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Improved GSF+EMCal electron track reconstruction

Tomas Jakoubek requested to merge jakoubek/athena:21.2-tomas_gsfCaloImp into 21.2

A new code + a set of changes, bug-fixes and improvements needed to run that new code in AthDerivation. Purpose of the new code is to run an EMCal-improved GSF track reconstruction on AOD.

Trk::Track container GSFTracks must be present in AOD. That's true for real data in Run2, but for MC one needs to re-process the samples from HITS (using from ParticleBuilderOptions.AODFlags import AODFlags;AODFlags.AddEgammaTracksInMCAOD.set_Value_and_Lock(True)" in pre-exec all:). We have done that for our samples in the R(K*) analysis.

Three additional Athena packages are needed to read a Trk::Track container in AthDerivation. These packages have been added to Projects/AthDerivation/package_filters.txt and as far as I understand a full-build is thus needed. NB: no change in these packages.

To get a correct ID alignment in DATA, the additional pre-exec needs to be used in AOD-->DAOD step: from InDetRecExample.InDetJobProperties import InDetFlags; InDetFlags.useDynamicAlignFolders.set_Value_and_Lock(True);. MC is fine, no special preExec needed.

Although some of the changed packages are used elsewhere, only BPHY18 derivation is affected by the changes in this MR. A new reconstruction is not used unless explicitly asked.

Ping: @christos , @abarton .


Tomas - R(K*) analysis contact and BPHY18 responsible

Edited by Tomas Jakoubek

Merge request reports