-	      till=(static_cast<unsigned long long>(irun) 
-				    << 32)+ievent+ieventinc;
-	    } else {
-	      till=(static_cast<unsigned long long>(irun-folderi->period())
-		    << 32);
-	    }
-	    if (allIOV) till=cool::ValidityKeyMax;
-	    if (coracool) {
-	      std::vector<coral::AttributeList> payloads;
-	      setCoraPayload(folderi,corafolder->payloadSpecification(),
-			     payloads,irun,ichan);
-	      corafolder->storeObject(since,till,payloads.begin(),
-				      payloads.end(),ichan,tag,utonly);
-	    } else if (coolvec) {
-	      std::vector<cool::IRecordPtr> payloads;
-	      setCoolVecPayload(folderi,folder->payloadSpecification(),
-				payloads,irun,ichan);
-	      folder->storeObject(since,till,payloads,ichan,tag,utonly);
-	    } else {
-	      cool::Record payload(folder->payloadSpecification());
-	      if (folderi->ptype()==FolderInfo::PoolRef) {
-	        setPoolPayload(folderi,payload,irun,ichan);
-	      } else {
-  	        setPayload(folderi,payload,irun,ichan);
-	      }
-              folder->storeObject(since,till,payload,ichan,tag,utonly);
-	    }
-	    ++nobj;
-            ievent+=ieventinc;
-	  }
-	}
-      }
-      // flush buffer - write updates to COOL
-      try {
-	if (coracool) {
-	  corafolder->flushStorageBuffer();
-	} else {
-          folder->flushStorageBuffer();
-	}
-	std::cout << "Stored " << nobj << " objects in " << folderi->nchan() 
-		  << " channels" << std::endl;
-      }
-      catch (std::exception& e) {
-	std::cout << "ERROR: Exception thrown from COOL bulk insert: " <<
-	  e.what() << std::endl;
-      }
-    }
-    // loop over folders again to finish with any POOL files as needed
-    bool first=true;
-    for (std::vector<FolderInfo*>::const_iterator ifold=m_folders.begin();
-	 ifold!=m_folders.end();++ifold) {
-      FolderInfo* folderi=*ifold;
-      if (m_usepool && folderi->poolplace()!=0 && (m_poolmode &2)) {
-	if ((m_poolmode & 1) || first) {
-	  const Placement* placement=folderi->poolplace();
-	  delete placement;
-	  folderi->setpoolplace(0);
-	} else {
-	  // folder sharing placement - delete only reference
-	  folderi->setpoolplace(0);
-	}
-      }
-      first=false;
-    }
-  }
-  // finalise POOL if needed
-  if (m_usepool) finalizePool();
-  std::cout << "Finalised POOL" << std::endl;
-  // close all database connections
-  for (std::vector<DBConnection*>::iterator itr=m_dbconn.begin();
-       itr!=m_dbconn.end();++itr) {
-    (*itr)->close();
-    delete *itr;
-  }
-  std::cout << "Finished fillDB" << std::endl;
-  return 0;
-void TestCoolRecWriter::setPayload(const FolderInfo* folderi,
-				   cool::Record& payload,
-				   const int irun,const int ichan,
-				   const int iarray) {
-  // setup the payload appropriate for this folder (types already set)
-  FolderInfo::PayloadType ptype=folderi->ptype();
-  for (unsigned int iat=0;iat<payload.size();++iat) {
-    if (ptype==FolderInfo::Int) {
-      // for integers, first one is run, second, channel, then random
-      int ipay;
-      if (iat==0) {
-	ipay=irun;
-      } else if (iat==1) {
-	ipay=ichan;
-      } else {
-	ipay=static_cast<int>(1000.*rand()/RAND_MAX+1);
-      }
-      payload[iat].setValue(ipay);
-    } else if (ptype==FolderInfo::Float) {
-      // for floats, first one is run, second, channel, then random
-      float fpay;
-      if (iat==0) {
-	fpay=irun;
-      } else if (iat==1) {
-	fpay=ichan;
-      } else {
-	fpay=static_cast<int>(1000.*rand()/RAND_MAX+1);
-      }
-      payload[iat].setValue(fpay);
-    } else if (ptype==FolderInfo::String) {
-      // start by writing the run and channel numbers into the string
-      // separated by commas
-      std::ostringstream strs;
-      strs << irun << "," << ichan << ",";
-      // generate string of random characters to pad upto required length
-      std::string pstring=strs.str();
