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Clarified config of PRDtoTrackMap

Thomas Strebler requested to merge tstreble/athena:PRDtoTrackMapCfg into main

Very similar names were actually used so far for several different Trk::PRDtoTrackMap collection. The configs are clarified here to be more explicit.

In details, the following algorithms are producing some SG::WriteHandleKey<Trk::PRDtoTrackMap>

  1. TRT_SegmentsToTrack, but not configured

  2. InDetTrackPRD_Association produces InDet/ITkPRDtoTrackMap + flags.Tracking.ActiveConfig.extension, combining the information of all the track collections previously produced. This is used afterwards by the SiSpacePointsSeedMaker, the SiSPSeededTrackFinder and the TrackParticleCnvAlg in case SiSPSeededTrackParticles are to be produced for some specific pass.

  3. DenseEnvironmentsAmbiguityScoreProcessorTool produces (ITk)PRDtoTrackMapAmbi_ + flags.Tracking.ActiveConfig.extension (previously called (ITk)PRDToTrackMap + flags.Tracking.ActiveConfig.extension, capital T). This is used afterwards by the DenseEnvironmentsAmbiguityProcessorTool.

  4. TrackCollectionMerger produces PRDtoTrackMapMerge_+TrackContainer (previously PRDtoTrackMap + TrackContainer), mostly PRDtoTrackMapMerge_CombinedInDet/ITkTracks. This is used for the TrackParticleCnvAlg producing the final track particle collections.

FYI @cvarni @ncalace

Merge request reports