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adapt TauSmearing and TauEfficiencyCorrectionTool to recognise AF3 samples

Antonio De Maria requested to merge ademaria/athena:af3_tat into main

This MR will adapt TauSmearing and TauEfficiencyCorrectionTool to detect AF3 samples.

  • isAFII property is now deprecated and related warning messages will be printed. Plan would be to remove this completely later after analysis framework will switch to the new property useFastSim
  • useFastSim is the new property to set to get AF3 recommendations
  • since no recommendations are available for AF3, fallback to FullSim + print related warning message

Note: useFastSim was chosen to be in synch with similar property introduced by egamma recently

Tagging @martindl and @sineadf

Edited by Antonio De Maria

Merge request reports