-      int nextra=folderi->size()-pstring.size();
-      if (nextra>0) {
-        for (int i=0;i<nextra;++i) {
-	  int iasc=32+static_cast<int>(90.*rand()/RAND_MAX+1);
-          pstring+=static_cast<char>(iasc);
-        }
-      }
-      payload[iat].setValue(pstring);
-    } else if (ptype==FolderInfo::Blob) {
-      coral::Blob& blob=
-        const_cast<coral::Blob&>(payload[iat].data<coral::Blob>());
-      unsigned int blobsize=folderi->size();
-      blob.resize(blobsize);
-      unsigned char* p=static_cast<unsigned char*>(blob.startingAddress());
-      int* q=static_cast<int*>(blob.startingAddress());
-      // first two 32-bit ints are run and channel number
-      *q=irun;
-      *(q+1)=ichan;
-      p+=8;
-      // the rest is random values
-      for (int i=8;i<folderi->size();++i,++p)
-	*p=(static_cast<int>(256.*rand()/RAND_MAX)) % 256;
-    } else if (ptype==FolderInfo::CoraCool || ptype==FolderInfo::CoolVector) {
-      // for CoraCool, payload are integers
-      // first two are keys to be overwritten (coracool only ), 
-      // next are run/chan/array then random
-      int ipay;
-      if (iat==2) {
-	ipay=irun;
-      } else if (iat==3) {
-	ipay=ichan;
-      } else if (iat==4) {
-	ipay=iarray;
-      } else {
-	ipay=static_cast<int>(1000.*rand()/RAND_MAX+1);
-      }
-      payload[iat].setValue(ipay);
-    }
-  }
-void TestCoolRecWriter::setCoraPayload(const FolderInfo* folderi,
-				       const cool::IRecordSpecification& rspec,
-		      std::vector<coral::AttributeList>& payloads,
-				       const int irun,const int ichan) {
-  cool::Record payload(rspec);
-  unsigned int nobj=folderi->size();
-  for (unsigned int i=0;i<nobj;++i) {
-    setPayload(folderi,payload,irun,ichan,i);
-    payloads.push_back(payload.attributeList());
-  }
-void TestCoolRecWriter::setCoolVecPayload(const FolderInfo* folderi,
-		    const cool::IRecordSpecification& rspec,
-		    std::vector<cool::IRecordPtr>& payloads,
-					 const int irun, const int ichan) {
-  unsigned int nobj=folderi->size();
-  for (unsigned int i=0;i<nobj;++i) {
-    cool::Record* payload=new cool::Record(rspec);
-    setPayload(folderi,*payload,irun,ichan,i);
-    payloads.push_back(cool::IRecordPtr(payload));
-  }
-int TestCoolRecWriter::genJobOpts(const std::string& file) {
-  // generate joboption file for Athena
-  std::cout << "Generating Athena joboptions into file: " << file << std::endl;
-  std::ofstream* outfile;
-  outfile=new std::ofstream(file.c_str());
-  if (outfile==0) {
-    std::cout << "Problem opening output file" << std::endl;
-    return 1;
-  }
-  *outfile << "# AthenaDBTestRec config generated from input " << m_configfile
-	   << std::endl;
-  // write list of connections
-  for (unsigned int iconn=0;iconn<m_dbconn.size();++iconn)
-    *outfile << "CondDBCool_Schema" << iconn << "=\"" << 
-     (m_dbconn[iconn])->iovdbStr() << "\"" << std::endl;
-  // write list of folders and options
-  for (unsigned int ifold=0;ifold<m_folders.size();++ifold) {
-    const FolderInfo* folderi=m_folders[ifold];
-    *outfile << "svcMgr.IOVDbSvc.Folders+=[CondDBCool_Schema";
-    *outfile << folderi->ndbconn() << " + \"";
-    *outfile << folderi->name();
-    if (folderi->tag()!="") 
-      *outfile << " <tag>" << folderi->tag() << "</tag>";
-    *outfile << "\"]" << std::endl;
-    *outfile << "theTestCoolRecRead.Folders+=[\"" << folderi->name() << "\"]" 
-	     << std::endl;
-    int iftype=0;
-    if (folderi->ptype()==FolderInfo::PoolRef) iftype=1;
-    if (folderi->ptype()==FolderInfo::CoraCool) iftype=2;
-    if (folderi->ptype()==FolderInfo::CoolVector) iftype=2;
-    // for folders spanning more than one run, use ftype to store run period
-    // which will be > 1
-    if (folderi->period()<-1) iftype=-folderi->period();
