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Use eta dependent pT cut for trigger implementation for FTF ITk

Elliot Watton requested to merge ewatton/athena:ewatton_FTFITkPtcut into main

As the title says, this changes the pT cut used when running FTF in ITk to be eta-dependent (as is done in offline). In this way we improve efficiency in both the barrel and endcaps by up to 5%. There is a compromise in speed due to more combinatorics possible, however, this will be counteracted by a separate MR which will make use of the new tracking tools that are designed to lead to speed-up in the combinatorial tracking step of FTF.

This MR was in draft state to be checked by @tamartin and @baines. They have now checked it and have given the ok from their side.

(This MR is linked with the changes made in !72450 (merged)).

Edited by Elliot Watton

Merge request reports