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Adding TRT calibration transform for Tier0 and grid

Sergi Rodriguez Bosca requested to merge serodrig/athena:25Jun2024 into 24.0

This MR is meant to add a TRT calibration transform in order to get it running for Tier0 and grid.

This is the start of migrating the old legacy transform into the new structure.

As realised, there will be probably more transforms coming.. so not finale names yet

Tested with: --inputRAWFile='path/to/RAW/data24_13p6TeV.*' \
               --outputNTUP_TRTCALIBFile='mydatasetNAMEForTryingTier0Jobs#Unbasic_new.root' \
               --conditionsTag='CONDBR2-BLKPA-2023-03' \
               --geometryVersion='ATLAS-R3S-2021-03-02-00' \
               --maxEvents=10 \

FYI: @hansenph @nairz

Merge request reports