From 4c4b9d6a488db7a2104c7560ba0579a8e075b27c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Binbin Dong <>
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2024 13:40:21 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/5] dump fixed WP

 .../CalibrationDataInterface/Root/CDIReader.cxx              | 5 +++++
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)

diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagPerformanceCalibration/CalibrationDataInterface/Root/CDIReader.cxx b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagPerformanceCalibration/CalibrationDataInterface/Root/CDIReader.cxx
index cf3293f11b5c..26817850bff3 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagPerformanceCalibration/CalibrationDataInterface/Root/CDIReader.cxx
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagPerformanceCalibration/CalibrationDataInterface/Root/CDIReader.cxx
@@ -33,6 +33,11 @@ Analysis::CDIReader::CDIReader(const std::string& cdipath, bool verbose) :  m_us
 void Analysis::CDIReader::crawlCDI(TDirectoryFile* parentDir, int depth, const std::string& metamap){
+  std::string parentDirName = parentDir->GetName();
+  if (parentDirName.find("FixedCut") != std::string::npos) {
+    return;
+  }
   TList* keys = parentDir->GetListOfKeys(); // get directories
     // now that we are at the level of the individual label directories

From 418ac156268a7d5addb08b3b64b7c88ee59b6509 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Binbin Dong <>
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2024 13:40:44 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/5] make ut configurable

 .../xAODBTaggingEfficiency/CMakeLists.txt     |  6 +++---
 .../util/BTaggingToolsTester.cxx              | 21 +++++++++++++------
 2 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagPerformanceCalibration/xAODBTaggingEfficiency/CMakeLists.txt b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagPerformanceCalibration/xAODBTaggingEfficiency/CMakeLists.txt
index 1cf7e36ccf57..75e047b1fc67 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagPerformanceCalibration/xAODBTaggingEfficiency/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagPerformanceCalibration/xAODBTaggingEfficiency/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -85,9 +85,9 @@ if( XAOD_ANALYSIS )
-   atlas_add_test( ut_BTaggingToolsTest
-     SCRIPT BTaggingToolsTester
-   ) 
+  atlas_add_test( ut_BTaggingToolsTest 
+    SCRIPT BTaggingToolsTester /cvmfs/ xAODBTaggingEfficiency/13p6TeV/MC23_2024-10-17_GN2v01_v1.root GN2v01 Continuous
+  )
    atlas_add_test( ut_BTaggingSelectionTool_fixedcut
       SCRIPT BTaggingSelectionToolTester /cvmfs/ xAODBTaggingEfficiency/13p6TeV/2023-22-13p6TeV-MC21-CDI_Test_2023-08-1_v1.root GN2v00NewAliasWP FixedCutBEff_77 
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagPerformanceCalibration/xAODBTaggingEfficiency/util/BTaggingToolsTester.cxx b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagPerformanceCalibration/xAODBTaggingEfficiency/util/BTaggingToolsTester.cxx
index 0c70b4871050..94d0bb4f5228 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagPerformanceCalibration/xAODBTaggingEfficiency/util/BTaggingToolsTester.cxx
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagPerformanceCalibration/xAODBTaggingEfficiency/util/BTaggingToolsTester.cxx
@@ -26,15 +26,24 @@
 using CP::CorrectionCode;
-ANA_MSG_SOURCE(testBTagSelection, "BtaggingToolTester")
+ANA_MSG_SOURCE(testBTagSelection, "BtaggingToolsTester")
 using namespace testBTagSelection;
-int main() {
+int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
+  const char* TEST_NAME = argv[0];
+  if (argc < 4) {
+    ANA_MSG_ERROR (  "No right inputs received!" );
+    ANA_MSG_ERROR (  "Usage: " << TEST_NAME << " [DAOD file name] [CDI path] [b-tagger name] [WP name]" );
+    return 1;
+  }
+  std::string inputDAOD = argv[1];
+  std::string CDIPath = argv[2];
+  std::string taggerName = argv[3];
+  std::string workingPointName = argv[4];
-  std::string inputDAOD = "/cvmfs/";
-  std::string CDIPath = "xAODBTaggingEfficiency/13p6TeV/2023-22-13TeV-MC21-CDI-2023-09-13_v1.root";
-  std::string taggerName = "DL1dv01";
-  std::string workingPointName = "FixedCutBEff_77";
   std::string JetCollectionName = "AntiKt4EMPFlowJets";
   std::string strat = "SFEigen"; // systematic strategy, see here for more info on which strategy to use:
   unsigned int sample_dsid = 601414; // this is needed for the so called MC/MC efficiency map, details can be found here:

From 24efb156d485f8317b28bd4b419f16a50bb1e54b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Binbin Dong <>
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2024 13:49:49 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 3/5] update ut ref

 .../xAODBTaggingEfficiency/CMakeLists.txt     |    2 +-
 .../share/ut_BTaggingToolsTest.ref            | 2986 +++++++++++++++--
 2 files changed, 2718 insertions(+), 270 deletions(-)

diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagPerformanceCalibration/xAODBTaggingEfficiency/CMakeLists.txt b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagPerformanceCalibration/xAODBTaggingEfficiency/CMakeLists.txt
index 75e047b1fc67..8f69fd4e564d 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagPerformanceCalibration/xAODBTaggingEfficiency/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagPerformanceCalibration/xAODBTaggingEfficiency/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ endif()
   atlas_add_test( ut_BTaggingToolsTest 
-    SCRIPT BTaggingToolsTester /cvmfs/ xAODBTaggingEfficiency/13p6TeV/MC23_2024-10-17_GN2v01_v1.root GN2v01 Continuous
+    SCRIPT BTaggingToolsTester /cvmfs/ xAODBTaggingEfficiency/13p6TeV/MC23_2024-10-17_GN2v01_v1.root GN2v01 Continuous 
    atlas_add_test( ut_BTaggingSelectionTool_fixedcut
       SCRIPT BTaggingSelectionToolTester /cvmfs/ xAODBTaggingEfficiency/13p6TeV/2023-22-13p6TeV-MC21-CDI_Test_2023-08-1_v1.root GN2v00NewAliasWP FixedCutBEff_77 
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagPerformanceCalibration/xAODBTaggingEfficiency/share/ut_BTaggingToolsTest.ref b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagPerformanceCalibration/xAODBTaggingEfficiency/share/ut_BTaggingToolsTest.ref
index 4a5f269128a0..e0ff33d410fa 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagPerformanceCalibration/xAODBTaggingEfficiency/share/ut_BTaggingToolsTest.ref
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagPerformanceCalibration/xAODBTaggingEfficiency/share/ut_BTaggingToolsTest.ref
@@ -1,306 +1,2754 @@
 BTagging decision on this jet is 0
-Nominal SF for this jet: 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 1.83094
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.958134
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 1.42924
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 1.35983
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 1.38778
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 1.40129
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 1.39123
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 1.39784
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1down is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1up is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1down is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1up is 1.39453
+Nominal SF for this jet: 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 0.994683
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.993219
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1down is 0.99421
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1up is 0.993693
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1down is 0.994044
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1up is 0.993859
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1down is 0.994319
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1up is 0.993584
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1down is 0.993784
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1up is 0.994119
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1down is 0.994402
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1up is 0.9935
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1down is 0.993061
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1up is 0.994841
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1down is 0.994061
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1up is 0.993842
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1down is 0.993982
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1up is 0.99392
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1down is 0.994162
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1up is 0.993741
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1down is 0.993643
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1up is 0.994259
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 0.993705
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 0.994198
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1down is 0.99371
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1up is 0.994192
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1down is 0.994027
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1up is 0.993875
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1down is 0.993946
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1up is 0.993957
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1down is 0.993866
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1up is 0.994037
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1down is 0.993847
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1up is 0.994056
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1down is 0.993943
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1up is 0.993959
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1down is 0.994007
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1up is 0.993896
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1down is 0.993886
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1up is 0.994017
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1down is 0.993876
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1up is 0.994027
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1down is 0.993954
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1up is 0.993948
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 0.994054
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 0.993848
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1down is 0.993994
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1up is 0.993908
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1down is 0.993869
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1up is 0.994033
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1down is 0.993923
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1up is 0.993979
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1down is 0.994081
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1up is 0.993822
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1down is 0.993919
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1up is 0.993983
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1down is 0.993934
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1up is 0.993968
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1down is 0.993961
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1up is 0.993942
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1down is 0.993861
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1up is 0.994042
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1down is 0.993516
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1up is 0.994387
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1down is 0.994159
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1up is 0.993743
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 0.993811
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 0.994091
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1down is 0.993962
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1up is 0.99394
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1down is 0.99396
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1up is 0.993942
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 0.994023
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 0.993879
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1down is 0.99396
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1up is 0.993943
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1down is 0.993953
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1up is 0.993949
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1down is 0.993761
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1up is 0.994142
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1down is 0.994413
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1up is 0.99349
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1down is 0.99413
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1up is 0.993773
 BTagging decision on this jet is 0
-Nominal SF for this jet: 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 1.808
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 1.39913
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 1.35987
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 1.37034
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 1.38865
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 1.37625
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 1.38274
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1down is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1up is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1down is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1up is 1.3795
-BTagging decision on this jet is 1
-Nominal SF for this jet: 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 0.994175
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 0.995143
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 1.00538
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 0.98394
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 0.985978
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 1.00334
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 0.991257
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 0.998062
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 0.995426
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 0.993893
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1down is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1up is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1down is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1up is 0.994659
+Nominal SF for this jet: 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 0.992922
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.99155
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1down is 0.992434
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1up is 0.992038
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1down is 0.992286
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1up is 0.992186
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1down is 0.992577
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1up is 0.991895
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1down is 0.99211
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1up is 0.992363
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1down is 0.992581
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1up is 0.991891
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1down is 0.991554
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1up is 0.992918
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1down is 0.992323
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1up is 0.992149
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1down is 0.99226
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1up is 0.992212
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1down is 0.992398
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1up is 0.992074
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1down is 0.991996
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1up is 0.992476
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 0.992029
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 0.992443
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1down is 0.992046
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1up is 0.992426
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1down is 0.992302
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1up is 0.99217
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1down is 0.992235
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1up is 0.992237
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1down is 0.992162
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1up is 0.99231
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1down is 0.992152
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1up is 0.99232
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1down is 0.992228
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1up is 0.992244
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1down is 0.99228
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1up is 0.992192
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1down is 0.992185
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1up is 0.992288
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1down is 0.992179
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1up is 0.992293
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1down is 0.992239
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1up is 0.992233
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 0.992298
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 0.992174
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1down is 0.992285
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1up is 0.992187
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1down is 0.992157
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1up is 0.992315
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1down is 0.992218
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1up is 0.992254
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1down is 0.992341
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1up is 0.992131
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1down is 0.992209
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1up is 0.992263
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1down is 0.992218
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1up is 0.992254
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1down is 0.992242
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1up is 0.99223
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1down is 0.992171
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1up is 0.992301
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1down is 0.992057
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1up is 0.992415
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1down is 0.99204
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1up is 0.992432
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 0.992123
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 0.992349
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1down is 0.992453
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1up is 0.992019
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1down is 0.992257
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1up is 0.992215
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 0.992294
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 0.992178
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1down is 0.992266
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1up is 0.992206
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1down is 0.992221
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1up is 0.992251
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1down is 0.992088
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1up is 0.992384
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1down is 0.992605
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1up is 0.991867
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1down is 0.992366
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1up is 0.992106
 BTagging decision on this jet is 0
-Nominal SF for this jet: 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 1.7877
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.94417
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 1.37393
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 1.35795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 1.35562
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 1.37625
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 1.36326
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 1.36861
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1down is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1up is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1down is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1up is 1.36594
+Nominal SF for this jet: 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 0.984164
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 0.985812
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1down is 0.984519
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1up is 0.985457
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1down is 0.979262
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1up is 0.990713
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1down is 0.987252
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1up is 0.982724
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1down is 0.983534
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1up is 0.986442
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1down is 0.984999
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1up is 0.984976
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1down is 0.984957
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1up is 0.985018
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1down is 0.985024
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1up is 0.984951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1down is 0.98493
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1up is 0.985046
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1down is 0.98582
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1up is 0.984155
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1down is 0.984734
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1up is 0.985242
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 0.987066
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 0.982909
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1down is 0.984737
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1up is 0.985238
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1down is 0.984652
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1up is 0.985324
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1down is 0.985157
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1up is 0.984818
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1down is 0.98469
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1up is 0.985286
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1down is 0.984231
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1up is 0.985744
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1down is 0.984952
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1up is 0.985024
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1down is 0.986015
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1up is 0.983961
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1down is 0.984211
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1up is 0.985765
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1down is 0.982618
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1up is 0.987358
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1down is 0.984157
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1up is 0.985819
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 0.983541
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 0.986435
