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CPAlgorithms: new algorithm to save the b-tagging scores

Baptiste Ravina requested to merge ravinab/athena:btaggingscores into main

This is migrated from TopCPToolkit; credits to @dbaronmo.

Adding a new algorithm ("BTaggingScores" in YAML/ConfigFactory notation) to save the per-jet overall and per-flavour b-tagging scores. While this information should not be used directly in analysis right now (uncalibrated!), it is useful for a number of studies (especially in FTAG CP). In the future, the b-taggers may also become calibrated fully continuously...

Example YAML config:

 - containerName: 'AnaJets'
   jetCollection: 'AntiKt4EMPFlowJets'
      - bTagCalibFile : /cvmfs/
        taggerName: 'GN2v01'
        minPt: 20000.0
        saveAllProbabilities: True
Edited by Baptiste Ravina

Merge request reports