Decorate SlowMuon container with MDT ADC counts & drift radii
Allow the user to decorate entries in the SlowMuon container with MDT ADC counts & drift radii (corrected with beta information).
The SlowMuon container (for objects reconstructed by MuGirlStau) is the only place where it is currently appropriate to store the hit-level information needed to build an ionization energy loss (dE/dx) estimator from MDT hits. Building such an estimator requires both MDT ADC counts and drift radii. As such, this information is of interest to several Run 3 analyses in the LUP group.
This MR does not change the output of the nominal AOD, but allows the user to add MDT ADC counts & drift radii via the flag MuonCombined.addMDTExtrasMuGirlLowBeta
. The decoration of hits with this information extends the existing decoration infrastructure for SlowMuons.
A summary of this work was presented to the muon software group on 9 January 2025.