TIDA P-II update for Phase-I L1Calo [ATR-29763]
FAO @bkerridg @sutt @ewatton, @zhangbo @girupnik , @jmasik @drankin
- Updates chains, removes all legacy calo (bar tau, these are re-added temporarily due to common chain listings between R3 and R4)
- Switches on Phase-I calo sim
- Updates conditions tag (required for the calo sim in latest nightlies)
Paired with an update of the input file to `mc21_14TeV.601229.PhPy8EG_A14_ttbar_hdamp258p75_SingleLep.recon.RDO.e8514_s4345_r15583_tid39626672_00`
I also update the TriggerTest version similarly
Edited by Tim Martin