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1down is 0.984953
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1up is 0.985023
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1down is 0.985199
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1up is 0.984777
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1down is 0.984894
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1up is 0.985081
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1down is 0.984233
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1up is 0.985743
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1down is 0.985249
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1up is 0.984727
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1down is 0.98494
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1up is 0.985035
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1down is 0.984545
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1up is 0.98543
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1down is 0.985286
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1up is 0.98469
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1down is 0.984514
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1up is 0.985462
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1down is 0.985119
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1up is 0.984856
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 0.981694
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 0.988281
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1down is 0.984585
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1up is 0.985391
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1down is 0.984302
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1up is 0.985674
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1down is 0.986256
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1up is 0.98372
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1down is 0.984857
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1up is 0.985118
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1down is 0.985224
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1up is 0.984751
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1down is 0.985434
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1up is 0.984542
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1down is 0.985028
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1up is 0.984947
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1down is 0.985223
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1up is 0.984752
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1down is 0.985373
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1up is 0.984602
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1down is 0.985068
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1up is 0.984908
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 0.986734
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 0.983242
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1down is 0.984871
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1up is 0.985105
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1down is 0.984986
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1up is 0.98499
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1down is 0.985026
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1up is 0.984949
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1down is 0.984931
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1up is 0.985044
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1down is 0.984991
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1up is 0.984984
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1down is 0.98499
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1up is 0.984986
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1down is 0.987895
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1up is 0.982081
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1down is 0.984479
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1up is 0.985496
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1down is 0.982422
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1up is 0.987554
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1down is 0.987027
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1up is 0.982949
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1down is 0.985003
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1up is 0.984972
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1up is 0.984988
 BTagging decision on this jet is 0
-Nominal SF for this jet: 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 1.73883
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.928771
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 1.30431
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 1.36329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 1.32752
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 1.34008
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 1.33637
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 1.33123
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1down is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1up is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1down is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1up is 1.3338
+Nominal SF for this jet: 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 0.992922
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.99155
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1down is 0.992434
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1up is 0.992038
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1down is 0.992286
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1up is 0.992186
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1down is 0.992577
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1up is 0.991895
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1down is 0.99211
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1up is 0.992363
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1down is 0.992581
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1up is 0.991891
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1down is 0.991554
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1up is 0.992918
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1down is 0.992323
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1up is 0.992149
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1down is 0.99226
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1up is 0.992212
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1down is 0.992398
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1up is 0.992074
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1down is 0.991996
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1up is 0.992476
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 0.992029
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 0.992443
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1down is 0.992046
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1up is 0.992426
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1down is 0.992302
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1up is 0.99217
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1down is 0.992235
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1up is 0.992237
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1down is 0.992162
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1up is 0.99231
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1down is 0.992152
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1up is 0.99232
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1down is 0.992228
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1up is 0.992244
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1down is 0.99228
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1up is 0.992192
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1down is 0.992185
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1up is 0.992288
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1down is 0.992179
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1up is 0.992293
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1down is 0.992239
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1up is 0.992233
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 0.992298
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 0.992174
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1down is 0.992285
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1up is 0.992187
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1down is 0.992157
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1up is 0.992315
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1down is 0.992218
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1up is 0.992254
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1down is 0.992341
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1up is 0.992131
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1down is 0.992209
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1up is 0.992263
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1down is 0.992218
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1up is 0.992254
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1down is 0.992242
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1up is 0.99223
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1down is 0.992171
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1up is 0.992301
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1down is 0.992057
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1up is 0.992415
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1down is 0.99204
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1up is 0.992432
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 0.992123
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 0.992349
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1down is 0.992453
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1up is 0.992019
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1down is 0.992257
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1up is 0.992215
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 0.992294
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 0.992178
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1down is 0.992266
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1up is 0.992206
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1down is 0.992221
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1up is 0.992251
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1down is 0.992088
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1up is 0.992384
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1down is 0.992605
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1up is 0.991867
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1down is 0.992366
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1up is 0.992106
 BTagging decision on this jet is 0
-Nominal SF for this jet: 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 1.57549
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.840496
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 1.16646
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 1.24953
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 1.21725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 1.19874
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 1.2076
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 1.20839
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1down is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1up is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1down is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1up is 1.20799
+Nominal SF for this jet: 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 0.991279
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.990171
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1down is 0.990908
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1up is 0.990542
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1down is 0.990892
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1up is 0.990558
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1down is 0.990881
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1up is 0.990569
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1down is 0.990624
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1up is 0.990826
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1down is 0.991213
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1up is 0.990238
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1down is 0.989812
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1up is 0.991638
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1down is 0.990863
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1up is 0.990587
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1down is 0.990765
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1up is 0.990686
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1down is 0.991007
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1up is 0.990444
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1down is 0.990416
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1up is 0.991034
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 0.990518
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 0.990932
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1down is 0.990506
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1up is 0.990945
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1down is 0.990831
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1up is 0.990619
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1down is 0.990715
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1up is 0.990735
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1down is 0.99063
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1up is 0.99082
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1down is 0.990623
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1up is 0.990827
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1down is 0.990714
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1up is 0.990736
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1down is 0.990815
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1up is 0.990635
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1down is 0.990645
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1up is 0.990805
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1down is 0.990636
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1up is 0.990815
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1down is 0.990728
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1up is 0.990722
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 0.99083
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 0.99062
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1down is 0.990713
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1up is 0.990737
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1down is 0.990672
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1up is 0.990778
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1down is 0.990718
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1up is 0.990732
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1down is 0.990844
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1up is 0.990606
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1down is 0.990694
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1up is 0.990756
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1down is 0.990716
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1up is 0.990734
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1down is 0.990728
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1up is 0.990722
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1down is 0.990679
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1up is 0.990771
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1down is 0.990617
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1up is 0.990833
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1down is 0.99065
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1up is 0.9908
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 0.990615
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 0.990836
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1down is 0.990695
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1up is 0.990756
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1down is 0.990538
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1up is 0.990912
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 0.990787
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 0.990663
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1down is 0.990699
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1up is 0.990752
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1down is 0.99072
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1up is 0.99073
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1down is 0.990546
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1up is 0.990904
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1down is 0.991028
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1up is 0.990422
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1down is 0.990929
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1up is 0.990521
 BTagging decision on this jet is 0
-Nominal SF for this jet: 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 1.47967
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.788417
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 1.094
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 1.17409
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 1.1501
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 1.11799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 1.12713
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 1.14096
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1down is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1up is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1down is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1up is 1.13404
+Nominal SF for this jet: 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 0.98703
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.984999
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1down is 0.986237
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1up is 0.985792
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1down is 0.98619
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1up is 0.985839
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1down is 0.986334
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1up is 0.985694
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1down is 0.985877
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1up is 0.986151
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1down is 0.986648
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1up is 0.985381
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1down is 0.984768
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1up is 0.987261
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1down is 0.986176
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1up is 0.985853
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1down is 0.986064
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1up is 0.985964
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1down is 0.986371
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1up is 0.985658
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1down is 0.98561
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1up is 0.986419
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 0.985698
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 0.98633
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1down is 0.985709
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1up is 0.986319
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1down is 0.986146
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1up is 0.985882
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1down is 0.986006
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1up is 0.986023
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1down is 0.985868
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1up is 0.98616
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1down is 0.985867
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1up is 0.986161
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1down is 0.985991
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1up is 0.986037
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1down is 0.986131
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1up is 0.985898
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1down is 0.985917
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1up is 0.986111
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1down is 0.985904
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1up is 0.986124
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1down is 0.986022
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1up is 0.986007
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 0.986127
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 0.985902
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1down is 0.986031
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1up is 0.985998
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1down is 0.985918
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1up is 0.986111
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1down is 0.986005
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1up is 0.986024
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1down is 0.98619
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1up is 0.985839
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1down is 0.985958
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1up is 0.98607
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1down is 0.985973
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1up is 0.986055
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1down is 0.986024
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1up is 0.986005
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1down is 0.985932
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1up is 0.986097
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1down is 0.985791
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1up is 0.986237
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1down is 0.985805
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1up is 0.986223
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 0.985849
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 0.986179
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1down is 0.985833
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1up is 0.986195
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1down is 0.986071
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1up is 0.985957
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 0.986103
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 0.985925
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1down is 0.986026
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1up is 0.986003
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1down is 0.985993
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1up is 0.986036
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1down is 0.985781
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1up is 0.986247
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1down is 0.986482
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1up is 0.985547
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1down is 0.986251
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1up is 0.985778
 BTagging decision on this jet is 0
-Nominal SF for this jet: 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 0.818053