-    *outfile << "theTestCoolRecRead.FTypes+=[" << iftype << "]" << std::endl;
-  }
-  outfile->close();
-  delete outfile;
-  return 0;
-int TestCoolRecWriter::checkFolders() {
-  std::cout << "Checking existance of " << m_folders.size() << " COOL folders"
-	    << std::endl;
-  for (std::vector<FolderInfo*>::iterator itr=m_folders.begin();
-       itr!=m_folders.end();++itr) {
-    FolderInfo* folder=*itr;
-    cool::IDatabasePtr cooldb=folder->dbConnection()->open();
-    const std::string& name=folder->name();
-    if (cooldb->existsFolder(name)) {
-      std::cout << "Connected to existing folder " << name << std::endl;
-    } else {
-      std::cout << "Attempting to create folder " << name << std::endl;
-      if (!folder->createFolder()) return 1;
-    }
-  }
-  return 0;
-bool TestCoolRecWriter::setupPool() {
-  std::cout << "Setup POOL for referenced object output" << std::endl;
-  m_poolcat=new pool::IFileCatalog;
-  try {
-    m_poolcat->setWriteCatalog("file:PoolFileCatalog.xml");
-    m_poolcat->connect();
-  }
-  catch (std::exception& e) {
-    std::cout << "Could not setup POOL catalogues, exception:" << e.what() 
-	      << std::endl;
-  }
-  m_poolcat->start();
-  m_persistencySvc = pool::IPersistencySvc::create(*m_poolcat).release();
-  pool::DatabaseConnectionPolicy policy;
-  policy.setWriteModeForNonExisting(pool::DatabaseConnectionPolicy::CREATE);
-  policy.setWriteModeForExisting(pool::DatabaseConnectionPolicy::UPDATE);
-  m_persistencySvc->session().setDefaultConnectionPolicy(policy);
-  if (!m_persistencySvc->session().transaction().start(pool::ITransaction::UPDATE)) {
-     std::cout << "TestCollRecWriter::setupPool: start fails." << std::endl;
-     return false;
-  }
-  return true;
-bool TestCoolRecWriter::finalizePool() {
-   if (!m_persistencySvc->session().transaction().commit()) {
-     std::cout << "TestCollRecWriter::finalizePool: commit fails." << std::endl;
-     return false;
-   }
-   m_persistencySvc->session().disconnectAll();
-   m_poolcat->commit();
-   m_poolcat->disconnect();
-   delete m_persistencySvc;
-   delete m_poolcat;
-   return true;
-void TestCoolRecWriter::setPoolPayload(const FolderInfo* folderi,
-		      cool::Record& payload, const int irun,
-				       const int ichan) {
-   // create object, mark for output
-   // note: this could be considered a memory leak, but the objects need to be kept till commit anyhow
-   TestCoolRecPoolData *data = new TestCoolRecPoolData(irun,ichan,folderi->name(),folderi->size());
-   // fill vector of floats in object
-   for( std::vector<float>::iterator it = data->dbegin(); it != data->dend(); ++it) {
-      *it=rand()/(float(RAND_MAX)+1);
-   }
-   Token *tok = m_persistencySvc->registerForWrite(*(folderi->poolplace()), data, pool::DbReflex::forTypeInfo(typeid(TestCoolRecPoolData)) );
-   // set payload data for COOL to Pool object reference
-   payload["PoolRef"].setValue<std::string>( tok->toString() );
-   delete tok;
-int main ATLAS_NOT_THREAD_SAFE (int argc, const char* argv[]) {
-  if (argc<4) {
-    std::cout << "Syntax: TestCoolRecWriter <coolDBconnection> <mode> <config_file> {<nrun> <run0> <nevent> <time0> <timerun>}" << std::endl;
-    return 1;
-  }
-  // run paramter defaults
-  int nrun=1;
-  int run0=10000;
-  int nevent=720000;
-  int time0=0;
-  int timerun=3600;
-  if (argc>4) nrun=atoi(argv[4]);
-  if (argc>5) run0=atoi(argv[5]);
-  if (argc>6) nevent=atoi(argv[6]);
-  if (argc>7) time0=atoi(argv[7]);
-  if (argc>8) timerun=atoi(argv[8]);
-  TestCoolRecWriter tester(argv[1],atoi(argv[2]),argv[3],
-			   nrun,run0,nevent,time0,timerun);
-  return tester.execute();
