CPAlgorithms: add new algorithm for jet reclustering
This is migrated from TopCPToolkit; credits to @tdado.
Adding a new algorithm ("JetReclustering" in YAML/ConfigFactory
notation) to recluster (kT/anti-kT/Cambridge) small-R jets into large-R jets. This is a first, simple implementation that allows to define these new RC-jets for analysis. By default we save the kinematics of the RC-jets, as well as the indices of the small-R jets that went into them. In the future, this could be expanded to include also b-tagging and substructure information.
An example setup in YAML is
- containerName: 'RCJets'
jets: 'AnaJets.baselineJvt'
minPt: 150000
clusteringAlgorithm: 'Kt'
reclusteredJetsRadius: 1.2
- containerName: 'RCJets'
outputName: 'OutRCJets'
selectionName: 'passed_pt'
#- ...