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Allow the possibility of weighting energy-deposits in LArSimHits made by Frozen Showers

LArG4FastSimulation: Allow the possibility of weighting energy-deposits in LArSimHits made by the Frozen Showers code. This is to address the case where a track with a weight from Neutron/Photon Russian Roulette is passed to the Frozen Showers G4FastSimulationModel. This is switched off by default for now to allow validation of the effect.

It can be activated using the following postExec:

--postExec 'sim:cfg.getPublicTool("FastSimulationMasterTool").FastSimulations["FCALFastShower"].ApplyRRWeights=True;cfg.getPublicTool("FastSimulationMasterTool").FastSimulations["FCAL2FastShower"].ApplyRRWeights=True;'

Tagging @cyoung

Edited by John Derek Chapman

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