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/src/components/AthenaDBTestRec_entries.cxx b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/src/components/AthenaDBTestRec_entries.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index ee7fac071580f8ab79284f3a048427327d700f4a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/src/components/AthenaDBTestRec_entries.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#include "AthenaDBTestRec/TestCoolRecRead.h"
-#include "AthenaDBTestRec/DetStoreDump.h"
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/src/lib/DetStoreDump.cxx b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/src/lib/DetStoreDump.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 52771caf9509405f96bf979321c8438e7d09edd1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/src/lib/DetStoreDump.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// DetStoreDump.cxx
-// Athena algorithm to dump detector store status at end of init 
-// and at first event execute
-// started Richard Hawkings 24/1/06
-#include "GaudiKernel/SmartDataPtr.h"
-#include "AthenaDBTestRec/DetStoreDump.h"
-DetStoreDump::DetStoreDump(const std::string& name, 
-  ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator) :
-   AthAlgorithm(name,pSvcLocator),
-   m_first(true)
-  declareProperty("Mode",m_mode); 
-DetStoreDump::~DetStoreDump() {}
-StatusCode DetStoreDump::initialize() {
-  ATH_MSG_INFO("Initialise - mode " << m_mode);
-  msg(MSG::INFO) << "Dump of complete detector store at initialize"
-	<< detStore()->dump() << endmsg;
-  msg(MSG::INFO) << "Dump finished" << endmsg;
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-StatusCode DetStoreDump::execute() {
-  if (m_first && m_mode>0) {
-    msg(MSG::INFO) << 
-     "Dump of complete detector store at first event execute"
-	  << detStore()->dump() << endmsg;
-    msg(MSG::INFO) << "Dump finished" << endmsg;
-  }
-  m_first=false;
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-StatusCode DetStoreDump::finalize() {
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/src/lib/TestCoolRecFolder.cxx b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/src/lib/TestCoolRecFolder.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index e9cec45ea3a0d328558a140bafddf41eb3a6dfaa..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/src/lib/TestCoolRecFolder.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2023 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// TestCoolRecFolder.cxx
-// impl class to hold details of COOL folders in reconstruction tests
-// Richard Hawkings, started 3/3/06
-#include <math.h>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <sstream>
-#include "AthenaDBTestRec/TestCoolRecFolder.h"
-#include "CoralBase/Blob.h"
-#include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
-#include "AthenaPoolUtilities/CondAttrListCollection.h"
-#include "AthenaPoolUtilities/CondAttrListVec.h"
-#include "AthenaKernel/IOVRange.h"
-#include "AthenaDBTestRec/TestCoolRecPoolDataColl.h"
-TestCoolRecFolder::TestCoolRecFolder(const std::string& key, int type, 
-				     const SG::DataProxy* proxy,
-				     const int dumpchan,std::ofstream* dumpf) :
-  m_key(key), m_type(type), m_proxy(proxy),
-  m_dumpchan(dumpchan),m_dumpf(dumpf),
-  m_naccess(0), m_nerror(0), m_nmismatch(0),
-  m_nitems(0),m_ncallback(0)
-StatusCode TestCoolRecFolder::regCallBack(StoreGateSvc* detstore) {
-  if (m_type==1) {
-    const DataHandle<TestCoolRecPoolDataColl> poolcol;
-    return (detstore->regFcn(&TestCoolRecFolder::callBack,this,poolcol,m_key));
-  } else if (m_type==2) {
-    const DataHandle<CondAttrListVec> atrvec;
-    return (detstore->regFcn(&TestCoolRecFolder::callBack,this,atrvec,m_key));
-  } else if (m_type==3) {
-    // no callback registered for type 3 (generic)
-    return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-  } else {
-    // no callback registered for type 3 (generic)
-    const DataHandle<CondAttrListCollection> atrcol;
-    return (detstore->regFcn(&TestCoolRecFolder::callBack,this,atrcol,m_key));
