TrigValTools+TrigInDetValidation: update ART input RDOs to MC23e
This MR is updating most of the RDO files used in trigger ART tests to MC23e (current RDOs are MC23c), relevant ticket: ATR-30394.
- RDOs with pileup use the bulk MC23e rtag (r16083), 2k events per file, ~4 GB
- RDOs without pileup use a custom rtag (r16210, more detail regarding the preInclude/preExec in ATLASSIM-7366), 5k events per file, ~4-5 GB
- 2 ID tests have been renamed (staustau -> selsel or smusmu) to better reflect the input used
- some tests were booking 4 cores in the panda submission but were trying to use 8 at runtime, now request 8 cores
- all grid datasets have been dowloaded to CERN-PROD_TRIG-HLT (infinite lifetime), then soft-linked to /eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/data-art/large-input/trig-val/ (CREMREQ-246), no new file was put on cvmfs
- for each sample, 2 files are made available in TrigValInputs.json for local rerunning of grid tests (if needed, we can add more, all files are available on EOS, there is no space constraint)
- I did not touch the ttbar files on cvmfs, as we need to adapt our steering framework for grid jobs to handle grid datasets by default and to fall back to EOS on demand for local rerunning, also local ART tests currently don't have access to EOS (ATLINFR-5586)
Cheers, Bertrand
Edited by Bertrand Martin Dit Latour