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 1.22431
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 1.01957
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 1.02279
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 1.03819
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 1.00417
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 1.01657
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 1.02579
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 1.02311
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 1.01925
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1down is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1up is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1down is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1up is 1.02118
+Nominal SF for this jet: 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 0.98703
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.984999
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1down is 0.986237
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1up is 0.985792
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1down is 0.98619
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1up is 0.985839
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1down is 0.986334
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1up is 0.985694
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1down is 0.985877
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1up is 0.986151
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1down is 0.986648
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1up is 0.985381
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1down is 0.984768
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1up is 0.987261
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1down is 0.986176
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1up is 0.985853
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1down is 0.986064
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1up is 0.985964
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1down is 0.986371
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1up is 0.985658
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1down is 0.98561
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1up is 0.986419
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 0.985698
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 0.98633
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1down is 0.985709
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1up is 0.986319
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1down is 0.986146
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1up is 0.985882
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1down is 0.986006
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1up is 0.986023
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1down is 0.985868
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1up is 0.98616
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1down is 0.985867
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1up is 0.986161
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1down is 0.985991
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1up is 0.986037
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1down is 0.986131
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1up is 0.985898
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1down is 0.985917
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1up is 0.986111
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1down is 0.985904
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1up is 0.986124
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1down is 0.986022
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1up is 0.986007
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 0.986127
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 0.985902
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1down is 0.986031
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1up is 0.985998
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1down is 0.985918
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1up is 0.986111
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1down is 0.986005
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1up is 0.986024
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1down is 0.98619
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1up is 0.985839
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1down is 0.985958
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1up is 0.98607
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1down is 0.985973
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1up is 0.986055
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1down is 0.986024
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1up is 0.986005
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1down is 0.985932
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1up is 0.986097
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1down is 0.985791
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1up is 0.986237
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1down is 0.985805
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1up is 0.986223
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 0.985849
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 0.986179
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1down is 0.985833
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1up is 0.986195
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1down is 0.986071
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1up is 0.985957
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 0.986103
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 0.985925
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1down is 0.986026
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1up is 0.986003
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1down is 0.985993
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1up is 0.986036
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1down is 0.985781
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1up is 0.986247
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1down is 0.986482
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1up is 0.985547
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1down is 0.986251
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1up is 0.985778
+BTagging decision on this jet is 0
+Nominal SF for this jet: 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 1.1359
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 1.1299
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1down is 1.13832
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1up is 1.12748
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1down is 1.12859
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1up is 1.13721
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1down is 1.13011
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1up is 1.13568
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1down is 1.13495
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1up is 1.13084
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1down is 1.13303
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1up is 1.13276
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1down is 1.13392
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1up is 1.13187
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1down is 1.13358
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1up is 1.13221
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1down is 1.13205
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1up is 1.13374
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1down is 1.12834
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1up is 1.13745
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1down is 1.12339
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1up is 1.14241
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 1.13887
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 1.12693
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1down is 1.13442
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1up is 1.13137
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1down is 1.12954
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1up is 1.13625
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1down is 1.12431
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1up is 1.14148
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1down is 1.14096
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1up is 1.12483
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1down is 1.13287
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1up is 1.13293
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1down is 1.13202
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1up is 1.13377
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1down is 1.133
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1up is 1.13279
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1down is 1.13257
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1up is 1.13322
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1down is 1.13223
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1up is 1.13356
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1down is 1.133
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1up is 1.1328
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 1.19905
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 1.06674
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1down is 1.13075
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1up is 1.13504
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1down is 1.13311
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1up is 1.13268
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1down is 1.13273
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1up is 1.13306
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1down is 1.13291
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1up is 1.13288
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1down is 1.13303
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1up is 1.13276
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1down is 1.13293
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1up is 1.13286
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1down is 1.13289
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1down is 1.13291
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1up is 1.13288
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1down is 1.13288
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1up is 1.13291
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 1.10593
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 1.15986
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1down is 1.13288
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1up is 1.13291
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1down is 1.13288
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1up is 1.13291
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1down is 1.13289
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1down is 1.13289
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1down is 1.13289
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1up is 1.13291
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1up is 1.13289
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 1.14348
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 1.12231
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1down is 1.08489
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1up is 1.18091
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1down is 1.1179
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1up is 1.14789
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1down is 1.10248
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1up is 1.16331
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1down is 1.14269
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1up is 1.1231
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1down is 1.1529
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1up is 1.11289
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1up is 1.1329
 BTagging decision on this jet is 0
 Nominal SF for this jet: 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1up is 0

From ce145182ecfb6549d38fdf095a361177e0086c48 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Binbin Dong <>
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2024 16:19:42 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 4/5] modify the way to handle it

 .../Root/CDIReader.cxx                        |    5 +-
 .../share/ut_BTaggingToolsTest.ref            | 2986 ++---------------
 2 files changed, 270 insertions(+), 2721 deletions(-)

diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagPerformanceCalibration/CalibrationDataInterface/Root/CDIReader.cxx b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagPerformanceCalibration/CalibrationDataInterface/Root/CDIReader.cxx
index 26817850bff3..71776ecc1d9a 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagPerformanceCalibration/CalibrationDataInterface/Root/CDIReader.cxx
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagPerformanceCalibration/CalibrationDataInterface/Root/CDIReader.cxx
@@ -33,10 +33,6 @@ Analysis::CDIReader::CDIReader(const std::string& cdipath, bool verbose) :  m_us
 void Analysis::CDIReader::crawlCDI(TDirectoryFile* parentDir, int depth, const std::string& metamap){
-  std::string parentDirName = parentDir->GetName();
-  if (parentDirName.find("FixedCut") != std::string::npos) {
-    return;
-  }
   TList* keys = parentDir->GetListOfKeys(); // get directories
@@ -111,6 +107,7 @@ void Analysis::CDIReader::crawlCDI(TDirectoryFile* parentDir, int depth, const s
   } else {
     for(const auto coll: *keys){
       std::string collname = coll->GetName();
+      if ( collname.find("cutvalue") != std::string::npos || collname.find("fraction") != std::string::npos) continue;
       // track the metadata as you traverse
       record_metadata(collname, depth+1);
       TDirectoryFile* collDir = (TDirectoryFile*)parentDir->Get(collname.c_str());
diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagPerformanceCalibration/xAODBTaggingEfficiency/share/ut_BTaggingToolsTest.ref b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagPerformanceCalibration/xAODBTaggingEfficiency/share/ut_BTaggingToolsTest.ref
index e0ff33d410fa..4a5f269128a0 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagPerformanceCalibration/xAODBTaggingEfficiency/share/ut_BTaggingToolsTest.ref
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagPerformanceCalibration/xAODBTaggingEfficiency/share/ut_BTaggingToolsTest.ref
@@ -1,2754 +1,306 @@
 BTagging decision on this jet is 0
-Nominal SF for this jet: 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1down is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1up is 0.993951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 0.994683
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.993219
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1down is 0.99421
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1up is 0.993693
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1down is 0.994044
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1up is 0.993859
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1down is 0.994319
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1up is 0.993584
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1down is 0.993784
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1up is 0.994119
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1down is 0.994402
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1up is 0.9935
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1down is 0.993061
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1up is 0.994841
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1down is 0.994061
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1up is 0.993842
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1down is 0.993982
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1up is 0.99392
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1down is 0.994162
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1up is 0.993741
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1down is 0.993643
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1up is 0.994259
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 0.993705
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 0.994198
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1down is 0.99371
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1up is 0.994192
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1down is 0.994027
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1up is 0.993875
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1down is 0.993946
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1up is 0.993957
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1down is 0.993866
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1up is 0.994037
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1down is 0.993847
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1up is 0.994056
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1down is 0.993943
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1up is 0.993959
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1down is 0.994007
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1up is 0.993896
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1down is 0.993886
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1up is 0.994017
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1down is 0.993876
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1up is 0.994027
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1down is 0.993954
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1up is 0.993948
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 0.994054
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 0.993848
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1down is 0.993994
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1up is 0.993908
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1down is 0.993869
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1up is 0.994033
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1down is 0.993923
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1up is 0.993979
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1down is 0.994081
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1up is 0.993822
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1down is 0.993919
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1up is 0.993983
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1down is 0.993934
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1up is 0.993968
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1down is 0.993961
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1up is 0.993942
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1down is 0.993861
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1up is 0.994042
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1down is 0.993516
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1up is 0.994387
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1down is 0.994159
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1up is 0.993743
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 0.993811
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 0.994091
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1down is 0.993962
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1up is 0.99394
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1down is 0.99396
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1up is 0.993942
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 0.994023
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 0.993879
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1down is 0.99396
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1up is 0.993943
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1down is 0.993953
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1up is 0.993949
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1down is 0.993761
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1up is 0.994142
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1down is 0.994413
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1up is 0.99349
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1down is 0.99413
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1up is 0.993773
+Nominal SF for this jet: 1.39453
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 1.39453
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 1.39453
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 1.39453
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 1.39453
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 1.39453
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 1.39453
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 1.39453
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 1.39453
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 1.39453
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 1.39453
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 1.39453
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 1.39453
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 1.39453
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 1.39453
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 1.39453
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 1.39453
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 1.39453
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 1.39453
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 1.83094
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.958134
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 1.42924
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 1.35983
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 1.38778
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 1.40129
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 1.39123
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 1.39784
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 1.39453
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 1.39453
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1down is 1.39453
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1up is 1.39453
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1down is 1.39453
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1up is 1.39453
 BTagging decision on this jet is 0
-Nominal SF for this jet: 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 0.992922
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.99155
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1down is 0.992434
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1up is 0.992038
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1down is 0.992286
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1up is 0.992186
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1down is 0.992577
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1up is 0.991895
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1down is 0.99211
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1up is 0.992363
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1down is 0.992581
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1up is 0.991891
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1down is 0.991554
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1up is 0.992918
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1down is 0.992323
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1up is 0.992149
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1down is 0.99226
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1up is 0.992212
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1down is 0.992398
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1up is 0.992074