-  }
-StatusCode TestCoolRecFolder::access(StoreGateSvc* detstore, const int run,
-				     const int event,const IOVTime iovkey) {
-  // access the data for the folder
-  int modrun=run;
-  if (m_type>3) {
-    // for folders with type > 3, have to modify the run to reflect the
-    // run modularity
-    modrun=(run-(run % m_type));
-  }
-  ++m_naccess;
-  if (m_type==1) {
-    // branch for POOL file objects
-    const TestCoolRecPoolDataColl* poolcol;
-    if (StatusCode::SUCCESS==
-      detstore->retrieve(poolcol,m_key)) {
-    // loop over objects in collection, keeping parallel channel iterator
-      TestCoolRecPoolDataColl::chan_const_iterator 
-	chanitr=poolcol->chan_begin();
-      for (DataVector<TestCoolRecPoolData>::const_iterator 
-          citr=poolcol->begin();citr!=poolcol->end();++citr,++chanitr) {
-        // access the data and check consistency for run,folder and channel
-        ++m_nitems;
-	if (modrun!=(*citr)->run() || 
-	    static_cast<int>(*chanitr)!=(*citr)->chan()
-	    || m_key!=(*citr)->folder()) {
-	  ++m_nmismatch;
-	}
-      }
-    } else {
-      ++m_nerror;
-      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-  } else if (m_type==2) {
-    // branch for CoraCool/CoolVector objects (both appear as CondAttrListVec)
-    const CondAttrListVec* atrvec;
-    if (StatusCode::SUCCESS==detstore->retrieve(atrvec,m_key)) {
-      // loop over objects in list
-      for (CondAttrListVec::const_iterator citr=atrvec->begin();
-	   citr!=atrvec->end();++citr) {
-	// access the data - put in string
-	int chan=citr->first;
-	const coral::AttributeList& adata=citr->second;
-  	std::ostringstream atrstring;
-	adata.toOutputStream(atrstring);
-	++m_nitems;
-	// check the attribute list - fields 2 and 3 should be run/channel
-	// and size should be at least 4 (0/1 are PK/FK)
-	if (adata.size()<4 || adata[2].data<int>()!=modrun ||
-	    adata[3].data<int>()!=chan) ++m_nmismatch;
-      }
-      // alternative access via index
-      const std::vector<unsigned int>& channels=atrvec->channelIDs();
-      std::cout << "ChannelIDs vector for " << m_key << " has " << 
-	channels.size() << " elements" << std::endl;
-      // loop over the channels and get the attributes
-      for (std::vector<unsigned int>::const_iterator ci=channels.begin();
-	   ci!=channels.end();++ci) {
-	int chan=(*ci);
-	bool haschan=atrvec->hasChannel(chan);
-	if (haschan) {
-	  const std::vector<const coral::AttributeList*>& atrv=
-	    atrvec->attrListVec(chan);
-	  std::cout << "Check channel " << chan << " has info " << haschan <<
-	  " vecsize " << atrv.size() << std::endl;
-	  // dump attributelist 0 for first two channels
-	  if (chan<2) {
-	    const coral::AttributeList& atrlist=*(atrv[0]);
-	    std::cout << "Dumping AtrList for channel " << chan;
-	    atrlist.toOutputStream(std::cout);
-	    std::cout << std::endl;
-	  }
-	} else {
-	  std::cout << "Check channel " << chan << " has no info" << std::endl;
-	}
-      }
-    } else {
-      ++m_nerror;
-      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-  } else if (m_type==3) {
-    // use DataProxy for generic folder without knowing type
-    if (m_proxy) {
-      try {
-	(const_cast<SG::DataProxy*>(m_proxy))->accessData();
-	++m_nitems;
-      }
-      catch (std::exception& e) {
-	++m_nerror;
-      }
-    } else {
-      ++m_nerror;
-    }
-  } else {
-    // branch for basic CondAttrListCollection
-    const CondAttrListCollection* atrlistcol;
-    if (StatusCode::SUCCESS==
-      detstore->retrieve(atrlistcol,m_key)) {
-      // loop over objects in collection
-      int nobj=0;
-      for (CondAttrListCollection::const_iterator citr=atrlistcol->begin();
-           citr!=atrlistcol->end();++citr) {
-        // access the data - put into a string
-  	std::ostringstream atrstring;
