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Updating TRT calibration python and TRTCalibrator crash

Sergi Rodriguez Bosca requested to merge serodrig/athena:18Jun2024 into 24.0

This MR is meant to solve an issue with the Python module configuration. Additionally the modification made by @hansenph is included here (this commit and MR !72336 (closed))

The TRT calibration crashed on the TMS system. This was fixed by skipping the read of a character string
in the beginning of the input file to the tool TRTCalibrator. The string served to tell whether the file
content is in compressed binary format or ROOT format. However, the ROOT format has never been used, so the entire block dealing with this format was deleted in this tool.
At the same time I changed all msg(MSG::INFO) and even a couple of std::cout to ATH_MSG_INFO.
The full calibration chain has been tested with these changes.

Merge request reports