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CPAlgorithms: add new properties for minEta and maxPt cuts to the PtEtaSelectionBlock

Baptiste Ravina requested to merge ravinab/athena:ravinab-main-patch-9c88 into main

@bdong requested an easy way to produce a collection of forward jets, on top of the standard collection of central jets. This can be achieved by increasing the maxEta parameter of the PtEtaSelectionBlock but will include again all the central jets. A minimum eta cut is needed to avoid double-counting.

This MR simply adds an option minEta to the CP::AsgPtEtaSelectionTool, and exposes it to the block. I also took the opportunity to expose all further useful options of the tool in the block, such as maxPt, etaGapLow, etaGapHigh, and useDressedProperties.

One can then set up either a distinct forward jet collection (if wanting to apply different JVT or systematic settings):

  - containerName: 'AnaJets'
    jetCollection: 'AntiKt4EMPFlowJets'
    #... (further settings) ...
        minPt: 25000.0
        maxEta: 2.5
  - containerName: 'AnaFwdJets'
    jetCollection: 'AntiKt4EMPFlowJets'
    #... (different settings) ...
        minPt: 25000.0
        minEta: 2.5
        maxEta: 4.5

In this case, one then has access to two orthogonal collections AnaJets and AnaFwdJets, to which the pT and eta selection are implicitly applied. Note that the calibration will have been run twice on the entire AntiKt4EMPFlowJets container, which may be inefficient.

Alternatively, one can set up two sets of cuts on the same collection:

  - containerName: 'AnaJets'
    jetCollection: 'AntiKt4EMPFlowJets'
    #... (common settings) ...
      - selectionName: 'central'
        minPt: 25000.0
        maxEta: 2.5
      - selectionName: 'fwd'
        minPt: 25000.0
        minEta: 2.5
        maxEta: 4.5

Now one has to call AnaJets.central and AnaJets.fwd explicitly to access the cuts. Calling AnaJets on its own will not take into account either of these pT+eta cuts. Note that the calibration will have been run only once on the entire AntiKt4EMPFlowJets container with the common set of settings.

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