-  	(*citr).second.toOutputStream(atrstring);
-	++m_nitems;
-	// loop over the attributes to check possible mismatches
-	// first two are checked in case of int or float
-	// attr 0=run, attr 1=channel number
-	int natr=citr->second.size();
-	if (natr>2) natr=2;
-	for (int icol=0;icol<natr;++icol) {
-	  int target=modrun;
-	  if (icol==1) target=citr->first;
-	  const coral::Attribute& atr=(*citr).second[icol];
-	  if ((atr.specification().typeName()=="int" && 
-	       atr.data<int>()!=target) || 
-	      (atr.specification().typeName()=="float" &&
-	       fabsf(atr.data<float>()-target)>1.E-3)) ++m_nmismatch;
-          if ((atr.specification().typeName()=="string" && icol==0)) {
-	    // for first string, check begins with run,chan, sep by commas
-	    std::string::size_type iofs1,iofs2;
-	    const std::string& sdata=atr.data<std::string>();
-	    iofs1=sdata.find(",");
-	    iofs2=sdata.find(",",iofs1+1);
-	    if (iofs1!=std::string::npos && iofs2!=std::string::npos) {
-	      // correctly formed string, check numbers
-	      if (atoi(sdata.substr(0,iofs1).c_str())!=modrun || 
-		  atoi(sdata.substr(iofs1+1,iofs2-iofs1-1).c_str())!=
-		  static_cast<int>(citr->first))
-		++m_nmismatch;
-	    } else {
-	      // malformed string - counts as a mismatch
-	      ++m_nmismatch;
-	    }
-	  }
-	  if (atr.specification().typeName()=="blob") {
-	    const coral::Blob& blob=atr.data<coral::Blob>();
-	    const int* p=static_cast<const int*>
-	      (blob.startingAddress());
-	    if (*p!=modrun || *(p+1)!=static_cast<int>(citr->first)) 
-	      ++m_nmismatch;
-	  }
-	}
-	// dump information into file
-	if (nobj<abs(m_dumpchan)) {
-	  // find the IOV of this element
-	  unsigned int channum=citr->first;
-	  CondAttrListCollection::iov_const_iterator 
-	    ciov=atrlistcol->chanIOVPair(channum);
-	  const IOVRange& iovrange=ciov->second;
-	  const IOVTime& start=iovrange.start();
-	  const IOVTime& stop=iovrange.stop();
-	  bool isTS=start.isTimestamp();
-	  std::string checkstr="";
-	  if (start>iovkey || stop<=iovkey) {
-	    checkstr=" BAD";
-	    ++m_nerror;
-	  }
-	  *m_dumpf << m_key << " " << event << " " << channum << " " << 
-	    iovprint(iovkey,isTS) << " [" << iovprint(start,isTS) << "," 
-		 << iovprint(stop,isTS) << "]" << checkstr;
-	  // only dump payload if number of channels is set negative
-	  if (m_dumpchan<0) *m_dumpf << " : " << atrstring.str();
-	  *m_dumpf << std::endl;
-	}
-	++nobj;
-      }
-    } else {
-      ++m_nerror;
-      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-    }
-  }
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-StatusCode TestCoolRecFolder::callBack( IOVSVC_CALLBACK_ARGS_P( /* I */ ,keys) ) {
-  // use callbacks to count the number of times the object actually changes
-  for (std::list<std::string>::const_iterator itr=keys.begin();
-       itr!=keys.end(); ++itr) {
-    if (*itr==m_key) {
-      ++m_ncallback; 
-      if (m_dumpchan!=0) *m_dumpf << "Callback " << m_key << std::endl;
-    }
-  }
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-std::string TestCoolRecFolder::iovprint(const IOVTime& time,const bool isTS) {
-  // return the IOVTime as run:event or TS
-  std::ostringstream out;
-  if (isTS) {
-    out << time.timestamp();
-  } else {
-    out << time.run() << ":" << time.event();
-  }
-  return out.str();
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/src/lib/TestCoolRecPoolData.cxx b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/src/lib/TestCoolRecPoolData.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 8236315f1871783e819d865b3eab4c86752b4606..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/src/lib/TestCoolRecPoolData.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2023 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// TestCoolRecPoolData.cxx