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1down is 0.991996
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1up is 0.992476
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 0.992029
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 0.992443
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1down is 0.992046
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1up is 0.992426
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1down is 0.992302
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1up is 0.99217
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1down is 0.992235
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1up is 0.992237
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1down is 0.992162
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1up is 0.99231
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1down is 0.992152
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1up is 0.99232
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1down is 0.992228
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1up is 0.992244
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1down is 0.99228
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1up is 0.992192
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1down is 0.992185
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1up is 0.992288
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1down is 0.992179
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1up is 0.992293
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1down is 0.992239
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1up is 0.992233
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 0.992298
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 0.992174
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1down is 0.992285
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1up is 0.992187
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1down is 0.992157
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1up is 0.992315
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1down is 0.992218
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1up is 0.992254
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1down is 0.992341
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1up is 0.992131
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1down is 0.992209
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1up is 0.992263
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1down is 0.992218
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1up is 0.992254
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1down is 0.992242
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1up is 0.99223
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1down is 0.992171
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1up is 0.992301
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1down is 0.992057
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1up is 0.992415
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1down is 0.99204
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1up is 0.992432
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 0.992123
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 0.992349
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1down is 0.992453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1up is 0.992019
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1down is 0.992257
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1up is 0.992215
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 0.992294
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 0.992178
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1down is 0.992266
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1up is 0.992206
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1down is 0.992221
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1up is 0.992251
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1down is 0.992088
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1up is 0.992384
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1down is 0.992605
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1up is 0.991867
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1down is 0.992366
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1up is 0.992106
+Nominal SF for this jet: 1.3795
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 1.3795
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 1.3795
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 1.3795
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 1.3795
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 1.3795
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 1.3795
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 1.3795
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 1.3795
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 1.3795
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 1.3795
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 1.3795
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 1.3795
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 1.3795
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 1.3795
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 1.3795
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 1.3795
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 1.3795
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 1.3795
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 1.808
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 1.39913
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 1.35987
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 1.37034
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 1.38865
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 1.37625
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 1.38274
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 1.3795
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 1.3795
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1down is 1.3795
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1up is 1.3795
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1down is 1.3795
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1up is 1.3795
+BTagging decision on this jet is 1
+Nominal SF for this jet: 0.994659
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 0.994175
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 0.995143
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 1.00538
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 0.98394
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 0.985978
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 1.00334
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 0.991257
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 0.998062
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 0.995426
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 0.993893
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 0.994659
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 0.994659
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 0.994659
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 0.994659
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 0.994659
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 0.994659
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 0.994659
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 0.994659
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 0.994659
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.994659
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 0.994659
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 0.994659
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 0.994659
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 0.994659
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 0.994659
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 0.994659
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 0.994659
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 0.994659
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1down is 0.994659
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1up is 0.994659
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1down is 0.994659
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1up is 0.994659
 BTagging decision on this jet is 0
-Nominal SF for this jet: 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 0.984164
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 0.985812
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1down is 0.984519
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1up is 0.985457
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1down is 0.979262
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1up is 0.990713
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1down is 0.987252
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1up is 0.982724
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1down is 0.983534
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1up is 0.986442
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1down is 0.984999
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1up is 0.984976
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1down is 0.984957
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1up is 0.985018
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1down is 0.985024
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1up is 0.984951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1down is 0.98493
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1up is 0.985046
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1down is 0.98582
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1up is 0.984155
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1down is 0.984734
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1up is 0.985242
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 0.987066
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 0.982909
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1down is 0.984737
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1up is 0.985238
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1down is 0.984652
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1up is 0.985324
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1down is 0.985157
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1up is 0.984818
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1down is 0.98469
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1up is 0.985286
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1down is 0.984231
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1up is 0.985744
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1down is 0.984952
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1up is 0.985024
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1down is 0.986015
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1up is 0.983961
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1down is 0.984211
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1up is 0.985765
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1down is 0.982618
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1up is 0.987358
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1down is 0.984157
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1up is 0.985819
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 0.983541
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 0.986435
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1down is 0.984953
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1up is 0.985023
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1down is 0.985199
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1up is 0.984777
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1down is 0.984894
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1up is 0.985081
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1down is 0.984233
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1up is 0.985743
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1down is 0.985249
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1up is 0.984727
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1down is 0.98494
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1up is 0.985035
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1down is 0.984545
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1up is 0.98543
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1down is 0.985286
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1up is 0.98469
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1down is 0.984514
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1up is 0.985462
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1down is 0.985119
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1up is 0.984856
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 0.981694
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 0.988281
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1down is 0.984585
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1up is 0.985391
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1down is 0.984302
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1up is 0.985674
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1down is 0.986256
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1up is 0.98372
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1down is 0.984857
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1up is 0.985118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1down is 0.985224
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1up is 0.984751
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1down is 0.985434
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1up is 0.984542
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1down is 0.985028
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1up is 0.984947
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1down is 0.985223
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1up is 0.984752
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1down is 0.985373
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1up is 0.984602
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1down is 0.985068
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1up is 0.984908
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 0.986734
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 0.983242
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1down is 0.984871
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1up is 0.985105
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1down is 0.984986
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1up is 0.98499
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1down is 0.985026
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1up is 0.984949
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1down is 0.984931
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1up is 0.985044
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1down is 0.984991
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1up is 0.984984
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1down is 0.98499
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1up is 0.984986
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1down is 0.987895
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1up is 0.982081
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1down is 0.984479
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1up is 0.985496
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1down is 0.982422
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1up is 0.987554
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1down is 0.987027
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1up is 0.982949
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1down is 0.985003
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1up is 0.984972
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1up is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1down is 0.984988
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1up is 0.984988
+Nominal SF for this jet: 1.36594
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 1.36594
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 1.36594
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 1.36594
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 1.36594
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 1.36594
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 1.36594
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 1.36594
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 1.36594
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 1.36594
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 1.36594
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 1.36594
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 1.36594
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 1.36594
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 1.36594
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 1.36594
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 1.36594
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 1.36594
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 1.36594
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 1.7877
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.94417
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 1.37393
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 1.35795
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 1.35562
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 1.37625
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 1.36326
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 1.36861
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 1.36594
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 1.36594
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1down is 1.36594
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1up is 1.36594
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1down is 1.36594
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1up is 1.36594
 BTagging decision on this jet is 0
-Nominal SF for this jet: 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1down is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1up is 0.992236
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 0.992922
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.99155
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1down is 0.992434
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1up is 0.992038
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1down is 0.992286
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1up is 0.992186
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1down is 0.992577
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1up is 0.991895
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1down is 0.99211
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1up is 0.992363
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1down is 0.992581
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1up is 0.991891
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1down is 0.991554
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1up is 0.992918
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1down is 0.992323
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1up is 0.992149
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1down is 0.99226
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1up is 0.992212
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1down is 0.992398
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1up is 0.992074
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1down is 0.991996
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1up is 0.992476
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 0.992029
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 0.992443
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1down is 0.992046
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1up is 0.992426
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1down is 0.992302
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1up is 0.99217
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1down is 0.992235
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1up is 0.992237
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1down is 0.992162
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1up is 0.99231
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1down is 0.992152
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1up is 0.99232
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1down is 0.992228
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1up is 0.992244
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1down is 0.99228
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1up is 0.992192
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1down is 0.992185
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1up is 0.992288
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1down is 0.992179
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1up is 0.992293
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1down is 0.992239
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1up is 0.992233
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 0.992298
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 0.992174
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1down is 0.992285
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1up is 0.992187
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1down is 0.992157
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1up is 0.992315
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1down is 0.992218
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1up is 0.992254
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1down is 0.992341
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1up is 0.992131
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1down is 0.992209
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1up is 0.992263
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1down is 0.992218
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1up is 0.992254
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1down is 0.992242
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1up is 0.99223
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1down is 0.992171
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1up is 0.992301
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1down is 0.992057
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1up is 0.992415
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1down is 0.99204
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1up is 0.992432
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 0.992123
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 0.992349
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1down is 0.992453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1up is 0.992019
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1down is 0.992257
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1up is 0.992215
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 0.992294
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 0.992178
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1down is 0.992266
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1up is 0.992206
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1down is 0.992221
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1up is 0.992251
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1down is 0.992088
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1up is 0.992384
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1down is 0.992605
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1up is 0.991867
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1down is 0.992366
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1up is 0.992106
+Nominal SF for this jet: 1.3338
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 1.3338
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 1.3338
