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Update suite of particle flow ART tests

This MR makes the pflow ART tests use consistent naming schemes, removes two tests that are not needed anymore and adds 3 new tests:

Run 3 pflow reco, adding pflow CP data to the FlowElements, from ttbar ESD - PFRunESDtoAOD_WithJetsTausMET_CPData_mc21_13p6TeV

Run 3 pflow reco, with calibration hit truth cheating turned on, from ttbar ESD - PFRunESDtoAOD_WithJetsTausMET_TruthCheating_mc21_13p6TeV

Run 4 pflow reco + cp reco from ttbar AOD - PFRunESDtoAOD_WithJetsTausMET_mc21_14TeV

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