-// Richard Hawkings, started 15/9/06
-#include "AthenaDBTestRec/TestCoolRecPoolData.h"
-TestCoolRecPoolData::TestCoolRecPoolData() {m_run=0; m_chan=0; }
-TestCoolRecPoolData::TestCoolRecPoolData(const int run, const int chan, 
-		 const std::string& folder, const int size) : 
-  m_run(run), m_chan(chan), m_folder(folder) {
-  m_data.resize(size);
-TestCoolRecPoolData::~TestCoolRecPoolData() {}
diff --git a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/src/lib/TestCoolRecRead.cxx b/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/src/lib/TestCoolRecRead.cxx
deleted file mode 100644
index 167475269e8eae0c149c220a2a852282b3d199f2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/AtlasTest/DatabaseTest/AthenaDBTestRec/src/lib/TestCoolRecRead.cxx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-  Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
-// TestCoolRecRead.cxx
-// Athena algorithm to read configurable amount of test data from COOL
-// started Richard Hawkings 24/1/06
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include "AthenaKernel/IOVRange.h"
-#include "AthenaDBTestRec/TestCoolRecRead.h"
-TestCoolRecRead::TestCoolRecRead(const std::string& name, 
-  ISvcLocator* pSvcLocator) :
-   AthAlgorithm(name,pSvcLocator),  
-   m_par_checkmatch(true),m_par_delay(0),
-   m_par_dumpchan(0),m_par_dumpfile("iovdump.txt"),
-   p_detstore(0),m_nbadaux(0),m_dumpf(0)
-  declareProperty("Folders",m_folders); 
-  declareProperty("FTypes",m_ftypes);
-  declareProperty("AuxFiles",m_auxfiles);
-  declareProperty("CheckMatch",m_par_checkmatch);
-  declareProperty("Delay",m_par_delay);
-  declareProperty("DumpChannels",m_par_dumpchan);
-  declareProperty("DumpFile",m_par_dumpfile);
-TestCoolRecRead::~TestCoolRecRead() {}
-StatusCode TestCoolRecRead::initialize() {
-  // retrieve the DetStore old way as need pointer to pass to TestCoolRecFolder
-  if (StatusCode::SUCCESS!=service("DetectorStore",p_detstore)) {
-    ATH_MSG_FATAL("Detector store not found");
-    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
-  ATH_MSG_INFO("Number of folders for read: " << m_folders.size());
-  // check consistency of folders and types
-  if (m_folders.size()!=m_ftypes.size()) {
-    ATH_MSG_FATAL("Number of folder types (" << m_ftypes.size() <<
-		  ") does not match number of folders defined");
-    return StatusCode::FAILURE;
-  }
-  // setup dumpfile if needed
-  if (m_par_dumpchan!=0) {
-    ATH_MSG_INFO("First " << m_par_dumpchan << 
-      " channels will be dumped on file " << m_par_dumpfile << 
-		 " for each event");
-    // attempt to open output file
-    m_dumpf=new std::ofstream(m_par_dumpfile.c_str());
-    if (m_dumpf==0) {
-      ATH_MSG_FATAL("Cannot open output file");
-    }
-    * m_dumpf << "# Folder EventNum Channel IOVKey Start Stop (Payload)" <<
-      std::endl;
-  }
-  if (m_folders.size()==0) {
-    // if no folders defined, define the list from proxies in DetectorStore
-    // For folders using <key> to define a differnt SG key from folder name
-    // this will result in folder references using the key name not the folder
-    // name
-    std::vector<const SG::DataProxy*> proxylist=p_detstore->proxies();
-    ATH_MSG_INFO("Detector store contains " << proxylist.size() <<
-		 " proxies - define folders from there");
-    for (std::vector<const SG::DataProxy*>::const_iterator pitr=
-	 proxylist.begin();pitr!=proxylist.end();++pitr) {
-      m_folderlist.push_back(TestCoolRecFolder((*pitr)->name(),3,*pitr,
-					       m_par_dumpchan,m_dumpf));
-    }
-  } else {
-    // setup list of folders from input
-    for (unsigned int i=0;i<m_folders.size();++i) {
-      m_folderlist.push_back(TestCoolRecFolder(m_folders[i],
-					       m_ftypes[i],0,
-					       m_par_dumpchan,m_dumpf));
-    }
-  }
