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TrackRecordGenerator: Set attributes of particle after the particle is added to event

Merged Andrii Verbytskyi requested to merge averbyts/athena:trackgenerator into main
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Copyright (C) 2002-2022 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
// -------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ StatusCode TrackRecordGenerator::callGenerator() {
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Our initial momentum had zero magnitude!!");
} else if ( tan(dTheta) == 0 ){
} else if ( std::tan(dTheta) == 0 ){
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Randomly deciding to keep the vector's direction...");
@@ -177,33 +177,32 @@ StatusCode TrackRecordGenerator::callGenerator() {
StatusCode TrackRecordGenerator::fillEvt(HepMC::GenEvent* event) {
for(std::size_t v=0;v<m_fourMom.size();++v){
// Note: The vertex and particle are owned by the event, so the
// event is responsible for those pointers.
// Create the particle, and specify its polarization.
HepMC::GenParticlePtr particle = HepMC::newGenParticlePtr( HepMC::FourVector(m_fourMom[v].x(),m_fourMom[v].y(),m_fourMom[v].z(),m_fourMom[v].t()), m_pdgCode[v], 1);
HepMC::set_polarization(particle, m_polarization[v]);
// Create the vertex, and add the particle to the vertex.
HepMC::GenVertexPtr vertex = HepMC::newGenVertexPtr(HepMC::FourVector(m_fourPos[v].x(),m_fourPos[v].y(),m_fourPos[v].z(),m_fourPos[v].t()));
vertex->add_particle_out( particle );
// Add the vertex to the event.
event->add_vertex( vertex );
} // Loop over the particles
event->set_event_number(m_events); // Set the event number
if (event->weights().empty()){
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
} else {
if ( m_fourMom.size() != m_fourPos.size() || m_fourMom.size() != m_polarization.size()) {
ATH_MSG_ERROR("Wrong different number of vertexes/momenta/polaritazions!");
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
for(std::size_t v = 0; v < m_fourMom.size(); ++v){
// Note: The vertex and particle are owned by the event, so the
// event is responsible for those pointers.
// Create the particle, and specify its polarization.
HepMC::GenParticlePtr particle = HepMC::newGenParticlePtr( HepMC::FourVector(m_fourMom[v].x(),m_fourMom[v].y(),m_fourMom[v].z(),m_fourMom[v].t()), m_pdgCode[v], 1);
// Create the vertex, and add the particle to the vertex.
HepMC::GenVertexPtr vertex = HepMC::newGenVertexPtr(HepMC::FourVector(m_fourPos[v].x(),m_fourPos[v].y(),m_fourPos[v].z(),m_fourPos[v].t()));
vertex->add_particle_out( particle );
// Add the vertex to the event.
event->add_vertex( vertex );
// Add attributes
HepMC::set_polarization(particle, m_polarization[v]);
} // Loop over the particles
event->set_event_number(m_events); // Set the event number
if (event->weights().empty()){
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;