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Acts FastTracking Track Finding config

Fix the configuration of the ACTS Fast Track finding algorithm using the cuts specified in the TrackingPassFlags. I've introduced a new CI workflow tag called actsAloneFastWorkflowFlags which sets up automatically the ITkFastTracking flag. The reason I created a new workflow is because preInclude happens before the preExec so while it can be used to set the global flags, it can't be steered by modifications in the preExec stage. I've added a new extension ActsFast which I don't find it really necessary but for the time being I think is good to have separation between the default track reconstruction and the fast configuration. I've propagated the cuts from the Tracking Pass Flags to the Acts Track Finding via the trackSelector

Here is a dump of the ActsTrackFinding configuration showing the expected pT, d0 and z0 cuts as function of the etaBins. They should be compared to:

19:04:31 ActsFastTrackFindingAlg                                      0    INFO TrackSelector::EtaBinnedConfig:
19:04:31 0 <= eta < 2
19:04:31  - -2 <= loc0 < 2
19:04:31  - -150 <= loc1 < 150
19:04:31  - -inf <= time < inf
19:04:31  - -inf <= phi < inf
19:04:31  - -inf <= eta < inf
19:04:31  - 0 <= absEta < inf
19:04:31  - 1 <= pt < inf
19:04:31  - 0 <= nHoles < 2
19:04:31  - 0 <= nOutliers < 18446744073709551615
19:04:31  - 0 <= nHoles + nOutliers < 18446744073709551615
19:04:31  - 0 <= nSharedHits < 2
19:04:31  - 0 <= chi2 < inf
19:04:31  - 9 <= nMeasurements
19:04:31 2 <= eta < 2.6
19:04:31  - -2 <= loc0 < 2
19:04:31  - -150 <= loc1 < 150
19:04:31  - -inf <= time < inf
19:04:31  - -inf <= phi < inf
19:04:31  - -inf <= eta < inf
19:04:31  - 0 <= absEta < inf
19:04:31  - 0.4 <= pt < inf
19:04:31  - 0 <= nHoles < 2
19:04:31  - 0 <= nOutliers < 18446744073709551615
19:04:31  - 0 <= nHoles + nOutliers < 18446744073709551615
19:04:31  - 0 <= nSharedHits < 2
19:04:31  - 0 <= chi2 < inf
19:04:31  - 8 <= nMeasurements
19:04:31 2.6 <= eta < 4
19:04:31  - -10 <= loc0 < 10
19:04:31  - -150 <= loc1 < 150
19:04:31  - -inf <= time < inf
19:04:31  - -inf <= phi < inf
19:04:31  - -inf <= eta < inf
19:04:31  - 0 <= absEta < inf
19:04:31  - 0.4 <= pt < inf
19:04:31  - 0 <= nHoles < 2
19:04:31  - 0 <= nOutliers < 18446744073709551615
19:04:31  - 0 <= nHoles + nOutliers < 18446744073709551615
19:04:31  - 0 <= nSharedHits < 2
19:04:31  - 0 <= chi2 < inf
19:04:31  - 7 <= nMeasurements
Edited by Pierfrancesco Butti

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