-  for (std::vector<TestCoolRecFolder>::iterator itr=m_folderlist.begin();
-	 itr!=m_folderlist.end();++itr) {
-    ATH_MSG_INFO("Folder " << itr->name() << 
-		  " ( type " << itr->type() << ")");
-    if (StatusCode::SUCCESS!=(itr->regCallBack(p_detstore))) 
-      ATH_MSG_ERROR("Failed to register callback for folder " << 
-		    itr->name());
-  }
-  if (m_par_checkmatch) ATH_MSG_INFO("Conditions data matchup will be checked for consistency");
-  if (m_par_delay>0) ATH_MSG_INFO("Delay for " << m_par_delay << 
-				" seconds at end of each event");
-  if (m_auxfiles.size()>0) m_nbadaux=readAuxFiles();
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-  }
-StatusCode TestCoolRecRead::execute() {
-  // find the run number for mismatch check
-  const EventIDBase& eid = getContext().eventID();
-  int run = eid.run_number();
-  int event = eid.event_number();
-  int lumib = eid.lumi_block();
-  uint64_t nsTime = eid.time_stamp()*1000000000LL;
-  IOVTime iovkey(run,lumib,nsTime);
-  // loop through all folders and access data
-  for (std::vector<TestCoolRecFolder>::iterator ifolder=m_folderlist.begin();
-       ifolder!=m_folderlist.end();++ifolder) {
-    if (ifolder->access(p_detstore,run,event,iovkey)!=
-	StatusCode::SUCCESS)
-      ATH_MSG_ERROR("Retrieve for class folder "+ifolder->name()+" failed");
-  }
-  if (m_par_delay>0) {
-    ATH_MSG_INFO("Delaying for " << m_par_delay << " seconds");
-    char commstr[32];
-    sprintf(commstr,"sleep %d\n",m_par_delay);
-    system(commstr);
-  }
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-StatusCode TestCoolRecRead::finalize() {
-  int nerrorfold=0;
-  int nemptyfold=0;
-  int nmismatchfold=0;
-  // print statistics for all folders
-  for (std::vector<TestCoolRecFolder>::iterator ifolder=m_folderlist.begin();
-       ifolder!=m_folderlist.end();++ifolder) {
-    ATH_MSG_INFO("Folder " << ifolder->name() << " nAccess=" <<
-      ifolder->nAccess() <<   " nItems=" << ifolder->nItems() <<
-		 " nCallBack=" << ifolder->nCallBack());
-    if (ifolder->nError()>0) {
-      ++nerrorfold;
-      ATH_MSG_ERROR("Folder " << ifolder->name() << " had " << 
-		    ifolder->nError() << " access errors");
-    }
-    if (ifolder->nMisMatch()>0 && m_par_checkmatch) {
-      ATH_MSG_ERROR("Folder " << ifolder->name() << " had " <<
-	ifolder->nMisMatch() << " data mismatches");
-      ++nmismatchfold;
-    }
-    if (ifolder->nItems()==0) {
-      ++nemptyfold;
-      ATH_MSG_ERROR("Folder " << ifolder->name() << " read no data");
-    }
-  }
-  msg(MSG::INFO) << "TestCoolRecReadSummary: "; 
-  if (nerrorfold>0 || nemptyfold>0 || m_nbadaux>0 || 
-      (nmismatchfold>0 && m_par_checkmatch)) {
-    msg()  << "BAD (" << nerrorfold << "," << nemptyfold << "," << nmismatchfold
-	  << "," << m_nbadaux << 
-       ") error, empty folders, msimatched folders, bad files " << endmsg;
-  } else {
-    msg() <<  "All folders OK" << endmsg;
-  }
-  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
-int TestCoolRecRead::readAuxFiles() {
-  // read auxilliary files to simulate (badly) some POOL file access
-  int nbad=0;
-  for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator auxfile=m_auxfiles.begin();
-       auxfile!=m_auxfiles.end();++auxfile) {
-    // attempt to open file
-    std::ifstream readfile(auxfile->c_str(),std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
-    if (!readfile.is_open()) {
-      ATH_MSG_ERROR("Could not open auxilliary file: " << *auxfile);
-      ++nbad;
-    } else {
-      int nbytes=0;
-      int bufsize=100000;
-      char* buffer=new char[bufsize];
-      while (!readfile.eof()) {
-	readfile.read(buffer,bufsize);
-        nbytes+=bufsize;
-      }
-      readfile.close();
-      delete[] buffer;
-      ATH_MSG_INFO("Read " << nbytes << " bytes from auxilliary file: " << 
-		   *auxfile);
-    }
-  }
-  return nbad;