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EFTracking 1D bitshift and road filter updates

Jahred Adelman requested to merge jahreda/athena:FPGATrackSim1DHoughUpdates into main

Tagging @gmercado and @brosser and @tbold. I think this is complete; once the updated subregion map is synchronized on cvmfs we should recover the lost efficiency in the 1D HT, too. But it is now possible to add these flags:

  • Trigger.FPGATrackSim.Hough.hough1D=True ### run 1D bitshift and not 2d HT
  • Trigger.FPGATrackSim.Hough.phiRoadFilter=True ### enable phi road filter
  • Trigger.FPGATrackSim.Hough.etaPatternFilter=True ### enable eta pattern filter
  • Trigger.FPGATrackSim.baseName='eta0103phi0305' ### set the base name for the sectors, constants, maps, etc
  • Trigger.FPGATrackSim.region=0 ## equivalent to the above baseName, but we also have flags for regions 1-7, even if not the files yet

Any objections to anyone here?

Edited by Jahred Adelman

Merge request reports
