TrigValTools: move ART input files from cvmfs to EOS
This is a continuation of !76176 (merged). This time, I am only moving RDO files from cvmfs to EOS, there is no file update. I didn't move RAW data files, because athenaHLT CI tests using EOS xrootd inputs are systematically failing with this error, to be understood:
WARNING [HLTMPPU::forkChildren(...) at /builds/atlas-tdaq-software/tdaq-cmake/HLTMPPU/src/HLTMPPU.cxx:1007] Configuration Issue: "Timeout reached before number of extra threads reached the desired value. To fix the problem it may help to increase allowedThreadsAtFork and threadWaitTimeout in ExtraParams. Number of extra threads: 15".
The only remaining RDOs with a cvmfs path are the Run4 ones, they live in the PhaseIIUpgrade directory but presumably we can move them to our trigger EOS space at the next occasion.
Cheers, Bertrand
Edited by Bertrand Martin Dit Latour