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 1.3338
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 1.3338
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 1.3338
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 1.3338
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 1.3338
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 1.3338
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 1.3338
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 1.3338
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 1.3338
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 1.3338
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 1.3338
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 1.3338
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 1.3338
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 1.3338
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 1.3338
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 1.3338
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 1.73883
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.928771
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 1.30431
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 1.36329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 1.32752
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 1.34008
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 1.33637
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 1.33123
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 1.3338
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 1.3338
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1down is 1.3338
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1up is 1.3338
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1down is 1.3338
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1up is 1.3338
 BTagging decision on this jet is 0
-Nominal SF for this jet: 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1down is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1up is 0.990725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 0.991279
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.990171
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1down is 0.990908
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1up is 0.990542
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1down is 0.990892
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1up is 0.990558
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1down is 0.990881
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1up is 0.990569
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1down is 0.990624
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1up is 0.990826
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1down is 0.991213
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1up is 0.990238
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1down is 0.989812
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1up is 0.991638
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1down is 0.990863
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1up is 0.990587
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1down is 0.990765
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1up is 0.990686
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1down is 0.991007
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1up is 0.990444
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1down is 0.990416
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1up is 0.991034
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 0.990518
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 0.990932
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1down is 0.990506
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1up is 0.990945
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1down is 0.990831
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1up is 0.990619
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1down is 0.990715
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1up is 0.990735
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1down is 0.99063
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1up is 0.99082
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1down is 0.990623
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1up is 0.990827
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1down is 0.990714
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1up is 0.990736
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1down is 0.990815
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1up is 0.990635
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1down is 0.990645
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1up is 0.990805
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1down is 0.990636
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1up is 0.990815
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1down is 0.990728
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1up is 0.990722
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 0.99083
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 0.99062
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1down is 0.990713
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1up is 0.990737
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1down is 0.990672
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1up is 0.990778
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1down is 0.990718
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1up is 0.990732
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1down is 0.990844
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1up is 0.990606
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1down is 0.990694
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1up is 0.990756
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1down is 0.990716
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1up is 0.990734
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1down is 0.990728
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1up is 0.990722
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1down is 0.990679
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1up is 0.990771
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1down is 0.990617
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1up is 0.990833
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1down is 0.99065
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1up is 0.9908
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 0.990615
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 0.990836
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1down is 0.990695
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1up is 0.990756
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1down is 0.990538
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1up is 0.990912
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 0.990787
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 0.990663
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1down is 0.990699
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1up is 0.990752
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1down is 0.99072
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1up is 0.99073
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1down is 0.990546
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1up is 0.990904
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1down is 0.991028
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1up is 0.990422
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1down is 0.990929
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1up is 0.990521
+Nominal SF for this jet: 1.20799
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 1.20799
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 1.20799
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 1.20799
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 1.20799
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 1.20799
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 1.20799
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 1.20799
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 1.20799
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 1.20799
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 1.20799
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 1.20799
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 1.20799
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 1.20799
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 1.20799
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 1.20799
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 1.20799
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 1.20799
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 1.20799
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 1.57549
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.840496
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 1.16646
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 1.24953
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 1.21725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 1.19874
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 1.2076
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 1.20839
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 1.20799
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 1.20799
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1down is 1.20799
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1up is 1.20799
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1down is 1.20799
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1up is 1.20799
 BTagging decision on this jet is 0
-Nominal SF for this jet: 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 0.98703
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.984999
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1down is 0.986237
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1up is 0.985792
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1down is 0.98619
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1up is 0.985839
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1down is 0.986334
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1up is 0.985694
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1down is 0.985877
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1up is 0.986151
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1down is 0.986648
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1up is 0.985381
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1down is 0.984768
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1up is 0.987261
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1down is 0.986176
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1up is 0.985853
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1down is 0.986064
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1up is 0.985964
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1down is 0.986371
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1up is 0.985658
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1down is 0.98561
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1up is 0.986419
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 0.985698
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 0.98633
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1down is 0.985709
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1up is 0.986319
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1down is 0.986146
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1up is 0.985882
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1down is 0.986006
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1up is 0.986023
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1down is 0.985868
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1up is 0.98616
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1down is 0.985867
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1up is 0.986161
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1down is 0.985991
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1up is 0.986037
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1down is 0.986131
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1up is 0.985898
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1down is 0.985917
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1up is 0.986111
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1down is 0.985904
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1up is 0.986124
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1down is 0.986022
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1up is 0.986007
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 0.986127
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 0.985902
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1down is 0.986031
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1up is 0.985998
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1down is 0.985918
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1up is 0.986111
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1down is 0.986005
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1up is 0.986024
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1down is 0.98619
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1up is 0.985839
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1down is 0.985958
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1up is 0.98607
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1down is 0.985973
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1up is 0.986055
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1down is 0.986024
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1up is 0.986005
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1down is 0.985932
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1up is 0.986097
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1down is 0.985791
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1up is 0.986237
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1down is 0.985805
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1up is 0.986223
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 0.985849
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 0.986179
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1down is 0.985833
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1up is 0.986195
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1down is 0.986071
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1up is 0.985957
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 0.986103
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 0.985925
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1down is 0.986026
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1up is 0.986003
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1down is 0.985993
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1up is 0.986036
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1down is 0.985781
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1up is 0.986247
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1down is 0.986482
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1up is 0.985547
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1down is 0.986251
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1up is 0.985778
+Nominal SF for this jet: 1.13404
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 1.13404
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 1.13404
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 1.13404
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 1.13404
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 1.13404
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 1.13404
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 1.13404
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 1.13404
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 1.13404
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 1.13404
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 1.13404
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 1.13404
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 1.13404
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 1.13404
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 1.13404
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 1.13404
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 1.13404
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 1.13404
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 1.47967
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.788417
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 1.094
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 1.17409
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 1.1501
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 1.11799
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 1.12713
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 1.14096
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 1.13404
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 1.13404
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1down is 1.13404
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1up is 1.13404
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1down is 1.13404
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1up is 1.13404
 BTagging decision on this jet is 0
-Nominal SF for this jet: 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1down is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1up is 0.986014
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 0.98703
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.984999
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1down is 0.986237
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1up is 0.985792
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1down is 0.98619
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1up is 0.985839
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1down is 0.986334
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1up is 0.985694
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1down is 0.985877
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1up is 0.986151
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1down is 0.986648
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1up is 0.985381
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1down is 0.984768
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1up is 0.987261
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1down is 0.986176
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1up is 0.985853
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1down is 0.986064
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1up is 0.985964
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1down is 0.986371
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1up is 0.985658
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1down is 0.98561
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1up is 0.986419
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 0.985698
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 0.98633
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1down is 0.985709
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1up is 0.986319
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1down is 0.986146
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1up is 0.985882
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1down is 0.986006
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1up is 0.986023
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1down is 0.985868
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1up is 0.98616
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1down is 0.985867
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1up is 0.986161
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1down is 0.985991
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1up is 0.986037
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1down is 0.986131
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1up is 0.985898
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1down is 0.985917
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1up is 0.986111
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1down is 0.985904
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1up is 0.986124
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1down is 0.986022
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1up is 0.986007
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 0.986127
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 0.985902
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1down is 0.986031
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1up is 0.985998
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1down is 0.985918
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1up is 0.986111
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1down is 0.986005
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1up is 0.986024
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1down is 0.98619
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1up is 0.985839
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1down is 0.985958
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1up is 0.98607
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1down is 0.985973
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1up is 0.986055
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1down is 0.986024
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1up is 0.986005
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1down is 0.985932
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1up is 0.986097
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1down is 0.985791
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1up is 0.986237
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1down is 0.985805
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1up is 0.986223
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 0.985849
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 0.986179
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1down is 0.985833
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1up is 0.986195
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1down is 0.986071
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1up is 0.985957
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 0.986103
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 0.985925
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1down is 0.986026
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1up is 0.986003
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1down is 0.985993
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1up is 0.986036
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1down is 0.985781
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1up is 0.986247
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1down is 0.986482
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1up is 0.985547
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1down is 0.986251
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1up is 0.985778
-BTagging decision on this jet is 0
-Nominal SF for this jet: 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 1.1359
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 1.1299
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1down is 1.13832
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1up is 1.12748
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1down is 1.12859
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1up is 1.13721
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1down is 1.13011
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1up is 1.13568
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1down is 1.13495
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1up is 1.13084
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1down is 1.13303
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1up is 1.13276
