PileupReweighting: add 2024 run range for MC23e
This MR is adding a run range for 2024, from 472553 (first run of period D) to 999999, to support MC23e pileup reweighting. Complements !74403 (merged), repetition of !64994 (merged) for MC23e. The run range for MC23d was updated, it starts at the first run of period E and ends at the last run of period I, which should be conservative enough.
With this change, we get rid of the following error when producing PHYSLITE from MC23e
02:53:48 2024-09-24 02:53:47,194 CP::TPileupReweighting::Initialize WARNING Channel 0 has no configuration for period 450000 -- this is symptomatic of you trying to reweight an MC campaign to data not intended for that campaign (e.g. MC16a with 2017 data)
02:53:48 2024-09-24 02:53:47,195 CP::TPileupReweighting::Initialize WARNING There is 100.000000% unrepresented data and 'IgnoreBadChannels' property is set to true. Will start ignoring channels until this is below the tolerance (5.000000%)
02:53:48 2024-09-24 02:53:47,195 CP::TPileupReweighting::Initialize WARNING Ignoring channel 0, which has 100.000000% unrepresented data (100.000000% of the total unrep data)
02:53:48 2024-09-24 02:53:47,211 CP::TPileupReweighting::GetPrimaryWeight ERROR Unrecognised channelNumber 802402 for periodNumber 470000
For completeness, MC23e PHYSLITE jobs still fail, but for a different reason
Derivation 11:23:03 2024-09-24 11:22:56,011 MuonCalibrationAndSme...calibrationAndSmearingTool FATAL Could not assign run-number 470000 to a specific year of data-taking
FATAL error messages are issued: https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/-/blob/main/PhysicsAnalysis/MuonID/MuonIDAnalysis/MuonMomentumCorrections/Root/MuonCalibTool.cxx#L614 the job seems to run fine but due to the FATAL messages, job parsing considers that the job failed. So this will need a fix.
Tagging @will , @emmat , @fladias for information.
Cheers, Bertrand