ISFTruthIncident / ISF_Fatras - Improve robustness + fix warnings
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No changes between version 11 and version 11
The changes in this merge request should finally fix the many warnings seen when running simulation using ISF_Fatras. There are two main sets of changes:
method was changed to only update the ISF::TruthBinding of the ISFParticle in question. This is because a valid (GenParticle::
)id value and hence a valid HepMcParticleLink can only be obtained after a new GenParticle has been added to the GenEvent - this occurs within the TruthSvc, not within the ISFTruthIncident. Instead ISFTruthIncident::updateParentAfterIncidentProperties()
and ISFTruthIncident::updateChildParticleProperties()
can be called to sync up the ISFParticle properties after the call to TruthSvc::registerTruthIncident()
. These handle all cases except the case where the parent particle survives the interaction, but is not recorded to the GenEvent (for a follow-up MR).FastCaloSimV2Tool
). All ISFParticles for secondaries created by Fatras should not have barcode/id/truthBinding/particleLink set initially. These should be set by the calls to TruthSvc::registerTruthIncident()
, ISFTruthIncident::updateParentAfterIncidentProperties()
and ISFTruthIncident::updateChildParticleProperties()
. These calls should all be made before any particles are passed back to the ParticleBroker. No TruthBinding for secondaries should be set directly by the ISF_Fatras code. (NB For the special case of particles being returned to the ParticleBroker having not interacted, then the returned ISFParticle should have the same barcode/id/truthBinding/particleLink as the initial ISFParticle - this has to be set manually in the McMaterialEffectsUpdator
code.(Note to review shifters - it's probably best to review this with whitespace changes switched off. The ISF_Fatras classes need a larger clean-up, but that is beyond the scope of this merge request.)
No changes between version 11 and version 11