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1down is 1.13392
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1up is 1.13187
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1down is 1.13358
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1up is 1.13221
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1down is 1.13205
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1up is 1.13374
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1down is 1.12834
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1up is 1.13745
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1down is 1.12339
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1up is 1.14241
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 1.13887
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 1.12693
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1down is 1.13442
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1up is 1.13137
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1down is 1.12954
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1up is 1.13625
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1down is 1.12431
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1up is 1.14148
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1down is 1.14096
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1up is 1.12483
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1down is 1.13287
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1up is 1.13293
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1down is 1.13202
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1up is 1.13377
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1down is 1.133
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1up is 1.13279
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1down is 1.13257
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1up is 1.13322
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1down is 1.13223
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1up is 1.13356
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1down is 1.133
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1up is 1.1328
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 1.19905
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 1.06674
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1down is 1.13075
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1up is 1.13504
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1down is 1.13311
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1up is 1.13268
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1down is 1.13273
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1up is 1.13306
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1down is 1.13291
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1up is 1.13288
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1down is 1.13303
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1up is 1.13276
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1down is 1.13293
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1up is 1.13286
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1down is 1.13289
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1down is 1.13291
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1up is 1.13288
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1down is 1.13288
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1up is 1.13291
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 1.10593
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 1.15986
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1down is 1.13288
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1up is 1.13291
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1down is 1.13288
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1up is 1.13291
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1down is 1.13289
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1down is 1.13289
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1down is 1.13289
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1up is 1.13291
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1up is 1.13289
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 1.14348
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 1.12231
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1down is 1.08489
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1up is 1.18091
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1down is 1.1179
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1up is 1.14789
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1down is 1.10248
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1up is 1.16331
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1down is 1.14269
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1up is 1.1231
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1down is 1.1529
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1up is 1.11289
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1up is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1down is 1.1329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1up is 1.1329
+Nominal SF for this jet: 1.02118
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 0.818053
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 1.22431
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 1.01957
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 1.02279
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 1.03819
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 1.00417
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 1.01657
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 1.02579
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 1.02311
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 1.01925
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 1.02118
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 1.02118
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 1.02118
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 1.02118
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 1.02118
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 1.02118
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 1.02118
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 1.02118
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 1.02118
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 1.02118
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 1.02118
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 1.02118
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 1.02118
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 1.02118
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 1.02118
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 1.02118
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 1.02118
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 1.02118
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1down is 1.02118
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1up is 1.02118
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1down is 1.02118
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1up is 1.02118
 BTagging decision on this jet is 0
 Nominal SF for this jet: 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1up is 0

From c6340ad8fadf5005f5dd41f86ea1a1534d9296fe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Binbin Dong <>
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2024 16:32:00 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 5/5] update ut ref

 .../share/ut_BTaggingToolsTest.ref            | 2987 +++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 2718 insertions(+), 269 deletions(-)

diff --git a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagPerformanceCalibration/xAODBTaggingEfficiency/share/ut_BTaggingToolsTest.ref b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagPerformanceCalibration/xAODBTaggingEfficiency/share/ut_BTaggingToolsTest.ref
index 4a5f269128a0..f5e96ba720a0 100644
--- a/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagPerformanceCalibration/xAODBTaggingEfficiency/share/ut_BTaggingToolsTest.ref
+++ b/PhysicsAnalysis/JetTagging/JetTagPerformanceCalibration/xAODBTaggingEfficiency/share/ut_BTaggingToolsTest.ref
@@ -1,306 +1,2755 @@
+CalibrationDataEigenVariations::excludeNamedUncertainty error: uncertainty named extrapolation from charm not found
 BTagging decision on this jet is 0
-Nominal SF for this jet: 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 1.83094
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.958134
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 1.42924
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 1.35983
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 1.38778
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 1.40129
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 1.39123
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 1.39784
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1down is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1up is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1down is 1.39453
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1up is 1.39453
+Nominal SF for this jet: 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1down is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1up is 0.993951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 0.994683
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.993219
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1down is 0.99421
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1up is 0.993693
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1down is 0.994044
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1up is 0.993859
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1down is 0.994319
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1up is 0.993584
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1down is 0.993784
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1up is 0.994119
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1down is 0.994402
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1up is 0.9935
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1down is 0.993061
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1up is 0.994841
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1down is 0.994061
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1up is 0.993842
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1down is 0.993982
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1up is 0.99392
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1down is 0.994162
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1up is 0.993741
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1down is 0.993643
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1up is 0.994259
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 0.993705
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 0.994198
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1down is 0.99371
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1up is 0.994192
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1down is 0.994027
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1up is 0.993875
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1down is 0.993946
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1up is 0.993957
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1down is 0.993866
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1up is 0.994037
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1down is 0.993847
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1up is 0.994056
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1down is 0.993943
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1up is 0.993959
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1down is 0.994007
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1up is 0.993896
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1down is 0.993886
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1up is 0.994017
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1down is 0.993876
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1up is 0.994027
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1down is 0.993954
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1up is 0.993948
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 0.994054
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 0.993848
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1down is 0.993994
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1up is 0.993908
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1down is 0.993869
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1up is 0.994033
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1down is 0.993923
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1up is 0.993979
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1down is 0.994081
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1up is 0.993822
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1down is 0.993919
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1up is 0.993983
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1down is 0.993934
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1up is 0.993968
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1down is 0.993961
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1up is 0.993942
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1down is 0.993861
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1up is 0.994042
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1down is 0.993516
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1up is 0.994387
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1down is 0.994159
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1up is 0.993743
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 0.993811
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 0.994091
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1down is 0.993962
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1up is 0.99394
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1down is 0.99396
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1up is 0.993942
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 0.994023
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 0.993879
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1down is 0.99396
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1up is 0.993943
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1down is 0.993953
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1up is 0.993949
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1down is 0.993761
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1up is 0.994142
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1down is 0.994413
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1up is 0.99349
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1down is 0.99413
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1up is 0.993773
 BTagging decision on this jet is 0
-Nominal SF for this jet: 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 1.808
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.951
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 1.39913
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 1.35987
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 1.37034
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 1.38865
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 1.37625
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 1.38274
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1down is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1up is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1down is 1.3795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1up is 1.3795
-BTagging decision on this jet is 1
-Nominal SF for this jet: 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 0.994175
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 0.995143
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 1.00538
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 0.98394
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 0.985978
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 1.00334
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 0.991257
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 0.998062
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 0.995426
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 0.993893
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1down is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1up is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1down is 0.994659
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1up is 0.994659
+Nominal SF for this jet: 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 0.992922
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.99155
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1down is 0.992434
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1up is 0.992038
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1down is 0.992286
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1up is 0.992186
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1down is 0.992577
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1up is 0.991895
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1down is 0.99211
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1up is 0.992363
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1down is 0.992581
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1up is 0.991891
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1down is 0.991554
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1up is 0.992918
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1down is 0.992323
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1up is 0.992149
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1down is 0.99226
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1up is 0.992212
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1down is 0.992398
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1up is 0.992074
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1down is 0.991996
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1up is 0.992476
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 0.992029
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 0.992443
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1down is 0.992046
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1up is 0.992426
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1down is 0.992302
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1up is 0.99217
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1down is 0.992235
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1up is 0.992237
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1down is 0.992162
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1up is 0.99231
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1down is 0.992152
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1up is 0.99232
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1down is 0.992228
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1up is 0.992244
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1down is 0.99228
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1up is 0.992192
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1down is 0.992185
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1up is 0.992288
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1down is 0.992179
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1up is 0.992293
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1down is 0.992239
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1up is 0.992233
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 0.992298
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 0.992174
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1down is 0.992285
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1up is 0.992187
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1down is 0.992157
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1up is 0.992315
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1down is 0.992218
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1up is 0.992254
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1down is 0.992341
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1up is 0.992131
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1down is 0.992209
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1up is 0.992263
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1down is 0.992218
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1up is 0.992254
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1down is 0.992242
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1up is 0.99223
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1down is 0.992171
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1up is 0.992301
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1down is 0.992057
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1up is 0.992415
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1down is 0.99204
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1up is 0.992432
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 0.992123
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 0.992349
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1down is 0.992453
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1up is 0.992019
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1down is 0.992257
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1up is 0.992215
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 0.992294
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 0.992178
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1down is 0.992266
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1up is 0.992206
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1down is 0.992221
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1up is 0.992251
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1down is 0.992088
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1up is 0.992384
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1down is 0.992605
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1up is 0.991867
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1down is 0.992366
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1up is 0.992106
 BTagging decision on this jet is 0
-Nominal SF for this jet: 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 1.7877
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.94417
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 1.37393
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 1.35795
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 1.35562
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 1.37625
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 1.36326
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 1.36861
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1down is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1up is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1down is 1.36594
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1up is 1.36594
+Nominal SF for this jet: 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 0.984164
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 0.985812
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1down is 0.984519
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1up is 0.985457
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1down is 0.979262
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1up is 0.990713
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1down is 0.987252
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1up is 0.982724
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1down is 0.983534
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1up is 0.986442
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1down is 0.984999
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1up is 0.984976
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1down is 0.984957
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1up is 0.985018
