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TRT Calib - Adding calTag configuration for the Calibrator tool using their transform

Sergi Rodriguez Bosca requested to merge serodrig/athena:04jul2024 into 24.0

This MR is meant to introduce the calTag and Hittuple arguments in the transform in order to make the TRT calibration more configurable trough command line (or argdict.json used at Tier0)

That two option are actually meaningful if we have the argument --doCalibrator=True, since those parameters are used in that tool. Default parameters in the transform are empty strings. In the algorithm those parameters are set to Hittuple="merge.root" and calTag="all"

This change was tested using the following command line: --inputRAWFile='/path/to/' \
               --outputNTUP_TRTCALIBFile='mydatasetIDForTryingTier0Jobs#Unbasic_new.root' \
               --conditionsTag='CONDBR2-BLKPA-2023-03' \
               --geometryVersion='ATLAS-R3S-2021-03-02-00' \
               --maxEvents=1 \
               --outputFileValidation=False \
               --doCalibrator=True \
               --inputBINARYFile='test_merge.root' \
               --calTag='-1' \

When running the Calibratior tool, is enough to run 1 Athena event, --maxEvents=1, in order to retrieve the DB information. Maybe that is something we can put that requirement in the Skeleton python file when --doCalibrator=True... up to you to discuss

FYI: @hansenph, @nairz

Merge request reports