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Draft: DerivationFrameworkConfiguration+Higgs+JetETMiss+LLP: Another overlap-removal sequencing fix.

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# Copyright (C) 2002-2024 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
# Copyright (C) 2002-2025 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
import sys
@@ -112,10 +112,21 @@ def fromRunArgs(runArgs):
from AthenaServices.MetaDataSvcConfig import MetaDataSvcCfg
cfg.merge(MetaDataSvcCfg(flags, ['IOVDbMetaDataTool']))
# Make a sequence that will run after all other derivation
# algorithms.
cfg.addSequence(CompFactory.AthSequencer('DerivationEndSeq', Sequential=True),
parentName = 'AthAlgSeq')
# Process all derivation formats.
for formatName in formats:
derivationConfig = getattr(DerivationConfigList, f'{formatName}Cfg')
# Now move the end sequence to the end.
seq = cfg.getSequence('AthAlgSeq')
derivationEndSeq = cfg.getSequence('DerivationEndSeq')
seq.Members = [a for a in seq.Members if a is not derivationEndSeq] + [derivationEndSeq]
# Pass-through mode (ignore skimming and accept all events)
if hasattr(runArgs, 'passThrough'):'Pass-through mode was requested. All events will be written to the output.')