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1down is 0.985024
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1up is 0.984951
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1down is 0.98493
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1up is 0.985046
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1down is 0.98582
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1up is 0.984155
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1down is 0.984734
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1up is 0.985242
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 0.987066
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 0.982909
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1down is 0.984737
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1up is 0.985238
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1down is 0.984652
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1up is 0.985324
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1down is 0.985157
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1up is 0.984818
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1down is 0.98469
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1up is 0.985286
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1down is 0.984231
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1up is 0.985744
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1down is 0.984952
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1up is 0.985024
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1down is 0.986015
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1up is 0.983961
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1down is 0.984211
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1up is 0.985765
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1down is 0.982618
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1up is 0.987358
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1down is 0.984157
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1up is 0.985819
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 0.983541
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 0.986435
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1down is 0.984953
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1up is 0.985023
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1down is 0.985199
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1up is 0.984777
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1down is 0.984894
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1up is 0.985081
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1down is 0.984233
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1up is 0.985743
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1down is 0.985249
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1up is 0.984727
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1down is 0.98494
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1up is 0.985035
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1down is 0.984545
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1up is 0.98543
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1down is 0.985286
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1up is 0.98469
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1down is 0.984514
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1up is 0.985462
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1down is 0.985119
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1up is 0.984856
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 0.981694
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 0.988281
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1down is 0.984585
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1up is 0.985391
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1down is 0.984302
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1up is 0.985674
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1down is 0.986256
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1up is 0.98372
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1down is 0.984857
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1up is 0.985118
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1down is 0.985224
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1up is 0.984751
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1down is 0.985434
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1up is 0.984542
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1down is 0.985028
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1up is 0.984947
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1down is 0.985223
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1up is 0.984752
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1down is 0.985373
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1up is 0.984602
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1down is 0.985068
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1up is 0.984908
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 0.986734
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 0.983242
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1down is 0.984871
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1up is 0.985105
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1down is 0.984986
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1up is 0.98499
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1down is 0.985026
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1up is 0.984949
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1down is 0.984931
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1up is 0.985044
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1down is 0.984991
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1up is 0.984984
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1down is 0.98499
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1up is 0.984986
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1down is 0.987895
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1up is 0.982081
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1down is 0.984479
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1up is 0.985496
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1down is 0.982422
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1up is 0.987554
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1down is 0.987027
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1up is 0.982949
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1down is 0.985003
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1up is 0.984972
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1up is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1down is 0.984988
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1up is 0.984988
 BTagging decision on this jet is 0
-Nominal SF for this jet: 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 1.73883
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.928771
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 1.30431
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 1.36329
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 1.32752
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 1.34008
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 1.33637
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 1.33123
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1down is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1up is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1down is 1.3338
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1up is 1.3338
+Nominal SF for this jet: 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1down is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1up is 0.992236
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 0.992922
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.99155
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1down is 0.992434
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1up is 0.992038
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1down is 0.992286
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1up is 0.992186
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1down is 0.992577
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1up is 0.991895
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1down is 0.99211
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1up is 0.992363
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1down is 0.992581
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1up is 0.991891
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1down is 0.991554
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1up is 0.992918
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1down is 0.992323
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1up is 0.992149
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1down is 0.99226
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1up is 0.992212
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1down is 0.992398
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1up is 0.992074
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1down is 0.991996
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1up is 0.992476
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 0.992029
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 0.992443
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1down is 0.992046
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1up is 0.992426
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1down is 0.992302
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1up is 0.99217
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1down is 0.992235
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1up is 0.992237
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1down is 0.992162
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1up is 0.99231
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1down is 0.992152
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1up is 0.99232
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1down is 0.992228
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1up is 0.992244
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1down is 0.99228
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1up is 0.992192
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1down is 0.992185
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1up is 0.992288
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1down is 0.992179
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1up is 0.992293
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1down is 0.992239
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1up is 0.992233
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 0.992298
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 0.992174
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1down is 0.992285
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1up is 0.992187
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1down is 0.992157
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1up is 0.992315
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1down is 0.992218
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1up is 0.992254
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1down is 0.992341
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1up is 0.992131
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1down is 0.992209
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1up is 0.992263
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1down is 0.992218
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1up is 0.992254
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1down is 0.992242
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1up is 0.99223
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1down is 0.992171
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1up is 0.992301
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1down is 0.992057
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1up is 0.992415
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1down is 0.99204
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1up is 0.992432
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 0.992123
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 0.992349
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1down is 0.992453
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1up is 0.992019
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1down is 0.992257
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1up is 0.992215
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 0.992294
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 0.992178
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1down is 0.992266
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1up is 0.992206
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1down is 0.992221
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1up is 0.992251
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1down is 0.992088
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1up is 0.992384
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1down is 0.992605
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1up is 0.991867
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1down is 0.992366
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1up is 0.992106
 BTagging decision on this jet is 0
-Nominal SF for this jet: 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 1.57549
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.840496
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 1.16646
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 1.24953
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 1.21725
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 1.19874
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 1.2076
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 1.20839
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1down is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1up is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1down is 1.20799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1up is 1.20799
+Nominal SF for this jet: 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1down is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1up is 0.990725
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 0.991279
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.990171
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1down is 0.990908
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1up is 0.990542
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1down is 0.990892
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1up is 0.990558
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1down is 0.990881
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1up is 0.990569
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1down is 0.990624
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1up is 0.990826
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1down is 0.991213
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1up is 0.990238
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1down is 0.989812
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1up is 0.991638
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1down is 0.990863
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1up is 0.990587
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1down is 0.990765
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1up is 0.990686
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1down is 0.991007
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1up is 0.990444
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1down is 0.990416
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1up is 0.991034
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 0.990518
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 0.990932
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1down is 0.990506
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1up is 0.990945
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1down is 0.990831
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1up is 0.990619
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1down is 0.990715
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1up is 0.990735
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1down is 0.99063
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1up is 0.99082
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1down is 0.990623
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1up is 0.990827
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1down is 0.990714
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1up is 0.990736
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1down is 0.990815
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1up is 0.990635
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1down is 0.990645
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1up is 0.990805
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1down is 0.990636
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1up is 0.990815
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1down is 0.990728
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1up is 0.990722
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 0.99083
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 0.99062
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1down is 0.990713
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1up is 0.990737
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1down is 0.990672
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1up is 0.990778
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1down is 0.990718
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1up is 0.990732
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1down is 0.990844
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1up is 0.990606
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1down is 0.990694
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1up is 0.990756
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1down is 0.990716
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1up is 0.990734
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1down is 0.990728
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1up is 0.990722
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1down is 0.990679
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1up is 0.990771
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1down is 0.990617
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1up is 0.990833
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1down is 0.99065
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1up is 0.9908
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 0.990615
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 0.990836
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1down is 0.990695
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1up is 0.990756
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1down is 0.990538
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1up is 0.990912
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 0.990787
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 0.990663
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1down is 0.990699
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1up is 0.990752
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1down is 0.99072
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1up is 0.99073
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1down is 0.990546
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1up is 0.990904
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1down is 0.991028
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1up is 0.990422
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1down is 0.990929
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1up is 0.990521
 BTagging decision on this jet is 0
-Nominal SF for this jet: 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 1.47967
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.788417
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 1.094
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 1.17409
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 1.1501
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 1.11799
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 1.12713
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 1.14096
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1down is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1up is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1down is 1.13404
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1up is 1.13404
+Nominal SF for this jet: 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 0.98703
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.984999
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1down is 0.986237
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1up is 0.985792
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1down is 0.98619
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1up is 0.985839
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1down is 0.986334
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1up is 0.985694
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1down is 0.985877
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1up is 0.986151
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1down is 0.986648
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1up is 0.985381
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1down is 0.984768
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1up is 0.987261
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1down is 0.986176
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1up is 0.985853
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1down is 0.986064
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1up is 0.985964
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1down is 0.986371
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1up is 0.985658
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1down is 0.98561
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1up is 0.986419
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 0.985698
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 0.98633
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1down is 0.985709
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1up is 0.986319
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1down is 0.986146
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1up is 0.985882
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1down is 0.986006
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1up is 0.986023
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1down is 0.985868
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1up is 0.98616
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1down is 0.985867
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1up is 0.986161
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1down is 0.985991
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1up is 0.986037
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1down is 0.986131
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1up is 0.985898
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1down is 0.985917
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1up is 0.986111
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1down is 0.985904
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1up is 0.986124
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1down is 0.986022
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1up is 0.986007
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 0.986127
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 0.985902
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1down is 0.986031
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1up is 0.985998
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1down is 0.985918
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1up is 0.986111
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1down is 0.986005
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1up is 0.986024
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1down is 0.98619
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1up is 0.985839
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1down is 0.985958
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1up is 0.98607
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1down is 0.985973
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1up is 0.986055
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1down is 0.986024
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1up is 0.986005
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1down is 0.985932
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1up is 0.986097
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1down is 0.985791
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1up is 0.986237
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1down is 0.985805
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1up is 0.986223
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 0.985849
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 0.986179
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1down is 0.985833
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1up is 0.986195
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1down is 0.986071
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1up is 0.985957
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 0.986103
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 0.985925
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1down is 0.986026
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1up is 0.986003
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1down is 0.985993
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1up is 0.986036
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1down is 0.985781
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1up is 0.986247
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1down is 0.986482
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1up is 0.985547
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1down is 0.986251
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1up is 0.985778
 BTagging decision on this jet is 0
-Nominal SF for this jet: 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 0.818053
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 1.22431
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 1.01957
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 1.02279
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 1.03819
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 1.00417
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 1.01657
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 1.02579
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 1.02311
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 1.01925
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1down is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1up is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1down is 1.02118
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1up is 1.02118
+Nominal SF for this jet: 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1down is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1up is 0.986014
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 0.98703
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0.984999
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1down is 0.986237
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1up is 0.985792
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1down is 0.98619
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1up is 0.985839
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1down is 0.986334
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1up is 0.985694
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1down is 0.985877
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1up is 0.986151
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1down is 0.986648
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1up is 0.985381
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1down is 0.984768
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1up is 0.987261
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1down is 0.986176
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1up is 0.985853
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1down is 0.986064
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1up is 0.985964
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1down is 0.986371
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1up is 0.985658
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1down is 0.98561
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1up is 0.986419
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 0.985698
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 0.98633
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1down is 0.985709
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1up is 0.986319
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1down is 0.986146
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1up is 0.985882
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1down is 0.986006
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1up is 0.986023
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1down is 0.985868
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1up is 0.98616
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1down is 0.985867
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1up is 0.986161
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1down is 0.985991
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1up is 0.986037
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1down is 0.986131
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1up is 0.985898
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1down is 0.985917
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1up is 0.986111
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1down is 0.985904
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1up is 0.986124
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1down is 0.986022
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1up is 0.986007
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 0.986127
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 0.985902
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1down is 0.986031
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1up is 0.985998
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1down is 0.985918
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1up is 0.986111
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1down is 0.986005
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1up is 0.986024
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1down is 0.98619
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1up is 0.985839
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1down is 0.985958
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1up is 0.98607
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1down is 0.985973
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1up is 0.986055
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1down is 0.986024
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1up is 0.986005
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1down is 0.985932
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1up is 0.986097
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1down is 0.985791
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1up is 0.986237
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1down is 0.985805
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1up is 0.986223
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 0.985849
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 0.986179
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1down is 0.985833
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1up is 0.986195
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1down is 0.986071
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1up is 0.985957
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 0.986103
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 0.985925
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1down is 0.986026
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1up is 0.986003
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1down is 0.985993
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1up is 0.986036
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1down is 0.985781
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1up is 0.986247
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1down is 0.986482
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1up is 0.985547
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1down is 0.986251
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1up is 0.985778
+BTagging decision on this jet is 0
+Nominal SF for this jet: 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 1.1359
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 1.1299
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1down is 1.13832
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1up is 1.12748
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1down is 1.12859
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1up is 1.13721
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1down is 1.13011
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1up is 1.13568
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1down is 1.13495
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1up is 1.13084
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1down is 1.13303
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1up is 1.13276
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1down is 1.13392
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1up is 1.13187
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1down is 1.13358
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1up is 1.13221
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1down is 1.13205
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1up is 1.13374
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1down is 1.12834
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1up is 1.13745
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1down is 1.12339
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1up is 1.14241
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 1.13887
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 1.12693
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1down is 1.13442
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1up is 1.13137
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1down is 1.12954
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1up is 1.13625
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1down is 1.12431
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1up is 1.14148
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1down is 1.14096
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1up is 1.12483
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1down is 1.13287
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1up is 1.13293
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1down is 1.13202
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1up is 1.13377
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1down is 1.133
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1up is 1.13279
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1down is 1.13257
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1up is 1.13322
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1down is 1.13223
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1up is 1.13356
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1down is 1.133
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1up is 1.1328
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 1.19905
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 1.06674
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1down is 1.13075
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1up is 1.13504
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1down is 1.13311
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1up is 1.13268
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1down is 1.13273
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1up is 1.13306
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1down is 1.13291
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1up is 1.13288
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1down is 1.13303
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1up is 1.13276
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1down is 1.13293
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1up is 1.13286
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1down is 1.13289
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1down is 1.13291
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1up is 1.13288
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1down is 1.13288
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1up is 1.13291
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 1.10593
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 1.15986
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1down is 1.13288
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1up is 1.13291
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1down is 1.13288
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1up is 1.13291
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1down is 1.13289
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1down is 1.13289
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1down is 1.13289
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1up is 1.13291
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1up is 1.13289
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 1.14348
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 1.12231
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1down is 1.08489
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1up is 1.18091
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1down is 1.1179
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1up is 1.14789
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1down is 1.10248
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1up is 1.16331
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1down is 1.14269
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1up is 1.1231
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1down is 1.1529
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1up is 1.11289
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1up is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1down is 1.1329
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1up is 1.1329
 BTagging decision on this jet is 0
 Nominal SF for this jet: 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_0__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_10__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_11__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_12__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_13__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_14__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_15__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_16__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_17__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_18__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_19__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_1__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_20__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_21__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_22__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_23__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_24__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_25__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_26__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_27__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_28__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_29__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_2__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_30__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_31__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_32__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_33__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_34__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_35__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_36__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_37__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_38__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_39__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_3__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_40__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_41__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_42__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_43__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_44__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_45__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_46__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_47__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_48__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_49__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_4__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_50__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_51__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_52__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_53__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_54__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_55__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_5__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_6__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_7__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_8__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_B_9__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_0__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_10__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_11__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_12__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_13__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_14__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_15__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_16__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_17__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_18__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_19__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_1__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_20__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_21__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_22__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_23__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_24__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_25__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_26__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_27__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_28__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_29__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_2__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_30__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_31__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_32__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_33__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_34__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_35__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_36__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_37__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_38__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_39__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_3__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_40__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_41__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_42__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_43__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_44__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_45__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_46__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_47__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_48__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_49__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_4__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_50__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_51__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_52__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_53__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_5__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_6__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_7__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_8__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_C_9__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_0__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_10__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_11__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_12__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_13__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_14__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_15__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_16__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_17__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_18__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_19__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_1__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_20__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_21__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_22__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_23__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_24__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_25__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_26__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_27__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_28__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_29__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_2__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_30__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_31__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_32__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_33__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_34__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_35__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_36__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_37__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_38__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_39__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_3__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_40__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_41__1up is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1down is 0
 SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_4__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation__1up is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1down is 0
-SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_extrapolation_from_charm__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_5__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_6__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_7__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_8__1up is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1down is 0
+SF for this jet with systematic variation FT_EFF_Eigen_Light_9__1up is 0